Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Its quiet uptown.

Its quiet uptown.

I'm all choked up. Every damn time.

Best work email I've sent I've in weeks had the scansion of "your obedient servant". firstbumps were exchanged.

Best work email I've sent I've in weeks had the scansion of "your obedient servant". firstbumps were exchanged.

spoilers allowed in the comments.

August 31: 210.7, down 1.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 11.

August 31: 210.7, down 1.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 11.

Better. Another 2 pounds this week and I'll be where I want to be.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Good god, RPGs are inexpensive.

Good god, RPGs are inexpensive.

More than two years ago, I pledged $25 for Urban Shadows. The game hit what, 12 times the initial funding goal?

For that $25, I got a book, pdfs, and a whole bunch of updates.

The updates are still coming! Just today, the final city guides dropped -- top notch work by almost a dozen writers who were somehow miraculously paid. I am not smart enough to understand how my $25 funded so much! (oh, right, it didn't; $35k did.)

I've played the game not as much as I would have liked, but for sure more than 3 sessions. At 4 hours a session, that's $2 an hour. That's cheap!

and I've used the corruption mechanic in every damn hack I've started, so that's another dozen hours or more of enjoyment.

When I say games are cheap, this is what I mean!

Tell me the good and the ills of a universal minimum basic income.

Tell me the good and the ills of a universal minimum basic income.

More specifically: The US federal poverty line is defined at a little under 12,000 per person. The MBI I'd like to consider ends poverty, so is a universal grant to every adult of $12,000 per year, in 12 chunks of a grand each.

Undefined and open for discussion: how to deliver the money, what social programs this replaces, how to pay for it, what to do about children.

Absolutely undefined and open for discussion: good and ills this will create. Unseen repercussions of putting more than 2 trillion dollars into the economy each year.

August 30: 211.5, down 0.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 18.

August 30: 211.5, down 0.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 18.

Not the best, not the worst. I drank pints of water before bed, but was also seduced by rice krispie treats.

Monday, August 29, 2016

We counted; last week, we had seven types of coffee in the house.

We counted; last week, we had seven types of coffee in the house.

Then we went out for lattes.

This morning, my coffee was too hot. We had no milk. So, I added one of three types of cold coffee to it.

This is clearly an addition. But, is it a problem?

For the Monday crowd. I'm excited to talk about and continue to revise this. Thoughts and ideas welcome.

For the Monday crowd. I'm excited to talk about and continue to revise this. Thoughts and ideas welcome.

Originally shared by William Nichols

Markets & Mages is the current working title of my pbta hack about adventurers coming home and paying rent.

Here's some things I think are cool about this game:
1. There aren't stats. Instead, there's Assets, Bonds, and Credit. Assets is literal stuff you posses. Bonds are with other people, and represent a reserve you can call from them. Credit is in communities, and represents how you stand in these.

2. Each player not only details their character, but also an NPC. This creates a nice web, and your character ends up knowing all the player characters, and maybe one NPC for each of them.

3. Each player also details a community. This also creates a nice web of communities -- the wizard's academy, the cleric's church -- and each character can be connected to these. Everyone, together, details a town.

4. There's a single adventure move. It is really simple, and intentionally so. You need the adventures, but the game isn't about those. Its about coming back to town and dealing with the fallout.

5. You can read it, and give feedback, right here:

All comments, thoughts, and ideas are welcome! What makes sense? What doesn't make sense? What makes you scratch your head?

August 29: 211.8, down 0.9 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 18.

August 29: 211.8, down 0.9 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 18.

That for sure helps solve what happened yesterday. Its a good start to the week, and I need to continue it.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Josh Roby I'm reading it slowly because I'm now in the habit of reading on dead trees rather than screens, but I am...

Josh Roby I'm reading it slowly because I'm now in the habit of reading on dead trees rather than screens, but I am enjoying poolie so far.

I'm mayyyybe in chapter three, and expect I'll continue reading it. I want there to be some hope, and soon.

Novel: The Invisible Heart

Novel: The Invisible Heart
Author: Russel Roberts
Rating: 1 of 5
Genre: Economic fiction

Short synopsis: I hate read the back half, when it became clear there was never going to be a real dialogue.

Such promise! A high school economics teacher meets up with a high school English teacher. They slowly fall in love, while talking Milton and Friedman. (Was that witty? I don't think so, but I did it anyhow.)

Problem: This book is maybe 75% lecture from the economist. He has a PhD and is 30, while the English teacher has a bachelors and is 25. So, of course he wins every argument until he realizes this isn't a good way to get into her pants and starts reading poetry.

