Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rebuild 3 is delightful.

Rebuild 3 is delightful.

I'm on the second mission, and it is taking longer than I really want it to. I'm into a slog -- I need to completely finish off a faction or two, and that takes a lot of time.

In Nudge, Thaler and Sunstein discuss the notion of libertarian paternalism.

In Nudge, Thaler and Sunstein discuss the notion of libertarian paternalism.

This holds two things as true:
1. You should, in all cases, be able to make your own decisions.
2. The default decision should be a good one.

Obvious examples:
1. Automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans, and into a target year fund.
2. On a cafeteria-style lunch line, put the salad first and the dessert last. Make it so I have to reach across the oranges to even get to the snickers.
3. Enroll every kiddo in gym, health class, and some math.

In all sorts of ways, we make the default buyer beware, rather than positive. Our default mortgages are low-downpayment and high interest. Credit Cards make it easy to carry a balance. We offer illusionary convenience as the default, and make it seem unreasonable to live debt free.

We do this to ourselves in a bunch of different areas; we make life more expensive, poorer, and less healthy by the way we structure decisions for others.

And here's the best part: It in no way impacts your freedom if the default is good for you. You are still free to pay the minimum, get an ARM loan, or eat a dozen snickers bars.

Freedom may be the freedom to make stupid decisions (and starve due to it), but freedom isn't the freedom to have the deck stacked against you.

Friday, May 29, 2015



our weekly game night (Thursday, at the Complete Strategist in Falls Church. Show up at six for sushi, or seven for game!) rotates games and GMs. We do pitch sessions. Our games are often heroic, with a lean towards the bizarre.

Last night, everyone played World Wide Wrestling; I ran it. Six players, one GM.

Due to a technical glitch on my end, I was armed with the free public materials; which were more than sufficient.

This game has things every AW hack should have:
1. A list of what I need to bring.
2. Fantastic GM facing materials (a list of hard versus soft moves! Principles! Explained Agenda!)
3. What To Do In The First Session Sheet.

So. Good.

A few other things -- none of us know anything about wrestling. Between the wrestling move sheet (pictures!), and thinking of it as a layer performance (play a performer playing a wrestler), we were able to get into it.

So, what happened in our game? Well, we were the International Ballistic Intercontinental Wrestling Championship -- economies came and went based on how well they wrestled.

Scripting what interview segments between matches threw me at first, but we got it thanks to the materials. I had scripted to ensure everyone was in a match -- two, actually.  I wanted three matches of 2x2, followed by a "losers" match with four, then a winner versus the champion. We almost got that, but with some big changes to the script.

The scripting out what happens in advance is delightful, and having it change based on players doing their job well is great. You plan, but know the plans get thrown out.

Highly recommended.

A lot was going on yesterday and meant I was really running on vapors: Hopefully my comment about expiring links...

A lot was going on yesterday and meant I was really running on vapors: Hopefully my comment about expiring links didn't cause too many people upsettedness.

Which is to say: I was being a bit of a shit due to unrelated reasons.

Soon: All the greatness from WWW!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

About to download and print the WWW documents I paid for.

About to download and print the WWW documents I paid for.

And the download link is expired. And I didn't get it into my G drive.

Who uses a 24 hour link, anyway? And who doesn't save things to the G drive?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I asked for something sweet. Dianne made chocolate cake. Just a normal Tuesday.

I asked for something sweet. Dianne made chocolate cake. Just a normal Tuesday.

This is perfectly scrambled eggs, homemade buttermilk biscuit, goat cheese, and a rasperberry-chipotle-cocoa jam.

This is perfectly scrambled eggs, homemade buttermilk biscuit, goat cheese, and a rasperberry-chipotle-cocoa jam. And that coffee? Cold brew, not iced.

Made by Dianne Harris 

Makes a body strong.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Whenever I comment in feminist G+ posts, I'm always worried I'll come across as a jerkass.

Whenever I comment in feminist G+ posts, I'm always worried I'll come across as a jerkass. I hope I'll be called on it if I do.

"The Glorious People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road" exists today.

"The Glorious People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road" exists today.

Today, the people's barricade has grown to include a quarter of the city. Today, there are no classes, no rich and no poor. Love is reasonably priced.

And all eggs are hard boiled.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tomorrow is the glorious 25th of May.

Tomorrow is the glorious 25th of May.

If you were there, or if you remember, or if you just want to honor those that were, wear a lilac.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

If you ever wander why I think what I do, remember number 16.

If you ever wander why I think what I do, remember number 16.

I do this precisely all the time. Right now, in fact. 

I did it at Nerdly. I do it when I sleep. I do it all the time.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nerdly, I am looking forward to you. Oh man, am I ever.

Monday, May 11, 2015

I've been playing this new larp. It is a solo larp....

I've been playing this new larp. It is a solo larp....

Last week, I ran 5 times, for a total of 10.4 miles. I've run away from a lot of zombies, and doubt I'd run at all if not for the zombies run ap.

The game has some downsides around agency and figuring out the right level of difficulty for the town sub-game, but it is really immersive.

I'm not sure if I think of it as a video game, a kinesthetic audio book, or a solo larp. It is delightful that it crosses so many media types, and hits so many of my buttons. It is remarkable that it has gotten me to obsess over running.

I wonder if they have larpwrites, and if they are concerned about agency. I'd feel much more connected to the story and the characters if my actions did more than keep the zombies away from me.

Thoughts on other games with minimal agency but high immersion? Or how those variables interact in other games?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

For the last year and more, most of the high impact gaming I've done has involved personal stakes that don't have...

For the last year and more, most of the high impact gaming I've done has involved personal stakes that don't have huge impact in the world around them. For example: if you tell the truth to a tribunal, or if you give HIV to your lover, or if you get away with the con.

In a very long 4e game, there are a couple moments that struck with me. I'm not sure how to replicate the feels from these moments in other games. Though, maybe I'll learn at Nerdly.

Those moments? A perfectly timed wizard daily that stopped an opponent in her tracks and won the day -- not because the spell was so powerful, but because it was used so well.

Or, taking out a dragon, and giving its heart and part of its loot to a friend of the party, who was able to build a better life due to the resultant fame and fortune.

The first is partially resource management, partially system mastery, partially just dumb luck. The second is having power and money, and being willing to use it to help others.

Indie games where you are rich and powerful -- and pure of heart -- seem fairly uncommon. Maybe Katanas and Trenchcoats, but that's hard to take seriously.  I'd love to hear about games that can scratch those itches.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

ok, internet. You tell me something: Why is there much Ikea hate?

ok, internet. You tell me something: Why is there much Ikea hate?

Edit: For emphasis -- Ikea as opposed to other places to buy furniture. Not, say, the idea of furniture. That's a different discussion.

Monday, May 4, 2015

You guys, I just accidentally did a 5k on a treadmill. 48 minutes.

You guys, I just accidentally did a 5k on a treadmill. 48 minutes.

I've been training for a month, more or less. Back  in September, I dislocated me knee and couldn't walk. This is a big fucking deal.

I'm going to be sore as shit tomorrow, that's for sure. Worth it.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Couldn't stand In Your Eyes, stopped halfway through. Turned on girls instead. Internet, am I done with Joss Whedon?