Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Correlian Corvette has, as calculated previously, something like 84,000 square feet of potentially useable floor...

A Correlian Corvette has, as calculated previously, something like 84,000 square feet of potentially useable floor space.

Some of that is bedrooms, duty stations, eating rooms. Growing food, scrubbing oxygen and filtering water. That takes a lot of space.

Fully half is decontamination: showers, sinks, hand sanitization procedures, and rooms filled with chlorine. Half the crew are a part of this, and any marines onboard are expected to help.

Docking ship to ship is insanely dangerous; not only do two ships need to align perfectly, but each has it's own viruses. Exposure to that kills crews. Imagine runaway flu spreading through a crew, putting everyone into the medbay.

An air lock needs to cycle chlorine gas along with O2 to kill germs. That all needs to be retained. Chlorine gas is as important as a ship's O2 reserves.

Every few meters, a sanitizer station. You're not expected to use them every time, but people forget, so large ships have more than you need. These rely on the chlorine reserves.

When Stormtroopers broke onto the Tantive IV, those helmets protected them. Not from laser guns, but from those Alderaanan viruses. Before a stormtrooper breaths air, it is decontaminated. Their Navy equivalents don't allow diseases brought back to the Star Destroyer.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Contanmation procedures: a Star Wars / Oxygen Not Included mashup.

Contanmation procedures: a Star Wars / Oxygen Not Included mashup.

Red Alert! Red Alert! Intruders have entered the base!

"Is it Imperials?", asked the green LT while loading up the turbolaser controls. It was his first time as Officer of the Watch, and all that academy training meant one thing.

The Sergeant rolled her eyes, "It's a virus, sir. It's almost always food poisoning. Most likely, a crewman skipped the sink after a shower, or too large a group back from liberty and skipped the hand sanitizer."

She checks a readout, her eyes going wide "Slimelung. Ada just came down. She's on her way to the medbay now."

The LT looks at the Sergeant, "what do we do?"

"Get to the infirmary, sir. Have your system checked out. Officers first, then crew. Anything worse than 50% and you should spend a day in the autodoc, if Ada's not there already. Sir ... "

He stops halfway to the door, "Yes....?"

"If untreated, it's fatal in all cases within 12 days. Standing orders privileges officers over crew, and Ada's crew. You're officer of the watch."

"Understood. I'll get to the medbay as fast as I can, and I promise you Ada will get the doctor's care."

Aaron Griffin

Aaron Griffin

Friday, September 28, 2018

Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

Cycle: the 80s.

There are twelve of us. We have a delightful home. We have good food. We have enough water. Ada is a little bit stressed, but that's because she keeps avoiding the stuffed berry. And no one knows why; it's good!

We've even started bringing in water from a cool steam vent, cooled down before it enters the reservoir. There's even some automation wire to make sure it is cool enough!

We're growing plenty of pincha peppers, and loads of bristle berry. That's good eating, especially the bristle berry that grows under the bugs. The bugs make decent omelettes, but the stuffed berry is better!

The AI that guides us has kept us looking to the left and downward. We've found a leaky oil seam, but haven't done anything with it yet. It seems like we could make plastic with it, but that might be easier with the right critters.

Critters are great. I love wrangling them. The bugs are so pretty!

Obviously, I believe Ford.

Obviously, I believe Ford.

I believe Kavanaugh is part of a culture of rape and abuse. I believe he views women as objects. I think he has used his power and privilege throughout his life for the good of the patriarchy. If I had to place a wager, it'd be firmly on him using his power to have sex with women whose career depend on his good graces. There's a word for that.

I don't think he belongs on the supreme court, or any court. It appears he is a partisan, with a hatred of democrats. That in itself is disqualifying as is, in case there is any doubt, being a rapist.

I also believe Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court before the mid terms.

When that happens, the last unpoliticized pillar of our Republic falls.

A junior dev, during standup: I think 1603 and 1604 went through in the same migration. Pretty sure.

A junior dev, during standup: I think 1603 and 1604 went through in the same migration. Pretty sure.

Me: OK. Look into it, let us know.

Later, in email to all the correct people, the dev: the migration did not include 1604. Apologies for the mistake. I'll migrate it separately later.

Me, to the dev, privately, later: I want to point out something you did in that email.
Him, a little tense: .....
Me: You showed bravery and courage. Mistakes happen and are no big deal. You corrected it as soon as you could. Keep it up.
Him: Thanks!

It's a little like mind control.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Gifts are inefficient.

Gifts are inefficient.

Ok, here's the subset of gift I am referring to:
1. Not specifically asked for. That is, gift registries are not within this claim.

2. Not bought with a preternatural understand of the recicpients desires. There are very few presents I have received as an adult that are something I wanted but would not buy for myself. Most recently, this was a used correlian Corvette from xwing.

3. Not cash. Cash can be an efficient present.

4. Not kids it others who often lack an ability to get things they want.

The majority of presents - Christmas, birthdays, etc - fall into this category. We pretend to thoughtfulness, while actually forcing people to either be rude or accept something they don't want.

