Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Favorite moments from last night?

Favorite moments from last night?

Mine: Trumped Up Trickle Down


  1. My favorite part was listening to the first five minutes. Hearing Trump repeat himself and rely on his old crutch-words (Believe me, you tell me), he showed that he's incapable of rebranding himself as a professional.

    It confirmed that he's gonna lose. And that's good.

  2. Mine was Hillary barreling through every one of his interruptions.

  3. I loved how that was a laugh line, David. (The audience laughed, I think, I'm not sure because my viewing group roared.)

  4. Robert Bohl The audience laughed. In his face. With joy.

  5. These were all good moments. Keep 'em coming.

  6. I loved that one moment where Trump said something oppressively stupid and Hillary did a little anticipatory shiver of joy as she started to lay into him.

  7. Another one: Hillary outright calling Trump racist. Saying he had racist policies at his buildings.

  8. I also loved when Hillary laid out all the awful, disgusting things Trump had said about women and he let it all go uncontested, except to say that Rosie O'Donnell had it coming.
