Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Q: How was the wedding?

Q: How was the wedding?
Me: Well, the barterer was unable to make it, the caterer was late ... and it was AWESOME.

I've had that conversation maybe a dozen times in the past two weeks. And I want to tell you all about it.

The officiant asked us all the right questions, the Best Man had a wonderful speech, and the booze was flowing. Not to mention that the pizza was amazing, the art on the walls was pretty, and the board games playable.

 You want Evidence? Ok, we've attached a few pictures.

There are, quite literally, hundreds of additional photos on Maggie's website. If you want to check those out, or buy a few prints, go here:

And, last but not least, thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. A very special thanks to our parents, our Adventuring Party and a few VIPs (you know who you are!)