Cash is different. Cash empowers the recipient to convert it into what they want. Registries are different; this is a gift of time to do the shopping in behalf of the recipient.

Most of the time? Just give cash.


- Tomaz

Last night, while securing the Pipes of Nothingness for THE BASTION, the HERO GROUP was attacked by a vile LEVIATHAN.

THE GROUP included that great hero of the people Rat (Tony Lower-Basch), and the duo TWILIGHT (Rachael Storey), their activities chronicled by the GOVERNMENTS WITNESS, yours truly. They brought two projection handlers, who have asked not to be named.

Rat and Twlight began by investigating the ancient rail car, where the taps pour emptiness, discovered by Rat between his government missions -- time of his own that he spends investigating that which hunts us.

The rail tracks showed footprints, and our intrepid heroes followed. They discovered a FAMILY living ALONE in the wilderness, who showed the origin of the nothingness.

The FAMILY, as all groups expressing such intimacy, was a TRICK of the LEVIATHANS. Our heroes were caught unawares, against a beast with a dozen dozen eyes, whose limbs were canyon walls.

The unprotected, unshielded handlers nearly took the worst of it; Rat saved them both. Truly a hero of the people. The Rat took damage, and the TWILIGHT was caught unawares by the Leviathan.

It was then that the SHINING STAR appeared, giving the people's heros a moment to collect themselves. The ostentatious super hero stood atop Arachnia, appearing just when things seemed worst and saved the PEOPLE's HEROES.

While Shining Star dealt with the EYES of the Leviathan, TWILIGHT pulled and heaved, and RIPPED a limb of the Leviathan from the ground. They held it aloft, and knew this beast could be conquered.

Meanwhile, RAT moved in. With explosives. He deftly maneuvered to the center of the LEVIATHAN. As it saw what he was about to do, such was it's fear of the ICON OF THE PEOPLE that the beast withdrew.

As the dust settled, SHINING STAR was gone. There are reports that for a moment the Shining Star no longer glowed a rain, instead showing a negative. If so, what does this mean for our heroes?

Our child heroes defeated a LEVITHAN without preparation, without aid. They are truly hero of the people!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Any one know how to do queries from Jira as like from a database?

Any one know how to do queries from Jira as like from a database?

It looks like: The actual data form is not open, and for good reason. But, the API may be able to pull out data through JQL. If that's true, then we could do pulls like:

Select P.Name, count(*)
from Projects as p
left join Issues as I on p.projectID = I.IssueID
where I.Status in ('Open')
Group by P.Name
order by 2 desc

That's what I want to get to. Obviously, I don't really care about the table names and don't know the underlying structure.

Any help?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Civilian starships in Star Wars

Civilian starships in Star Wars

In no particular order:
The Falcon
Slave One
The fighterships working for Lando
The Mon Cal ships, if we take it as cannon that they used to be passenger ships

... for the Original Trilogy, that may be it. I'm intentionally not counting the Rebellion ships, as those are essentially military.

I don't think we ever see a ship of Jabba's.

What do we discover: With the possible exception of the Mon Cal ships, they all have guns. The falcon is a smuggler ship, but Slave One and the fighter ships are essentially military vessels.

So, that's ... horrifying. Even civilian ships are covered in guns.

Me: this is probably a level two bug.

Me: this is probably a level two bug.
Them: this is a task. There's no user story saying users need to be able to log in
Me:..... Nor that the computer be turned on.
Them: but if it's not in the requirements then we can't point the bug to anything.

Me:... Then call it a requirements bug. I don't really care which we classify it as.
Then: you should!
Me:... Maybe I wasn't clear: If it's in the requirements, then it's a code bug. If it isn't, it's a requirements bug. Either way, users need to be able to log in.

Them, shutting down and disengaging from the conversation: I'll talk to the test lead, but I'm not calling out a level two bug that isn't specified to requirements!

Me:..... Leaves.

Me, to boss: I'm worried there's a growing pernicious fear of reporting bugs to the client.
Boss: no way! Bugs are great!
Me: yes. I know that, you know that. Among others, there seems to be a growing fear.
Boss: want me to talk to anyone?
Me: for now, no. Just situational awareness.

My position: not being able to log in is a fucking problem. It's a minor class of users who we have not yet written user stories for, which makes it level two.

Boss's all seem to think the same way. The courageous ones, at least.

Don't get so tripped over the documentation that you forget what we are doing here: building software.

Fiasco in a box: When?

Fiasco in a box: When?

Asking here, in case anyone else has good ideas.

If Jason sees it, great. Don't want to plus him in, as I figure I can start by asking The Crowd.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

Cycle 50ish.
Duplicants: 12. I like having 12.

Bathrooms: Check. Producing polluted water. Considering building a shower.
Oxygen: Check. Contained in the box. I've built two boxes -- one that is cold and has oxygen, one that has oxygen and a lot of electrical equipment. Like the Kitchen.

Food: Check. About 50,000 calories, with 30,000 in pickled meal that no one is allowed to eat. Have not yet produced the zone I really want, but have it setup. I just need more seeds, and I'll have an area with free lights and hydroponic tiles that produces crops with minimal effort.

