Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20: 219.4, up 1.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for Aug 3.

July 20: 219.4, up 1.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for Aug 3.

This is what happens when I return to the office and sit for hours. I felt too crappy when I got home to do much -- I'd been working from home for two weeks. When I get home tonight, I'll do all of the things.

Food and exercise in the comments.


  1. Breakfast: homemade bread & jam
    snack: tomatoes
    lunch: Leftover pasta
    snack: Soylent
    Dinner: veggie tacos (3), homemade
    Desert: Melon.

    Exercise: None to speak of.

  2. Sometimes when I don't want to exercise, I get dressed and warm up anyway, then decide.

  3. That's not a bad idea, Aaron Griffin . Yesterday, I felt sick.

    An increase of 1.2 isn't the end of the world, nor is it the largest single day increase. Not even in the top 3. I'm not worried yet, I'm just annoyed.

    And today? I'm planning on a few things:
    1. Soylent. Who needs solid food?
    2. Reading in the pool after work.
    3. Running a 5k, probably after dinner.

    That's the plan. We'll see what happens. This is me making possibly unhealthy short term decisions to win a bet. Bets are ridiculous.
