Saturday, March 31, 2018

I finally read my copy of Keith Stetson's Secco Creek.

I finally read my copy of Keith Stetson's Secco Creek.

It reads like the tightest, best constructed of Fiasco playsets, with mechanics to learn towards the serious.

I want to play this. Then I want to run it. Then I want to play it again.

215.2 - down most of a pound from yesterday morning.

215.2 - down most of a pound from yesterday morning.

Not bad. Goal is to hit the low 213's sometime this week. Given the sort of swings that occur for me, that seems reasonable.

I ran a 5k last night. On the treadmill, despite it being a gorgeous night. Right now, I can better control how fast I run on the treadmill -- though, soon, I want to start training outside.

There's a 5k race I've done twice. I'm shooting to do it again, and beat my previous times. I'm not a fast runner -- I'm fat and have a bad knee, so I never will be -- but I enjoy knowing it is something I can do.

This is harder than I remember it being, and I think there's three reasons for that:
1. It is early in the season, and I'm still waking up from Winter torpor.

2. My job has gotten more stressful and more time consuming, so it is harder to get home at 5:30 and run -- instead I get home at 6:30. This isn't really a complaint -- I got a big promotion back in October, and am mostly doing the job I want. And, if I do it right, this job gets eliminated in a year or two.

3. The incentives are less motivating. The bets that are on the line will, if I lose, make the world marginally worse for myself and my friends -- but a relatively large amount of money going to an evil organization with my name attached ... yeah. By this I mean the subjective feeling of pressure is much reduced -- it merely gnaws at me, rather than screaming in the constant forefront of my mind.

I prefer this way. I think it'll still work.

Friday, March 30, 2018

After a run, I'm at 215.2 -- down most of a pound from when I woke up.

After a run, I'm at 215.2 -- down most of a pound from when I woke up.

So, woot.

How much of my work life is spent trying to get people to give me unique identifiers in addition to descriptive...

How much of my work life is spent trying to get people to give me unique identifiers in addition to descriptive names?

Essentially all of it.

216.0. Up again. Eight Seven weeks until Nerdly.

216.0. Up again. Eight Seven weeks until Nerdly.

I've forgotten how hard this can be. Still, this week I hit under 214.5, which was great. If I hit 213 sometime next week, then I'm fine.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

215.6. Up most of a pound.

215.6. Up most of a pound.

I was hungry most of the day -- I even forgot to each lunch -- but dinner must've been too large.

Big swings happen. I'll work out tonight and see what happens tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

214.8. Up a little. Variance happens.

214.8. Up a little. Variance happens.

If I hit under 214 this week, I'll be real pleased.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

At the Amazon store this weekend, I found their RPG collection.

At the Amazon store this weekend, I found their RPG collection.

Mostly pathfinder and D&D, as expected.

Earlier that day, my wife and I'd had a discussion on what the con is of peasants. So, I look up the peasant. It's in the back, with the humans.

Con: 10. All the stats are ten. Peasants are exactly average.

I look around at the other human-types, and notice 10 is the low point.... there's only one human-type wth lower than a ten in anything. Someone doesn't understand the definition of "average".

The human with less than a 10 is the "tribal warrior", whose got 8 INT and 8 Charisma.

What racist bullshit.



That's better. 8 and a half weeks until Nerdly, and less than five pounds.

I am sick today. Like, staying home laying on the couch all day sick. I feel like something has died inside of me.

Monday, March 26, 2018



Less than 9 weeks until Nerdly.

I haven't been doing super good on this one, guys. I'm going to go back to daily updates, which should help keep me on better track.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Marks come in categories.

Marks come in categories.

Basic moves have you roll number of dice equal to the number of marks in a category. And on a 10+, you get a mark in a different category. On a 1, you get a basic or capitalism mark. These are generally not great.

When you do execute a risky order, roll your Noticed By An Officer marks. For your first six, gain a growth mark. For each additional six, gain a promotion mark. For each 1, gain a Capitalism mark.

Basically that. Gain good things on a 6, and shitty things on a 1. Sometimes, sixes can cancel out a 1, but that's kinda boring.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

This happened today.

Originally shared by Rebecca Jane Stokes

This happened today. Let’s not let hate win.

Night Witches, in space and capitalism is nazis.

Night Witches, in space and capitalism is nazis. And every damn thing is a mark. There aren't even stats, just marks you take that affect when you get bonuses. More on that later.