Shine bugs: Check. Two areas, feeding them gristle berry so they'll produce better bugs. If I can get to Royal bugs, that'll be awesome for everything. Maybe even vital, but that requires peppa bread.

We're also eating all the shine bug eggs, but not the sunny shine bugs. Gosh, that sounds like eugenics. Is selective breeding better?

Power: 3 coal power plants, a half dozen batteries including one smart battery to regulate. Walled in with abyssalyte. Two small power transformers, making two grids. Each has about half the oxygen generators, among other things. While max power would be more than 1,000 ... I'm not worried about peak.

Water: Check. I have plenty, but ..... this is where it gets interesting. I've found a cool steam vent and, just below it, a cold zone. I want that water.

Plan: Build a reservoir in the cold zone, with a water pump. Dump the hot water in. Cycle it into a storage container held in a small room with a wheezlewort. Bring that water into the base, but only if it gets to under 25 degrees.

Reasonable plan?

This is what has caused colony collapse before, so I really don't know.

More thoughts on ships in Star Wars.

More thoughts on ships in Star Wars.

What can we glean from the following:
ISD: 1.6 kilometers long, 60 turbolasers, 60 ion cannons, 72 star fighters, ~10,000 troops, 37,000 crew.

That's not a ship; it is a mobile command base the size of a small city. Much like Asimov's Foundation series, it emphasizes command and control and minimizes the power and relevance of the individual; notice the TIE fighters are after thoughts, not truly capable of harassing a capital ship.

This is a ship for an Empire that maintains a captive population. This is a ship to subdue a world, not to fight an equivalent foe.

Correlian Corvette: 150 meters long, 2 turbolasers, 2 laser cannons, no star fighters, able to carry "hundreds" of pax, crew of 165.

In relationships to an ISD, this is a fast-attack APC, capable of bringing in personnel and material to a hazardous location. Makes sense to pair with X-wings and other similar fighters, which have their own hyperdrive.

The Falcon: 2 crew, laser cannons, torpedoes, able to ferry a dozen people.

That's a smuggler ship, in a world more dangerous than that of Malcon Reynolds.

X-wing: 1 crew + Droid, laser cannons, torpedoes, no cargo and no pax.
Tie Fighter: 1 crew, no droid, laser cannons, no cargo, no pax.

X-wings are versatile space-superiority fighters; tie fighters are single purpose scouts capable of harassing ships like the Corvette, but not an ISD. While an X-wing has a hyperdrive, a TIE fighter does not.

The capability of the X-wing versus the TIE fighter tells us a lot about the philosophical differences between the Empire and the Rebellion; the Empire has command and control, while the Rebellion empowers individuals.

Speaking of command and control: Star Destroyers (battleship / carrier / flag ship role) are helmed by a Captain. This (should) suggest that smaller vessels are commanded by lower-ranked individuals. Perhaps Cruisers are helmed by a Commander, Frigates by a LCDR, and something as small as a Corvette by merely a full LT.

Within the Rebel Alliance, we know the Tantive IV (Leia's consular ship) was helmed by Captain Antillies. We don't know if he was a full Captain, or if this was an honorary rank, such as Captain Solo. While ships fielded by the rebellion grow within the original trilogy -- from Corvette to Frigate to Ackbar's flagship Home One -- the Corvette is the largest rebellion vessel in A New Hope, and serving the heir apparent of the House of Organa is a high-profile assignment.

It seems likely the Tantive IV is the pride of the Alderaanian fleet, and acts as a comparison point of rebellion versus Empire. If so, they truly were a comparitively peaceful people with no weapons, committing themselves to peace in the face of the horrors of the Empire.

Dr Who gets it right: The right situation in a variety of circumstances is "Run!"

Dr Who gets it right: The right situation in a variety of circumstances is "Run!"

That's for when Daleks or gods or the family of blood is actively trying to kill you. Or nearly anyone with a gun.

In other circumstances: Deescalate. Talk. Keep talking. Get them talking. When they are talking, they aren't shooting at you. When they are listening, they aren't talking.

Run. Defuse.

Those are the best self-defense strategies.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Correlian Corvette

Correlian Corvette

At 165 meters, turbolasers, and giant engines the best analogy isn't a cargo truck. It's not even an oil liner; it's more like a military destroyer.

With potentially 84,000 square feet and a cannon-defined passenger space of "hundreds", that's maybe 420 square feet per person; assuming hallways, kitchens, crew quarters, etc then we're talking around 100 square feet per pax. That's not unusual; ships often have small rooms. Even luxury liners.

But, it is peculiar to have room for hundreds of passengers on a military-grade destroyer. That's weird.

What type of ship is it, then?

Some obvious things; it's a universe where being armed and armored makes sense for civilians. We see this in other ships -- the Falcon is essentially an 18 wheeler with an M60 mounted to the roof. In space, where mass is more important than on ground.

And the Corvette is a fast passenger liner with guns and armor. Guns, armor, engines are a lot of expensive overhead and mass to haul around passengers.

I know what that is; it's an APC.

