Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Novel: The Tyrant's Law

Novel: The Tyrant's Law
Rating: Meh. Like a 3?
Brief Synopsis: A winy manboy whines while unfeelingly sending others to their death. Strong men use a sword. The woman banker who should be the star of the show is purely reactionary to the mens.

Longer synopsis, with spoilers:
Seriously, I want Geder Palliko out of this story. I want the Spiders out of this story. I want the bankers to be the stars.

I won't get what I want; the fifth book in the series is "The Spider's War". The bankers are secondary, if that. More and more, Cythrin (banker lady!) is defined by Geder (man child) having a crush on her.

Gah. This had such promise.

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