The moves make you take marks. The marks are in different categories, for the different type of crap the game is about. There's more categories of these marks, but here's the ones you need to understand some basic moves so far.

Completely under development. This is crazy conceptual, and I'm thinking about it.

When you do something under fire, roll 2d6. Add anything that applies. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9: mixed success: you do it but also take a basic mark. On a 6-, you take a basic mark.

When you execute a risky order, roll 2d6. On a 10+, you do it and take a growth mark. On a 7-9, mixed success: you do it but also take a basic mark. On a 6-, you take a basic mark.

When you try your hand at the free market, roll 2d6. On a 10+, success! Take a Wealth mark, if you can. On a 7-9, mixed success: take a wealth mark, and also take a basic mark. On a 6-: catastrophe -- you are noticed by an officer.

Basic Marks
Put yourself in harm's way for profit for yourself
Put yourself in harm's way for profit for the officers
Get Promoted x 3
Gain an Ally onboard
Gain an ally offship
Get Noticed By An Officer
Mistreat a friend. Gain 2 credits. Afterward, you can take Wealth marks.

Growth Marks
Prepare a new meal perfectly
Change the water scrubbers or air filters
Lead the charge against pirates
Stop a drunk onboard
Take a bridge watch. All on your own.
Patch someone up, imprecisely. It will leave a scar.
Complete a sale for profit

Wealth Marks
Gain 1 credit, in a cred chip
Gain 3 credits worth of food
Gain 5 credits worth of oxygen
Gain 10 credits worth of artwork
Gain 20 credits, in a tracked shipnet account

Things you can buy for a credit:
-- Food and lodging offship for a time, if your tastes aren't too grand.
-- Convert a wealth mark into a cred chip
-- A night's drinking at a public house

For five credits:
-- Private food and lodging offship for a time
-- A safe space to store credits
-- A night's drinking and entertainment at an upscale entertainment

Friday, March 23, 2018

Realization: The game isn't Night Witches but on a spaceship and everything's a mark.

Realization: The game isn't Night Witches but on a spaceship and everything's a mark. That's boring, the nternet was right.

No, the game is: Night Witches on a spaceship, everything is a mark and Capitalism is the Nazis / psychic maelstrom / what's wrong with the world.

You can play into it, gaining rank and privilege and losing humanity. Or you can say fuck it and ignore it. Or, you can work against it.

Of course, sometimes you try to play into it and it fucks you anyway. Because capitalism doesn't care about you.

And what rips you away from loved ones, makes you do things you do not enjoy, and create hierarchies based on the most base of attributes?

That's right: Bullshit.



Including this gem: (emphasis mine)
Richard W. Gates III, 45, of Richmond, Va., pleaded guilty on Feb. 23, 2018, to a superseding criminal information that includes: count one of the indictment, which charges conspiracy against the United States

Client: How is this database updated? I thought you weren't updating it?

Client: How is this database updated? I thought you weren't updating it?
Me: I'm not sure where you heard that. The databases talk to each other.

Client: But how is it updated? I thought you weren't updating it anymore?
Me: Not manually, no. Databases talk to each other.

Client: But how.
Me: ... With a remote server connection, involving an insert statement from a view based off a series of joins into the output table on the reporting server....

Client: I don't understand that. How do you update it?
Me: ... magic.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mickey Schulz has graciously offered to tell me how rich people view folks from less privileged strata.

Mickey Schulz has graciously offered to tell me how rich people view folks from less privileged strata. She asked for it to be on a new post, and I figured I might as well host.

Why I need this: My grantparents went to college, my parents have post-graduate degrees. So do I. Our household income puts my household comfortably in the upper 20%. So, I need to be reminded how I come across and of my privilege.

So, without further adieu: Mickey?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Just a reminder: If you ever get banned from a con, you probably did something shitty.

Just a reminder: If you ever get banned from a con, you probably did something shitty. The con isn't required to let you in. And, if your career somehow depends on going to the con? Then do try not to piss of the showrunners.

It's also not "privilege" to not be banned.

This regards nothing at all in my life. I read a post, and this is essentially subtweeting.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Today: 216.0

Today: 216.0

6 pounds and 9 weeks remain. I'm only down about a half pound in the last week, which is OK. Fluctuations, plus a lot of work.


If I fail: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda.