In a universe where the authorities enslave and conscript, it makes sense to be able to run. In a universe with gangsters who'll steal your ship, it makes sense to be capable of fighting back.

That's the scenario under which the Correllian Corvette makes sense; a bleak dystopia where the Titantic needs is more concerned with pirates than icebergs, where Viking River cruises takes the name literally, and Carnival cruise ships have AA guns.

Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

Goal: a self-contained large space with bloom blossoms, sun bugs, and piped water.

Incoming resources to this:
1. Water. For where I am, this means I need coal.
2. Phosphorite for the bugs. Help them become better bugs, which I can use elsewhere.
3. Duplicant labor to groom the bugs.
4. Duplicant labor to harvest.

It should be able to produce a whole slew of decent calories, with minimal duplicant labor. Here's hoping.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Today's 5k: 34:06

Today's 5k: 34:06
Two years ago: 35:28
Three years ago: 37:10

Holy shit.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Both my Senators are way against Kavanaugh, and have been for a while.

Both my Senators are way against Kavanaugh, and have been for a while.

So: Good.

Oxygen not included

Oxygen not included

... and then, sometimes, I restart at cycle 5, or 20.
... because I don't make enough food
... it's always food
... Oxygen is much easier.
... food has, like, lead time and shit.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

We all (very few) know that a Correlian Corvette is 150 meters long.

We all (very few) know that a Correlian Corvette is 150 meters long.

We know this because Wookiepedia says so. It also checks out - an ISD is a mile long, and the ISD that captures the Tantive IV looks about ten times as long.

What we don't know is the interior dimensions.


I know you've all been waiting. Impatiently.

The best person I know, Robert Kopp, gave me his large scale Correlian Corvette from X-wing for my birthday. Sure, he was done with it. Still, I experienced joy at it.

It also means I can do some measurements. Better ones than when I used the small scale a while ago.

Length: 33 cm

Engine Height: 6 cm
Engine Depth: 10 cm
Engine Length: 10 cm

Main Height: 4 cm
Main Depth: 4 cm
Man Length: 16 cm

That's not counting the hammerhead, which should be 33 - 26 = 7 cm. I just measured, and that's about right.

The first measurement anchors the model to the ship; 150m is 15,000 cm, so the ratio is about 1 to 455 (454.545454545). I'm going to call that 450.

Which is to say, 33 cm times 450 is about 150 meters (off by < 2 meters).

This tells us:
Engine Height: 6 x 450 = 27 meters
Engine Depth: 10 x 450 = 45 meters
Engine Length: 10 x 450 = 45 meters

Main Height: 4 x 450 = 18 meters
Main Depth: 4 x 450 = 18 meters
Main Length: 16 x 450 = 72 meters

In my mind, the hammerhead is all about command and control and the main part is all about living -- and, I guess, control of the guns or whatever.

So, how much floor space is this, if we laid it all out?

A height of 18 meters supports, at 3 meters per floor, 6 floors. This is essentially six floors of 18 by 72 meters, so 1,296 square meters per floor -- or 7,776 square meters of potentially useful floor space.

For those of us in the US, that's almost 14,000 square feet per floor. And six floors. So, 84,000 square feet of potentially useful floor space.

The USS Arleigh Burke, a US destroyer, is 154 meters with a crew of 33 commissioned officers, 38 chief petty officers, and 210 enlisted personnel. That's 280 people, and about the same size.

According to wookipedia, the crew of a Correlian Corvette is 165. That's substantially smaller. I'd wager this implies better living conditions.

I have a race this saturday.

I have a race this saturday.

Running has been hard for me this week. I am hopeful tomorrow's sprint will be easier, and that I'll go like the WIND on Satuday.

... I get an A or whatever if I beat my previous times.
... I pass so long as I do it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

To be clear: I believe Ford. Kavanaugh s a rapist.

To be clear: I believe Ford. Kavanaugh s a rapist.

He should be in prison, not adjucating court cases.

And as we know he will perjure himself over being a rapist, I'm also in favor of vacating his convictions. It is too likely he was blackmailed, and I'd rather let 10,000 guilty men go free than convict one free person.

Oxygen Not Included: Planning.

Oxygen Not Included: Planning.

Last time, I survived to cycle 110. I could probably have stretched that and maybe recovered, but I'm calling it good. That's a lot more cycle than ever before.

Lessons learned:
-- Critters are great! Continue to have a ranch that supplies the dining hall and bedroom with nice decor.
-- Water from a cool steam vent is hot and will destroy everything unless properly chilled. Do this through a cold zone. Do not allow in water that is not cold.
-- Or oxygen. Hot O2 is bad.
-- A "box" of oxygen works well. Consider a "blue zone" of fantastic oxygen, and a purple zone of just OK oxygen. Like, don't stress out if the purple zone doesn't have good air, so long as there's generally some good air.
-- Turn mealwood into pickled mealwood, and don't let anyone eat any. Once they say they can't get food, you know you have an emergency.
-- Heat. Kills. Every fucking time
-- The Slime Lung is manageable. But, do try to keep it out, as that is easiest.
-- Space is vast. And I'm not sure what good is up there.
-- What lies beneath?

