Monday, August 29, 2016

We counted; last week, we had seven types of coffee in the house.

We counted; last week, we had seven types of coffee in the house.

Then we went out for lattes.

This morning, my coffee was too hot. We had no milk. So, I added one of three types of cold coffee to it.

This is clearly an addition. But, is it a problem?


  1. That's the 5 day a week coffee, yes.

  2. Yeah, I used to drink a lot of instant coffee, then I got an Aero Press. Life changing.

  3. Problem? Only if you run out of coffee.

    I'm trying to limit myself to one cup a day, and I don't think that's happening today.

  4. Mickey Schulz Right. And with 7 types, that's pretty hard.

    I also don't limit myself on cups per day. I think I've had four today, but who can tell?

  5. I'm generally able to hold it to two, and can frequently get by with one. But I also had a raging case of insomnia last night. So, yeah, not so much.