If I win: Kim will write an article on use of power in Marvel movies and it's political consequences in Civil War versus Black Panther. Dylan will hand over $25 to Give Directly. Dianne will see a movie of my choice, and not complain for 24 hours.

Note: I'm really quite torn about that last one. My lady love enjoys complaining about movies.

I'd be happy to add more stakes. Any takers?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Lifehack: My chromebook wasn't able to cast anymore. It was all choppy and shitty.

Lifehack: My chromebook wasn't able to cast anymore. It was all choppy and shitty.

Enter powerwash. Let google reinstall everything & update the firmware.

Now it's beautiful.

You guys:

You guys:
Conor Lamb Democrat 113,720 49.8%
Rick Saccone Republican 113,079 49.6
Drew Miller Libertarian 1,378 0.6

Notice something: The number of people voting for the Libertarian is double the difference between Lamb and Saccone.

Vote. And vote for a candidate who can win. The stakes are too high to mess around.

Source: NYT.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Is Westmoreland County evil liars who are defrauding an election, or just incompetent?

Monday, March 12, 2018

Would you want to play this?

Would you want to play this?

You are on the graveyard shift of the Mckendrick-class cargo vessel, serial number CLY-3401C. You are employees of the corp, living in crew berthing. It's long hours, cramped conditions, and no goddamn privacy at all. But hey, at least the pay is for shit.

There's around forty crew, but you only know a handful. The dozen passenger are snooty and demanding. The officers are better left alone -- if you get on their radar, your workload will double and you'll lose sleep.

The people making the real money are the ones leading jobs off ship. And the officers. And the owners. Not you. Will you change that?

Saturday, March 10, 2018



So, it's like Night Witches
... except everything's a mark.
... and there's no stats
... and character descriptions give bonuses in specific circumstances, kinda like Fate Aspects
... and stake setting is explicit, like in Levi / Justin's works.
... and character creation is about choosing your starting marks. These are essentially positive.

... and you're all coworkers on a long-haul spaceship
... and money is explicitly a part of the game
... and it is tied to rank.
... and rank is a mark.
... and I'm not sure about the details yet.

Today: Back into the 217s, as expected.

Today: Back into the 217s, as expected.

And that's ok! Variance is a thing, and what matters is I hit a certain goal before a specific date. So far, on track for that.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Mathletes: Remind me: What happens to the probability of rolling a combined total of a six or less on:

Mathletes: Remind me: What happens to the probability of rolling a combined total of a six or less on:
three dice, take the worst two
two dice, take two
three dce, take the best two
four dice, take the best two
five dice, take the best two

Basically, what happens if "advantage" and "disadntange" replace bonuses in a 2d6 system?

Fuck it, I'm using Marks for this.

Fuck it, I'm using Marks for this. Because marks are fantastic tech, and I'm stealing it from Jason. Np XP anymore -- just marks and advancement.

Continuing on with economic spaceship fiction ....

Continuing on with economic spaceship fiction ....

When you ask for help, roll +Empathy. On a 10+, you get the help you need. On a 7-9, choose one. If it's a PC, they choose.
-- They'll help you out, but to a lesser or crappy extent.
-- They'll help you out, but need a favor first.
-- They'll help you out, but will suffer if they do it. You take a mark.

When you ask for help from someone you've got an Hx with, you can also choose one of these:
-- They help but right, but will call in a big big favor later.
-- They can't help, but your good nature is obvious. Lower your stress by one.

Today: 216.2

Today: 216.2

Down a pound from yesterday. I suppose I was hungry most of the day, but figured a night out would have upended all of that.

Oh, also, I want to mention a thing I've learned to do: Express gratitude when someone informs you of something you've done wrong, especially if they tell you how to fix it. Easy examples: spelling a name wrong, or using the wrong pronoun. Instead of saying "I'm sorry", instead "Thank you".

Maybe everybody already knows this! It redirects the attention back to the person informing you of a limit and made everything better for everyone.


Stakes: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda. None of us will get to read an article by Kim on the use of power in Marvel movies and it's political consequences in Civil War versus Black Panther. Give Directly won't get $25 from Dylan. Dianne won't see a movie complaint free.for the next 24 hours.

With 6.5 or so pounds to go and 10 weeks, I think I'm doing pretty OK. I do expect to rebound over the next couple of days or so, as that's a pretty common pattern.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Today: 217.4

Today: 217.4

Not bad. 7.5 pounds to go, and more than 10 weeks until Nerdly.

