Thursday, July 28, 2016

How lucky we are to be alive right now:

How lucky we are to be alive right now:
1. Air conditioning.
2. Fajitas (or, that is, vegetables from far away grilled up with some guac and tomatoes.)
3. Most headaches are easily solveable with cheap, OTC drugs.
4. Knowing that if my clothes stop fitting, I can return them for different ones.


  1. Light on demand
    Water on demand
    Entertainment on demand
    Access to a highly trained doctor on demand (being able to afford the service is still an issue, but just being able to get to one is still a big deal for most of the world)

  2. All of these, yes, David Rothfeder . My initial four were ones I was currently thinking about.

  3. Absolutely, just adding to the list of 'oh wait this is amazing'

  4. Ice cold soda in a can made of aluminum. A couple of cases of cold canned coke in 1800 and I would be a god.

  5. Dianne Harris Yeah! Liquid, cold sugar water encased in aluminum?


  6. Wait, 1800's me doesn't understand. Metal that isn't heavy?

  7. Aluminum was a precious metal along the lines of gold and silver until 1886

  8. And just like that, I have an adventure. Travel to France and steal the secret of making cheap aluminium, so that the British Empire isn't surpassed in airship technology by the French and the Confederates.

  9. Well aluminum is always wrapped in a sapphire skin, so it's pretty fancy.

  10. Andrew Ragland That ties into my wanting to do a pirate or privateer game really well.

    Obviously, air pirates!
    And, just as clearly, surrounding the economics of cheap aluminum. Yes!

  11. William Nichols​ I recommend FASA's 1879. Air pirates before rigid gasbags, vying for the material that will make zeppelins possible.

  12. Wait, Andrew Ragland​, what were the air pirates using before Zeppelin? I am intrigued.

  13. Guacamole alone is a boon unto all mankind! Made sublime with the addition of fajitas.

  14. Where do you get clothes you can trade in for the right size? Or are you paying twice or haven't worn them yet?

  15. Giffards, flexible gasbags with wooden gondolas. Very dangerous.

  16. Gretchen S. LL Bean: Return any item at any time if you are not 100% satisfied.

    I probably won't return a wardrobe and ask for a new one a size smaller, but I could.

  17. William Nichols I just heard a Planet Money podcast on that! I don't think I'd be able to if I'd worn it, even though they're so remarkably unjudgmental. Habit!

  18. I've also had those clothes rip, and those I absolutely bring back.
