Sunday, July 10, 2016

Novel: Three Parts Dead

Novel: Three Parts Dead
Author: Max Gladstone
Rating: 5 of 5

Synopsis: A necromancer lawyer woman must defend a dead god from His creditors.

Longer (spoilerific) synopsis:
The God is a plot device, there to introduce us to the world of the Craft novels and what power humans can have.

We're introduced to a world where people can become necromancers, and become immortal. But, as they do so, they lose their humanity and vitality. Eventually becoming liches.

But, what's that? Gods can accept worship and maintain warmth and life? Well, why can't humans?

That's really what its about. There's a lot of contracts and legal battles. There's intrigue and darkness. Its fantastic.

I'll find the next one soon. I really enjoyed this.


  1. I felt like 98% of the book was amazing. Exactly one scene didn't work, and it didn't really matter once I was past it. I agree with your rating.

  2. Brandes Stoddard And the description was so dense! I reread a couple of paragraphs, to make sure I got the full flavor. Its so good.

    John Hattan Good! I'm glad my review + that of Brandes is enough to convince you.

    Looking over the list of books I've read this year, the best have either been by women, or about women. Maybe only because I have a backlog on such diverse books, but maybe something else is going on.

  3. I think that "this being is able to accept the whole good/bad/victorious/tragic mix of human adulation without closing their heart and just thinking of people as things" is what the novel contends that the divide between God and man is.. The rest is details.

  4. Maybe, Tony Lower-Basch. I think Tara comes to see the world differently after she sees the world through a deific lens. I am hopefully she'll be less jaded in the second novel.

  5. The later novels involve Elayne, but not Tara. Publication order is unrelated to series chronology.

  6. Like Discworld, but more so?

    Is Two Serpents Rise a good second novel?

    Also, I liked Tara. Pout.

  7. I've only read the first so far (best intentions to the contrary), but my wife has really enjoyed the rest of the series.

    The Discworld comparison seems reasonably apt, yeah.

    I am also sad that Tara doesn't continue, though Elayne is pretty great too.

  8. Two Serpents Rise isn't as good as Full Fathom Five, but it's all right. I'd put at at number three. I didn't even make it through Last First Snow.