Stakes: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda. I'll never get to read an article by Kim on the use of power in Marvel movies and it's political consequences in Civil War versus Black Panther, neither will you. Give Directly won't get $25 from Dylan. Dianne won't see a movie complaint free.

There, I think I restructured everything as a stick.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

"A boat is a hole in the water you throw money into"

"A boat is a hole in the water you throw money into"

And a spaceship is a hold in space you throw money into.

Unless you are very lucky, you don't make money from owning a spaceship. That'd be like making money by owning a house.

Living onboard your own ship costs 1 extra credit whenever you'd pay for your lifestyle, just to keep it in the black. More if its a special ship, a fast ship, or a new ship. More on ships later.

If you work onboard someone's ship and you would pay 1 credit for your lifestyle, pay none instead -- your room and board are absorbed, so long as your tastes aren't too grand.

If you are a paying customer, well, you pay the Captain of the ship. Decide together what sort of accommodations the Captain can offer and what you can pay. If the Captain is an NPC, then pay one more than you normally would. Space is expensive.

If your ship gets damaged -- and all sorts of ways for that -- you sure better hope you've got a mechanic onboard. Otherwise, it'll cost you. Whatever credit you've got -- whatever credit everybody's got -- is about what it'll take the fix up the ship. Call it 10 credit to fix a busted ship.

And if your ship is particularly new or fancy, well, you're as like to take on a loan to repair it as anything else.

You'll be needing jobs, I reckon, to keep that ship in the black. Or a whole lot of pax.

Well, here's some gigs you may be able to find, what they pay, and what'll happen to your ship and crew if you fail:
-- Low Passage (1-cred / dead or dying customer)
-- Cargo Hauling (1-cred / bushwhacked)
-- Treasure hunting (1-cred / stranded)

-- Medium Passage (2-cred / irate customer)
-- Smuggling (2-cred / discovered)
-- Piracy / raiding (2-cred / embattled)
-- Surveillance (2-cred / deceived)

-- High Passage (3-cred / irate nobility)
-- Planetary defense (3-cred / infiltrated)
-- Hunting bounty (3-cred / embattled)
-- Fast Information Packet (3-cred / fake news)

Those credits need to be split between you, your ship, and your crew; distribute as you will, or as you need to, Captain.

Yesterday, I talked through Agenda / Principles / MC moves, as well as some moves that I want to use to steer the...

Yesterday, I talked through Agenda / Principles / MC moves, as well as some moves that I want to use to steer the conversation.

This also gave us stats that matter:
-- Credits. money is important to this game.
-- Size of crew
-- Cool, or how often you'll take consequences. Use as a standard "under fire" move, and to dock your ship.
-- Tough, or how much hardship you can suffer
-- Empathy, or your connection to individuals.
-- Connection, or your sense of belonging to community(s)

Today, basic moves for each one!
When you look for something of value, roll +Credit spent. On a 10+, you find it. On a 7-9, you find it but choose a complication.

[ Money is ablative. ]

When you lead a crew on a job, roll plus size of crew. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, choose: you and your team escape but don't get any of the money, or you must take a consequence but get the reward On a 6-, prepare for the worst.

[ The standard thing you do with a crew is a job. Maybe it's PCs, maybe it's all NPCs. Either way, the bigger the better! ]

When you do something risky, roll with Cool. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, choose a complication.

[ This is a real standard move. Notice it grounds the fiction in complications. I imagine there being a pretty standard set of, like, five. ]

When you stand up to a bully, roll with Tough. On a 10+, choose two. on a 7-9, just choose:
-- If they stop the behavior, they gain XP
-- If they don't stop the behavior, they mark Jaded.

When you spend time one on one with a person and really connect, roll with Empathy. on a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, just one.
-- You form a bond. Until you treat the person as a mere means, or they get brain weasels, they'll act in your interest when it does not conflict with their own.
-- Ask the MC, "How can i help her?"
-- Ask the MC, 'What does she want?"

[ Modeling friendship is hard. ]

When you Fit yourself into a community, roll with Connection. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, just one:
-- You belong there. So long as you act in the communities interests, it will act in yours.
-- You meet someone significant in the community.
-- You remove a harm from yourself and someone else in the community.

[ Modeling community is even harder. ]

These are some ideas, folks. Hot off my brain that insists writing these thigns down is a good idea. Be gentle.

