Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Trying again, posting public public. Tried this in a collection 2 hours ago, no luck.

Trying again, posting public public. Tried this in a collection 2 hours ago, no luck.

Trump Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Hillary Clinton. Consider this a 101 course.

This is not an argument thread. This is a listening thread. I'll try to restate what I hear in my own words so that I can understand. If I get that wrong (and I probably will!), do let me know.

Some ground rules:
1. First and foremost, be civil. I'm the arbiter, and will delete without warning and ban if necessary.
2. If you're not a Trump supporter, feel free to sub. And then listen.
3. If you are a Trump support, tell me why and do so without referencing Clinton or Obama. Preferably without referencing any democrat.

Good example:
Supporter: Trump is great because he'll be strong against the ruskies!
Me: I hear you saying that Trump will stand against Russia in a pro-US fashion. Do I hear you right?

Bad example:
Supporter: Trump is great because Obama and Hillary sold us out to the Kremlin!
Me: You mentioned both Obama and Hillary. Please restate without mentioning either.

Ugly Example:
Person A: You should die. You hate America.

I reserve full rights to delete or close this thread at any time, for any or no reason. And to ban anyone who doesn't follow these rules. I've got this in a collection right now, we'll see if that works.


  1. Looks like about the same results.

  2. Maybe people feel intimidated by all the subs? I for one will not attack people who share their thoughts.

  3. And I just want to hear, without comment.

  4. Maybe I should have pointed out that attacks won't be allowed, either. I also wonder if the silence is my fault -- I have blocked a few "ugly" Trump supports over the last few months, those who insult patriotism and refer to death of their opponents.

    Or maybe this shows how my circles are curated, and how difficult it is to find people that far from your own views.

  5. Err.. from my own views, at least. Gah.

    Sorry. I should learn not to talk before coffee. I realize finding people who disagree with you and think there is something wrong with you isn't exactly a challenge for most.

  6. I bet you just have most of the active trolls blocked.

  7. The old saw that, while people are about as far from their party as they've always been, the parties are getting further and further apart.

    I'll be traveling to TN and Kentucky in the next months, maybe I'll pick up something. It's worth noting that the one pro-trump sign on my street went down last week.

  8. Ryan Good Maybe so! And this is a particularly a non-troll thread. One (bad) explanation for the silence is there's nothing to say regarding Trump except in regards to Clinton and Obama. I don't believe that.

    Jesse Cox Please let me know if you do! My family in Oklahoma (>99% chance going for Trump) are either voting for Clinton or saying they aren't voting.