So, goals for next time:
-- Critters that supply eggs that we will EAT. Make those omlettes GO.
-- Go DOWN instead of UP. Figure out this oil business.
-- Get a cool steam vent operational. I will get one to water my plants.
-- Go to the far LEFT. What is over there?

So, that's what I want: omlettes, down, a cool steam vent that doesn't kill the colony, and get to the left. The opposite of what I normally do: down and to the left, with critters and infinite water.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cycle 110

Cycle 110

It's not so much that we're all dying of slime lung....

... as that so many of us have slime lung we can't solve the food problem.
... and so, cannot solve the heat problem
... and are about to die overheating, starvation, and slime lung all at once.

What I want to happen with Kavanaugh:

What I want to happen with Kavanaugh:
1. Clearly, not on the Supreme Court.
2. Removed from the court of appeals.
3. All of his convictions vacated.

That would be a good start.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

This post includes some minor spoilers.

Cycle: 102

Duplicants: 12
Deaths: 0
Stress: Under control. No collapse expected.
Morale: Relatively high. No collapse expected.

Disease: Under control. There's slime lung throughout the base, and five duplicants spent a few cycles very sick. We have quite the large infirmary, with five beds. No collapse expected.

Water: Original reservoirs used up, now using a cool vent and something like 20t of water is stored. It's hot, and I need to rewire so the water goes through a cold zone before being used. The hot water is causing a food collapse.

Food: Now, less than 10,000 calories due to crop failure due to hot water. Historically, > 100,000 calories. Food has largely been berry's, and gristle berries. I'd like to move this to omlettes as the staple food, but this has proven difficult thus far. Right now, we have a collapse of calories that is the new number one priority to solve.

Oxygen: Contained from cycle 1 to living spaces. No collapse expected.

Critters: Shine bugs domesticated, upgraded to Royal bugs. These provide something like +50 decor in a 7 block radius. They eat phosphorite to remain royal bugs, which is straightforward. We eat a lot of their eggs, and this is generally not enough eggs to feed everyone omlettes. No collapse expected.

Space: FOUND. Exploring, but not yet built anything. Considering a second base way up there, with solar power cells and crap. No collapse expected.

Automation: Minor. A smart battery that can turn off coal plants. No collapse expected.

Power: Two coal plants, one hydrogen plant. Five batteries (I think), three small transformers. 10+ tons of coal present, and essentially infinite hydrogen. No collapse expected.

Coolant: Wheezleworts. Originally, these were in the sandwiched room between the barracks and great hall, now in a hydrogen based cold room. The idea was to use this to cool water and oxygen. It isn't working yet, so I'm considering doing a brute force approach of piping water into the cold zone. Possible collapse: Hot water.

Programming required: Essentially none. There's a lot of inefficiencies, and they don't seem to matter. No collapse expected.

So, that's where I am at 102 cycles: The primary issue is heat, and it's due to not yet finding a good way to cool down large quantities of water.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Oxygen not included: cycle 98

Oxygen not included: cycle 98

We have a water problem.

Next to the base is a cool steam vent, producing more than enough water for the base. It come out real hot.

Some of the water we're turning into oxygen and hydrogen, and some we're trying to use as a primary source of water.

The oxygen we're breathing, the hydrogen we've got two things for: a cold hydrogen room to cool everything down, and burning the rest of it.

Problem is twofold:
1. Things aren't getting cold enough
2. Not pumping the water fast enough. It's overflowing into the base.


Mojack Horseman

Mojack Horseman

Friday, September 14, 2018

I've been looking for years for the space game I want. This could be it.

I've been looking for years for the space game I want. This could be it.

Originally shared by Christoph Sapinsky

I have finally launched my Kickstarter! You can be one of the first to back #FreeSpacer, then tell everyone you can:


1. Nazis are bad.
2. This designer gets that.
3. Free Spacer hasn't funded yet. Wanna help?

Originally shared by Christoph Sapinsky

Regarding MRAs, Nazis, and the ilk.
CC: Posthuman Studios' letter 2014 in response to Adam Jury's recent post

I first heard of Posthuman's announcement about feminism and self-defined "men's rights activists" (MRAs) back in 2014. I was impressed and it made me a fan.

I support feminism's basic principle: treating women as people. Free Spacer is an inclusive game that has the idea of social justice ingrained within it. I have never hidden my politics or claimed to be unbiased. I believe we live in a world where patriarchy and male privilege are real, ongoing problems, and equality for all people, regardless of sex, is a worthy goal.

On top of this, I believe in intersectionality. I stand in solidarity with women, PoC, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ2+, and anyone marginalised. The world is not fair and the patriarchy is a white straight wealthy patriarchy. The future needs to get better and it is up to everyone of us, as we make our way in the world, to make it better.

I want the Free Phase community to be one that is inclusive of all viewpoints, but must draw a line when there is a viewpoint that insists on attacking and offending others as an essential aspect of its existence. Free Spacer is about the future, you can use it to tackle many issues, but you should always do so with respect.

