Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The scope of the changes I'm making to Dragon World:

The scope of the changes I'm making to Dragon World:
-- Stats are gone, replaced with three resources. These are gear, bonds, and credit. Your stuff, your relationships, and your place in communities.

-- The single move and roles for going on an adventure is gone, replaced with much more conventional (but no-dice) hitting moves.

-- Pay The Rent now makes you rely on cash, bonds, and credit. You'll want safety, comfort, leisure, luxury, and charity. You can have up to three.

-- Read a Person and Read a Situation are back, right now verbatem from AW

-- There are three manipulation moves, three information gathering moves, and three hitting people moves.

-- Consequences are GM facing again, and are more like moves.

-- Equipment has a rating instead of just a cool description. Before you might have "a spell of flight", now you've got Flight +3, and you can use that bonus when that equipment is what matters to a move.

-- The violence moves always cost you something, but also lead you to gaining XP.
-- XP! Oh man, I'm not sure anymore how I'm doing XP.
-- Every playbook will be able to advance at least one of the hurting people moves, because you are still adventurers.

So, for ex, the Wizard can advance Take Something By Force. The advancement there is to rip a whole in space and summon it. That's a big cool thing you can do, but you can only do it sometimes.

-- Move advancements on "on a 12+", but a novel thing I got from Jay Treat. Here's what Seize by Force looks like now:
When you Seize By Force, spend Keep. If you can’t or won’t, mark jaded instead. Choose an option and mark it off:
Win. You take definite and undeniable control of it.
Lose. You take harm and do not have it.
Draw. You exchange harm, and have a tenuous hold.
When all are marked, gain XP and erase those marks.

That is, you gain XP by hitting all three. Maybe even make that an advance and don't bother tracking XP -- get advances when you do enough hitting.


Wow, that's a lot of changes!


  1. Man, I have a problem with the Read a Sitch/Person moves in actual play. I always end up with players rolling when they have a specific outcome in mind that has been voiced ("I want to try see if any of these books have been touched recently"), but then the questions don't match up with their intent.

    If you're planning to fiddle with them, I'd love your thoughts.

  2. Aaron Griffin I worry about those questions all the time. Way more than I probably should.

    To some extent, these tell you what the game is about as they constrain the field in inquiry. I think in AW it is intentional, so that you have to use things like Open Your Brain. That is: I think there is an intentional push towards making you interact with the psychic maelstrom by some questions not being answerable very well if you don't. And Sitch and Person get advanced, you can ask any question you want, right? but only on a 12+. Even with a +4 modified roll, that's not a sure thing. Vincent has said that the questions people ask on those 12+ rolls are basically still the same ones, but I wonder.

    Meanwhile, there's Open Your Brain sitting there. Looking innocent and simple and suggestive, but really being a psychic maelstrom move waiting to go. Even on a 10+, the GM is likely to make a move: Reveal an unwelcome truth. And, even more gloriously, Person and Sitch both key off Sharp, but Open Your Brain is Weird. Not a lot of characters are good at both.

    In DW, Person / Sitch are combined into Discern Realities, right? And the closest thing to to open Your Brain is Spout Lore. And that's kinda limited, because it has to be something you could somehow know. It couldn't be that the Demon Cult on the Outer Rim has started marching, unless there's some way you could conceivably know about that.

  3. I replaced Sitch/Person with a version of Uncharted World's Assessment (which is a roll any stat, ask any question move) in my Fallen Empires game and it seems to work much better.

    I'm leaning towards the idea of lists working well for determining consequences, but when it comes to reframing your intent, they suck.

    Imagine if Sieze By Force had options like "you try to sieze something by force" and "you threaten them with harm"... Those are what you were trying to do in the first place!

  4. Aaron Griffin if it works for you, great! I do think some energy could be spent in reworking those.

    But, i also want to keep pressure on resorting to the maelstrom to learn information. That sort of pressure is delightful.

  5. Davey Cruz I see you just saw this. Gear is no longer called gear. It is "assets". Of course it is!

  6. Cool cool man. When am I gonna get to play it again?

  7. Davey Cruz Wed or Thursday. Its maybe ready.
