Monday, September 12, 2016

Book: Grunt

Book: Grunt
Author: Mary Roach
Rating: 4 of 5
Genre: Journalism / non fiction

Short synopsis: Mary Roach learns about the military technology that keeps soldiers alive, and teaches me about it.

If you have lived this long without reading Mary Roach, do yourself a favor and pick up this book.

I gave it 4 out of 5 simply due to having to skip two chapters. One was about being shot in the penis, the other was about genital reconstruction. Mostly penises. Basically, I got skeeved out over the chapters about mutilated penises.

Everything else is super great. I learned things, including:
-- Since AC, military kitchens have been sealed. Can you guess why?
-- The fat pad on the bottom of the foot is unlike anything else on the body, and can't really be replaced. Walking without it is so painful, soldiers often prefer amputation, and it gets damaged in war all the fracking time.
-- The paperwork onboard a Trident submarine masses more than the people.

Recommended! And if you like reading about reconstructed penises, even better!


  1. Oh man, I gotta read this. My grandfather got shot in the penis while hunting! I know too many gross and kind of ridiculous details. I loved her book Bonk and heartily recommend it, but do be warned it also has some ouchy dick experiences.

  2. Her book Stiff had me laughing so much, someone in a coffee shop asked what I was reading and then turned kind of gray when I told him the subject matter....
