Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I can't do all the things I want.

I can't do all the things I want. I have to adult and only do some of the things. Egads its like a lesson in micro economics but in my own life. Gah. I hate it.

Why can't i do alllll the things I waaaaaaant.


  1. I hear you.

    At least you get to do some of them.

  2. Yeah. I'm actually very lucky. I get to do a lot of cool things.

  3. It seems that the more awesome things a person gets to do daily the less awesome things they get to do out of the norm.

  4. I think that's called the "hedonistic treadmill."

    It's also why critical success in most games is expensive or rare -- otherwise it becomes the new normal.

  5. "Hedonic treadmill." And I get ripped on it.

  6. I think the hedonic treadmill is no longer gaining joy from things that used to bring you joy, but feeling pain if they are removed.

    Like phones. When we first get them, they are OMG AMAZORGS. Then we have them for a while, and they bring us no joy but losing them bring us great loss.

  7. Quit sleeping. Waste of time, that