Monday, March 5, 2018

At the start of the session, pay 1,2, or 3 credit for your lifestyle.

At the start of the session, pay 1,2, or 3 credit for your lifestyle. If you are responsible for a crew including NPCs, pay 1 more for them, too.

When you do something risky, roll with Cool. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, choose a complication. On a 6-, prepare for the worst.

When you lead a crew on a job, roll plus size of crew. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, choose: you and your team escape but don't get any of the money, or you must take a consequence but get the reward On a 6-, prepare for the worst.

Docking Issues
When you bring a spaceship in under shitty conditions, roll plus Space. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, choose two complications. On a 6-, your ship is a wreck and the MC starts from there.

-- Harm: Distribute 4 harm between you and your crew. You must take at least one.
-- Stress: Distribute 3 stress between you and your crew. You must take at least one.
-- Intentionally allow others to suffer: Take 2 Jaded, and the MC will tell you who is harmed.
-- Your ship is damaged (triggers Docking Issues later)
-- Someone onboard is seriously wounded (GM will decide which)

When you take five harm, you're dying. Roll plus Tough. On a 10+, you're conscious, though only barely. On a 7-9, you see what lies past death -- the MC will describe when you next wake up. On a 6-, you go to seek a great perhaps.

When you take four stress, life is terrible and gross. Roll plus .. Empathy. On a 10+, you deal with it well enough -- erase a stress. On a 7-9, suffer a complication.

When you take three jaded, lose your moral compass. Roll plus Connection. On a 10+, you keep your cool -- erase a jaded. On a 7-9, describe to the MC who you hurt and how.

When not under a doctor's care, you can spend credit one for one to heal. It takes one day per harm.

When not surrounded by friends, you can spend credit one for one to blow off stress. It takes one hour per stress.

When not under a priest or Jedi or whatever's care, you can spend a day's of service to reduce your jaded.


-- Make the galaxy seem real
-- Make the players' characters's lives evocative
-- Play to find out what happens

-- Barf forth blaster & ship: technojargon, cost, beauty, blood relationships
• Address yourself to the characters, not the players.
-- Think big: galaxy spanning threats, ships, beasts!
-- Think small: Everyone is related
• Make your move, but never speak its name.
• Name everyone, make everyone human, make everyone mortal.
• Ask provocative questions and build on the answers.
• Use intermittent rewards and punishment.
• Be a fan of the players’ characters.
• Think offscreen too.
• Sometimes, disclaim decision-making.

- Activate a downside.
- Make them pay.
- Make a threat move (from one of your threats).
• Inflict or exchange harm (as established).
• Announce off-screen or future badness.
• Put them in a spot.
• Take away their gear or damage their ship
• Enact their ship or gear’s downside.
• Tell them the possible consequences and ask.
• Offer an opportunity, with or without a cost.
• Turn their move back on them.
• After every move: “what do you do?”

Me: The highest value we see is 112% in November.

Me: The highest value we see is 112% in November.
Them: But he was at 109% in February
Me: Yes?
Them: But you said the only time he was higher than 100% was in November.
Me: ... I'm sorry, I seem to have miscommunication.

Today: 219.3

Today: 219.3

Up a bit. That's what I get for doing a 5k, walking 5+ miles, and then eating too much thai food.

Eh. I expect it'll go down in the next few days. I'm not too worried.

Are you, my friends?

Remember, the stakes for this one are crowd sourced and due before Camp Nerdly.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

There's this game I almost wrote.

There's this game I almost wrote.

Like Traveler, you have a constant downward pull on your finances. If you don't keep those stabilized, bad things happen. That's the constant downward pull.

When you go out and get money, it's stressful. And you need to go spend money with your friends to relax. That's a counterforce.

Lastly, when you ignore the suffering of others, you become jaded. To solve that, you need to do work for a community.

I got this like 80% of the way there, then got busy. The players invent their stuff, relationships, and where they hang. I really like some parts of it.

Every half-decade or so, I try to read Vinge's Fire Upon The Deep.

Every half-decade or so, I try to read Vinge's Fire Upon The Deep.

I got twenty pages in this time. I guess I'll try it again in a few years when the feeling of distaste isn't so strong and someone recommends it strongly again.

I dislike Vinge's style of writing so much. I've read some of his other works, and it always seems like work to read.

Today's weight: 218.

Today's weight: 218.1 Technically up 1.3 pounds from yesterday, but that was a dumb time to measure. This was right when I got up, like it should be.

