Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Things government has done for me, an incomplete list:

Things government has done for me, an incomplete list:
Roads, water, sanitation, safe planes, gasoline, the BLT, vaccines, the internet, nuclear missiles, education, imprisoned my cousin, scholarships, ceaseless debt, global war on terror, the metro, seat belts.

Most of these are positive. Some are negative.

I'm sure I'm missing things, as this is what came to mind. What things has the government done for you?


  1. How have you convinced the government to deliver BLT sandwiches to you? Is this something I can convince the government to do for me?

  2. Josh Roby Good question!

    Lettuce can't stand up to the summer sun; tomatoes are harvested in the summer. As bacon is cured, you can have it anytime.

    You need modern supply lines to have both tomato and lettuce at the same time. That is, you need government.

  3. Provided financial support and health care during times of unemployment. Mostly ensured that the necessities and some comforts of life were readily available to me (this isn't true for everyone but the question was what it's done for me), provided much disapointment in how often it is willing to blatantly ignore its own ideals, watched it turn against itself and sent the message that they are the enemy, has insisted on being the final super power for long enough that it probably won't be for long, and proven that no matter how important you are, your still human and you will mistakes (I just wished they were willing to learn more from them)

  4. Employed me, paid for multiple surgeries and a lifetime of doctor and ER visits, made me go to special facilities to obtain alcohol, parks, beaches, bike trails and bike lanes....

  5. A big one missing: social security.

    Also, police.

  6. David Rothfeder I am glad the government helped you out then. I was unable to get unemployment because reasons.

    The rest reminds me of one I forgot: had me roughed up by thugs, fired, and kicked out.

    Mo Jave Beaches! Employment! Of course. And yeah, living in a city with "smart growth" means plenty of bike lanes and metro and all sorts of other things.

    Michel Kangro Indeed! I've not personally and directly benefitted from SS, but my parents and grandparents sure have!

    Police ... they certainly provide them. Whether that's positive or negative will be left as a lesson for the reader.
