Thursday, September 15, 2016

Rare public post that's not in a collection!

Rare public post that's not in a collection!

Good news everyone:
1. Space Wurm versus Moonicurn continues to be a delight. Its the right setting and the right people in the right place at the right time, with almost the right system. System issues being due to it inheriting Dungeon World.

2. I just ran my fastest 5k, beating my race day best. Perfect timing, as the race is in two days. Turns out, racing to the Revolution ala Hamilton works really well.

3. Factory Idle is delightful fun!


  1. I get you on the system issues but I'm glad the rest of the game is working out for you.

  2. Johnstone Metzger Hey, good to see you here!

    Here's a fairly major question that came up last night: Space Wyrm is the lord and master of his sectors -- in our case, religion and the secret police. Moonicurn has the Revolution, Now! move, which lets her mess with an authority figures status quo.

    Question is, which we aren't sure: When Moonicurn chats with Space Wyrm's minions / power structures / etc, is her Revolution, Now! move triggered?

  3. Yes. If they count as "the authorities," absolutely. Space Wurm herself also triggers that move, although it's meant to be more about institutions than individuals. So if Moonicorn is wandering through Space Wurm's secret police HQ, the move shouldn't apply again to every single officer he meets or something, as they are the authorities collectively.
    (oh, I guess the genders are reversed in your game)

    The move isn't meant to be a special power, like most special moves are, in any way, shape, or form. It's always on, and it's definitely supposed to be a pain in Space Wurm's ass.
