Monday, September 26, 2016

This is fucking ridiculous. BTW.


  1. Well, if I'm correct in thinking that you're referring to the presidential campaign debate, I'd heard that a good way to judge who is getting across is to watch the debate on mute.

    I've backed off now to the further remove of social feeds. I didn't see anything that looked like a knockout punch while I was watching, but my candidate was smiling easily, and riding over (frequent) interruption by her opponent. She looked confident and open. I hope it translates into convincing some undecideds to see her as more than a selection of "worst-moment" photographs.

  2. I do not understand how this is even close. I really don't.

  3. I want to make fun of Trump's weird nose-wheezes, but I wanna stay on the high road for now.

  4. I've got the asthma and allergies, so meh.

  5. Man, I literally take an asthma pill every evening.

  6. She did really well with those interruptions.