That means I've got a little over 8 pounds to go until Nerdly, which is a little under 11 weeks away.

Exercise yesterday was intentionally curtailed to walking around; I wanted a day off after a fast run. I ate completely reasonably, including no booze.

The stakes: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda.
If I win, Dylan will give $25 to Give Directly, Dianne will see a movie and not complain for 24 hours, Kimberly will write a paper on use of power in Marvel movies, especially Civil War versus Black Panther.

I have until Nerdly. Also, you should go to Camp Nerdly.

Would you like to add to the stakes? I find the bets on what'll happen if I mess up more motivating, but everything is good!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hey, Joe Zantek, you know about GLOW, right?

Hey, Joe Zantek, you know about GLOW, right?

A better show of WWW I have never seen.

I'm maybe halfway through, and I want to talk about The Wizard and the Prophet.

I'm maybe halfway through, and I want to talk about The Wizard and the Prophet.

The Wizard is Norman Borlaug. The Prophet is Vogt.

The conceit of the book is this: Wizards and Prophets both see the problems of the world, and see very different means of solutions. Wizards seek to use new marvels, prophets say if we keep going as were going everyone will die, so stop using so much crap.

Wizards say more people and more ideas, thinking and working on the problems. Prophets say fewer people, use less of the land, restrict breeding, etc.

They are both right, and they are both wrong. Which the book pretty much says. Dwarf wheat and C4 rice feed a lot more people and free up labor for things besides food production. At the same time, monocultures of dwarf wheat destroy the land and we also need farms that produce a wide variety using a variety of methods.

A concern of mine is: Who gets the thick-skinned tasteless tomatoes, and who gets the delicate heirloom varietals?

I think the answer as to who actually gets the high quality food stuffs is obvious, and I sure do wish it was better distributed.

I'm pretty sure we can come up with a means of doing so. But, then, I'm a wizard.

Today's weight: 216.8. That's down more than 3 pounds from yesterday.

Today's weight: 216.8. That's down more than 3 pounds from yesterday.

Which is, of course, mostly water. I took a hot bath this morning, so I expect to be up tomorrow. Once I drink a pint of water, most of that will be erased.

Still: Ran a 5k yesterday. In the gym. To Hamilton, before listening to Weird Al's Hamilton. Reasonable breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. A reasonable number of drinks.

The stakes: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda.
If I win, Dylan will give $25 to Give Directly, Dianne will see a movie and not complain for 24 hours, Kimberly will write a paper on use of power in Marvel movies, especially Civil War versus Black Panther.

I have until Nerdly. Also, you should go to Camp Nerdly.

Would you like to add to the stakes? I prefer the ones that are not money, as that makes me feel a little weird. Stlll, it has worked in the past.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Today's weight: 221.5

Today's weight: 221.5

What in the world. I'm going the wrong direction. I blame work. Tonight, I work out. At least a 5k, at least in the gym. Preferably a 5k outside, but it turns out there's ridiculous winds.

The stakes: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda.
If I win, Dylan will give $25 to Give Directly, Dianne will see a movie and not complain for 24 hours.

I have until Nerdly. Also, you should go to Camp Nerdly.

Would you like to add to the stakes? I prefer the ones that are not money, as that makes me feel a little weird. Stll, it has worked in the past.

A thing I did not like: After the credits, in blank panther.

A thing I did not like: After the credits, in blank panther.

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

I avoid MCU movies, for a lot of reasons, Let's bracket that for later.

Halfway through the credits, when we see Black Panther at the UN? Pretty cool. I figure that's the end.

We wait until the end. We see some white guy at Wakanda, and his name is Bucky so I know he's with the MCU because I'm a nerd.

We leave the theatre talking about Cap and Iron Man and Hulk and Dr. Strange and other MCU white characters. I pauses in conversation, and reoriented it to the characters in Black Panter.

So gosh, that ending really messed with us. Did not like.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Today: 220.6

Today: 220.6
Deadline: May 18
Stakes: Tony cannot see Avengers in theaters if I fail. If I success, Dianne will see any movie and not complain about it for 24 hours. Do you want to add to the stakes?

I am up. I imagine this will change shortly, as bodies are weird. I avoided the worst options last night, having no candy at game night, etc.

Weight can fluctuate pounds from one day to another, so I'm not going to beat myself up just yet.