I find the politics of MRAs, Nazis, and their ilk to be toxic, offensive, and completely removed from reality. No matter how they may like to cloak their beliefs in the language of inclusiveness and equality, they support neither, and instead fulminate against the loss of privilege long afforded one half of society at the cost of another. Those who must attack the idea of another's equality to better preserve their own benefits are not the sort we wish to encourage. They're likely to do more harm than good in their toxic concern trolling and false equivalencies. So, I am making clear my stance on the issue and the type of community to which we would like to belong.

Here's my stance, the one that I share with Posthuman Studios: If you self-define as an MRA, nazi, or similar, please do not show up. I don't want you. My community doesn't have room for you. I want to be open and inclusive, but Free Spacer is not the place to debate if women are people or whether you have privilege.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Oxygen not included.

Oxygen not included.
Cycle: 92?

We've dug dug dug up. We don't know why, but now there's all this vaccuum exposed to SPACE.

SPACE, WE HAVE YOU. We are born of a space persons, distilled through fire and death.

Also: we found a comfy bed and a very office. There's no oxygen, but it sure is a nice space. We're considering dissasembling the comfy bed and assembling itwhere we have oxygen.

Meanwhile, back in the base: Just as we were running completely out of water for the bathrooms and crops, we opened up the cool steam vent.

We've prepped storage for 15t of water. It's all too hot, but we're trying to use it for cooking and showering. It's like ~40 degrees.

Short term: Cycle the vents through the nearby cold zone.
Medium term: There's some frozen neutronium in one of the cold zones. Investigate that.

Long term: ROCKETS

In game last night ...

In game last night ...

We're playing a blades hack. We get downtime actions before we go on missions. I'm playing a rebel who has infiltrated state-run media.

GM, to me: What's your first downtime action?
Me: I'd like to start a long-term project to overthrow the oppressive regime and replace it with an egalitarian anarchist state.

GM: I think that's more than one long-term projects.....

Me: ok. Long term project to start a printing press and free the means of communication from the oppressive oligarchy.

GM: ok. What's the paper called?


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Oxygen Not Included: Plans

Oxygen Not Included: Plans

2. Get the second wheezlewhort from the second cold zone I found. Cool the bedrooms (for now) with it.
3. Convert the coal plants tiles to abyssalite, so the heat doesn't get anywhere.

4. The bigger project: Get water from the cool steam geyser. First time!
a. Build out infrastructure, such as water pump and electrolyzers (etc), on dry land. Turn off auto disinfect.
b. Make an airtightish room to be filled with hydrogen. Put at least one wheezlewort in here.
c. Crack open the tile separated the water from the geyser and the water pump.
d. Build out ventilation for the oxygen after it has gone through the cold room.
e. Build out the water systems so the bathroom and (later) the plants are powered by this water, once I know it comes out at a cold temp.
f. profit.
g. Research the steam vent, i guess.

5. Pump out the CO2 from the coal plants, move it through the cold zone move it to the plants that need more atmosphere.

I'll have water that won't run out (though who knows if it'll be enough), delivered where I need it. This'll also produce oxygen.

Here's a starter clock for Malqort

Here's a starter clock for Malqort

Clock 1: Foothold
3: Two missionaries, spreading the word and looking for adventure
6: Tales of heroic deeds of the missionaries are told in bars
9: The missionaries start a church
10: Beginning Lifeless are raised, and start literally cleaning the streets near the church.
11: The People start bringing the bodies of the dead to the Church, and give out small coins to those who show up for Prayer
12: Church is established in the hearts of the locals.

The missionaries will accept any help, and don't mind people of differeing beliefs. They are held by a Vision, and want to tell everyone about how to build a functional society and the proper role of the Church in it. They will wreck the local economy if left alone.

Stopping them:
Violence: You can absolutely kill the missionaries. More will show up, so killing them only delays the problem.
Adventure: They can be destroyed with adventure which delays building the Church, but can fuel their plans
Alternatives: The only way to prevent The People from coming to believe in the goodness of Malqort is to provide an alternative form of support.

That's the first clock. I'm working on more. I've got a few NPCs who're sent from Malqort.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

In the Necromancer Kingdom ...

In the Necromancer Kingdom ...

I want to put these together, have a more or less coherent history. Talk about the rise, the shift to rule by priest, the democratization of priesthood, the experiments in self-governing societies, etc.

These represent a lot of "lonely fun"; I've enjoyed writing most of them, and the very positive side effects have been other people enjoying them. I compared this to writing up a D&D world, except without the complaints when players go off the rails. :-)

Anyway; I think if this were introduced in a campaign I'd want it to be a far-off place that has sent two missionaries. This is really a front which will greatly affect the campaign world if the players do nothing about it; the missionaries will attract people for prayers, raise Lifeless, clean the streets, and generally start creating a positive state.

Eventually, the next group appears. Then another. Then another. This isn't colonization per say, and the total force of from afar missionaries is probably merely in the dozens for a city in the thousands.

Some of these can raise Lifeless. Others are real good masons or farmers or cooks. Some know how to build clean water systems. A few are real good in a fight. They all pray, and the Lifeless hoards grow.

