Monday, September 5, 2016


"Would you say rolling dice to have sex is hot, dirty, deprotagonizing, or all the above?"

Just as deprotagonizing as rolling to do anything else.

That is, how are the two different?

Example 1: Hitting stuff
Player: I hit the orc with an axe
GM: ok, cool. Go ahead and roll.
Player: I roll a one. Crap ...
GM: You whif.

Example 2: Sexing stuff.
Player: I sex the orc with ... my axe?
GM: ok, cool. Go ahead and roll.
Player: I roll a one. Crap...
GM: You do not sex the orc.

Other than the awkwardness, what's the difference in level of deprotaognization?

This is a little tongue in cheek, but only a little. Different games are about different things!


  1. Certainly having the orc say "It all right ... us am try again in a few minutes!" is more demoralizing than a clean swing and a miss in combat.

  2. Probably, though it maybe depends on what you value about your character.

    If you value the ability to hit stuff with swords, but have never considered the characters ability to seduce? Then it is maybe worse.

  3. It also depends upon what expectations you have, that you feel ought to be validated person to person, without recourse to the rules system. Sometimes being asked to roll a die feels like a betrayal of trust.

  4. Righto!

    Like so many things, it comes back to the fruitful void.

    If the rules prescribe what to do in a situation, then you wind up doing that. Maybe that's a roll, maybe its marking down a stat or spending or whatever.

    If the rules don't say what to do in a situation, then its a matter of discussion. Of the void.