That's an apocalyptic level event for a society that runs on nobility and strength through personal arms. Everything changes if this is left to run.

I think that's a lot of what I want to write about.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Oxygen Not Included.

Oxygen Not Included.
Cycle: In the 80s, probably. Maybe the 70s.

Ada visited the neural facilitator, and can now regenerate a lot each turn. We're going to send her up to learn about the chlorine geyser, then the water geyser.

She won't like it; she doesn't have the morale. Still, she'll be fine. We'll fix her up.

We've found yet another computer system, and have no idea what's up there.

We've got to be getting close to space. We've traveled up so far.

Space: Where are you?

Sunday, September 9, 2018

I've been running for 20 minutes (nearly) every weekday since I started my new job.

I've been running for 20 minutes (nearly) every weekday since I started my new job.

I've also been running a 5k on the weekends, outside when possible.

Not this weekend. I didn't feel up to it yesterday, and today I got started and talked myself into quitting after less than ten minutes.

That's weirdly short. I don't know what my brain was thinking. Brains are weird.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

At the moment when we need him most, Barrack is back:

At the moment when we need him most, Barrack is back:

I'm honestly choked up. I'd almost forgotten how a President speaks to America, what decency reads like, and I thought he'd left us.

The actionable message: Vote.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Oxygen not included, cycle: 73ish?

Oxygen not included, cycle: 73ish?

It's rough knowing what day it. I've had the slime lung for several.

Not just me, either. For the last several cycles, five of us had the slime lung. Burt had it first, but got better just as the rest of us got sick.

When I woke up, we still had 100,000 calories (somehow), and everyone else was laboring to build new water pipes. I'm the Chief Architect, so I lent a hand while recovering.

We did in one cycle with a dozen people what they couldn't do in ten with seven.

The sick bay was our old barracks, now decommissioned. I'd overseen the building of a new barracks, with masterpiece pictures on the wall and visibility to the royal shine bugs between the new barracks and dining hall.

We got the slime lung while looking for the frozen zone. We were looking for a wort plant to cool down our base -- and found one! In the last few cycles, the bedroom we were cooling went from 27 degrees to 18! That's too cold, now we can cool off the other half!

So: we're all alive. We're better. There's slime lung all up in our base, but we seem to be getting better. Now that we're better and have new water, it's time to go digging up again!

Space: We will find you!

That guy what is the problem: People aren't communicating their blockers.

That guy what is the problem: People aren't communicating their blockers.
Me: Yes. They. Are. From day one, my testers are telling me they are blocked.
That guy: Then they don't understand they need to wait for development.
Me: No. Dev has already happened. They are waiting on migration.
That guy: Yeah, I think that's a communication and misunderstanding of the process.
Me: You said it's that they aren't saying they are blocked. They are. So, what are you saying?
That guy: That they aren't communicating well and don't understand the process.
Me: Yeah, I don't know what that means. You'll need to explain it better.
That guy: If we want to talk for the next ten minutes about it, ok....
Me: You said they weren't mentioning their blocks. They are. From day one. So, if you want to be more specific, go ahead and email me offline.

I give you that guy. He later called new people like children. I intensely dislike that guy.

This weekend is WASHING CON

This weekend is WASHING CON

The best board game con in DC proper.

See you there?

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Last night, we started a new Forged in the Dark game. Girl By Moonlight.

Last night, we started a new Forged in the Dark game. Girl By Moonlight.

This is being run by George Austin. Rachael Storey and Tony Lower-Basch and Davey Cruz and Ariana Tobias and others are involved.

What this game is designed as: Magical Girls anime fiction, mechapilot girls fighting their shitty government and the Leviathans that predate on humanity's last bastion.

What we're using it as: It's like a western, but not. The City is humanity's last bastion that we know of. There's six shooters and other such things, probably. There's a repressive government, but trying to save humanity is hard work. We were really concerned about avoiding the whole cultural imperialism that is in westerns, but wanted some trappings.

It's like this: When the earth sent out a beacon to other dimensions, and everything went and cracked open. Now, we're trying to stay alive and keep our city alive in this other place. The City moves, and is on the back of a giant turtle.

Well, I see turtle. It's a monster critter one of the kids done brought back, and it keeps us moving. We take turns keeping it moving.

If you stay outside the bastion for too long, you attract a monster. That is: the abyss stares back at you. Your own greatest fear manifests and follows you home. You can never interface with it.

Who my character is: During char gen, we choose two descriptive words. I went with civilian and rebel. Because I aim to misbehave, and I ain't no hero.

Origin of powers i like this: Few years ago I went out looking for my kid sister, who got lost outside the bastion when we started to move. She took her teddy bear. I never did find her.

When I was sad and depressed and scares and was about to give up all hope, I found Teddy. Except now, Teddy moves and can shapeshift and talks all creepy. It scares me, that's for sure.

With that, I wanted to be both a civilian and a rebel.

We decided the team was kept in line through gilded cages -- we are treated better than others, so long as we stay in line. With the back story I had in mind and being a civilian and a rebel, that was seeming harder.

I pick up the character sheet of The Enigma -- your transcendent self and mundane self are entirely different. No one knows they are the same.

Then, boom: Embedded official journalist, writing official propaganda and writing bad about the government. I'm a bad journalist -- I disappear whenever the action starts.

Should be good gaming. I'm looking forward to our first full session.

History will tell if the NYT's source is a patriot, coward, or collaborator.

History will tell if the NYT's source is a patriot, coward, or collaborator.

One thing's for sure: Bob Woodward is a truth teller. He's brought down President's before, though then with anonymous sources. Now, he's got the tapes.

Imagine if Deep Throat had the tapes.

Could it be the source for the NYT's piece published not for the impact on that asshole, but to get us all to ignore Bob Woodward?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Oxygen not included.

Oxygen not included.

There are eight of us. We all have jobs. We are building, and heading upwards towards space.

We have been wandering why. Sure, we want to survive but we aren't sure what we've been building. We've got bedrooms and a nice place to eat and enough oxygen, but what's the point?

We are just duplicants; we're not real people. We know that. We build things. We're guided by a hyper smart AI, who seems to have other interests in mind than merely our safety.

What are those interests?

Our asteroid is overwhelmed with algae, water, slime, cold, volcanoes, and who knows what else. When we get close to the worst of it, we get sick and die.

Why are we rebuilding this ship, with our lives that are nasty, brutush, and short?

Are there passengers? Are we on the way to somewhere that needs our help? Or, are we merely going through the motions, part of an error routine?

Liches in the Concordance of Malqort.

Liches in the Concordance of Malqort.

Officially, doctrine holds that liches are impossible. And a violation of religious canon, which holds that creatures should hold one of the three pillars of life: Body, Spirit, or Mind. Lifeless have body, Ghosts have Spirit.

Liches have body, mind, and spirit.

In practice, liches are merely unlikely. And often the most dedicated servants of the faith.

Liches are an emergent phenomenon. When you focus yourself towards a goal within a location charged by Lifeless, you may become a lich.

Occasionally, a researcher will emerge from a cloister with a new research formula, only to discover that their skin has fallen off and they are tied to that formula for forever. Existing so long as it does, and changing as new versions are found.

The Faithful generally do not know this.

The creators of the greatest means of creating Lifeless are liches. They changes as these formulas do, personality and concern changing as these do. Some liches even have version control for there personality constructs, not allowing in changes to formulas until they are sure it'll work.

Sometimes, they split and create two liches from one original soul, essentially as changes are too large to be held together as one spirit.

The lich cannot be destroyed so long as the formula exists, and can recreate the formula if it is lost from knowledge. Because they can write things down.

Negas Zek is donald trump. The Ferengi are white (Ferengi) supremacists.

Negas Zek is donald trump. The Ferengi are white (Ferengi) supremacists.

Zek, unlike DT, gets better with age.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Oxygen not included, cycle: In the 20s, maybe 30s.

Oxygen not included, cycle: In the 20s, maybe 30s.

We're looking for an artist to join the seven of us. To be our eighth. We've rejected three possibilities, as none were artists. That is, we've rejected three different times! We could have ten of us, but no artists. We need one.

We need some masterpieces and while Bubbles tries, they produces mediocre art. Eventually, we'd like a dozen members of our collective.

We're trying out a very different topology than the historical manuals show has happened before.

Way back in cycle 1, we built a water lock. We still have it, and also a few air locks. Walking through the water is stressful, but kept the oxygen contained.

As we've expanded, the oxygynated part of the base has stayed very small. All the crops are outside. The coal plants are outside. We dig outside. We still have a small amount of oxylite, in the mess hall.

The pressure is falling on the crops. We're considering moving carbon dioxide from the coal plant to the crops, so they have pressure. Heat is a problem if we do that.

We have something like 20,000 calories. And the oxygenated core of the base has very nice oxygen. We sleep and eat in oxygen, and hold our breath outside. We are very good at holding our breath. We've planted every seed, and have unused planters. The best ones, waiting for the right seeds.

There are two things we want this time:
0. Water lock and a small oxygynated portion of the base.
1. Find space. Keep going UP until we can't go up anymore.
2. Use a critter station. Which, apparently, means getting some plastic.

There is a family of light bugs we trapped who give all the light most of our blossoms need. There's another family of light bugs who are going to make very nice bedrooms, when we get to that. They have an egg, and it is a sun nymph (!).

Some other plans:
1. Cold Hydrogen room. I'll have a water purifier soon. I'll use that to make fresh water, which I'll turn into oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen I want to turn into a cold hydrogen room, to loop the oxygen through before releasing it to the wild. I'll do the same thing with water, so crops gets chilled water. That should maybe be enough coolant for a long time. I'll need to find wort plants first.

2. Slime purifier. I want a slime purifier. Get more algae. That being said, I need much less algae so I need to rely on such measures much less.

3. Fancy bedroom. For those jobs where the +6 morale from a great hall (why I need a decent artist) isn't quite enough, I want to try out the fancy bedrooms.

I played way too fucking long yesterday. Still, I have yet to accomplish my first goal: find space.