I'm not so much annoyed by his switching to poetry, as that his ideas never have a serious challenge. The lack of challenge means this is just wankery.

Its also a crappy love story.

Longer synopsis, with spoilers:
This book is a failure on so many levels. The quote on the back is from none other than Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, and is "a page turning well-written love story that also teaches an impress amount of good economics".

I hate disagreeing with Friedman. Hell, I hate disagreeing with the entire class of Nobel laureates. As a whole, they are wise.

Because so much of the book is the protagonist explaining his world view and so little real critique of it ... I feel the need to cleanse myself by doing it.

Protagonist: HHS destroys other charities with its one size fits all approach. We should use private charities, so we can get people what they actually need on a case by case basis. This has the added incentive of letting the giver feel like they are helping.

Response: I'm not sure where to begin. This line of reasoning suggests there are no private charities, and there are literally thousands. They often do work HHS can't or won't, sure.
HHS is also not some uniform behemoth, as WIC, Social Security, and Medicair/Medicaid all work entirely different, for different people, and do different things. That is, what they do for you is dependent on need.
Additionally, new research since this book was written suggests a minimum basic income -- which Hayek was a fan of -- may be the way to end poverty. Its a single solution, but it may prove itself to solve what other solutions cannot.
Government will be slow to adopt, in part because we want government to be slow to change.
There's more about this that offends me, but that'll do for now.

Protagonist: The internet is great because it is free of government intervention!
Response: The government literally built it. Do some research on how the internet works.

Protagonist: We'll never run out of oil, because we'll find something else first!
Response: This may be true, but we'll also destroy the world through earthquakes before we finish it. But, you can't know that -- you were writing in 2000. You say you are pro enviromental regulation because pollution affects those who don't sign up for it, but come on. We keep finding new ways to pollute that we cannot regulate fast enough, so think about this some more.

That's not nearly all, but I, also, respond to incentives and have mitigated my rage sufficiently that I don't feel so dirty.

August 28: 212.7, up 3.6 pounds since yesterday. On track for October 27. For the week, I'm up 0.2 pounds.

August 28: 212.7, up 3.6 pounds since yesterday. On track for October 27. For the week, I'm up 0.2 pounds.

Too many cheat days. I'll be more mindful next week, and this'll get turned around.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Markets & Mages is the current working title of my pbta hack about adventurers coming home and paying rent.

Markets & Mages is the current working title of my pbta hack about adventurers coming home and paying rent.

Here's some things I think are cool about this game:
1. There aren't stats. Instead, there's Assets, Bonds, and Credit. Assets is literal stuff you posses. Bonds are with other people, and represent a reserve you can call from them. Credit is in communities, and represents how you stand in these.

2. Each player not only details their character, but also an NPC. This creates a nice web, and your character ends up knowing all the player characters, and maybe one NPC for each of them.

3. Each player also details a community. This also creates a nice web of communities -- the wizard's academy, the cleric's church -- and each character can be connected to these. Everyone, together, details a town.

4. There's a single adventure move. It is really simple, and intentionally so. You need the adventures, but the game isn't about those. Its about coming back to town and dealing with the fallout.

5. You can read it, and give feedback, right here:

All comments, thoughts, and ideas are welcome! What makes sense? What doesn't make sense? What makes you scratch your head?

August 27: 209.1, hah! Down 2.2 pounds since yesterday. On track for September 21.

August 27: 209.1, hah! Down 2.2 pounds since yesterday. On track for September 21.

That's more like it!

Good job body.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Would you give this game a second look?

Would you give this game a second look?

Power & Privilege or: how adventures pay the rent
Please bear with me today. I'm a little slow.

August 26: 211.3, same weight for three days running. That's ... improbable. On track for October 4.

August 26: 211.3, same weight for three days running. That's ... improbable. On track for October 4.

This has not been a productive weight loss week. I do tend to see big drops once or twice a week, but come on.

Still. We'll see what happens on Sunday and see if I need to modify behaviors next week.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Initial Playtest of highly revised Dragon World: a success!

Initial Playtest of highly revised Dragon World: a success!

Tagline: An Economic Fantasy Game. Or, How Adventures Pay the Rent. (thanks to Davey Cruz for that wording.)

This game needs a new name. Thoughts?

I've got a lot to say about it, and have deleted a couple super long posts.

What worked well: Assets / Bonds / Credit as stats. Creating a network of PC and NPC bonds. Creating a network of communities through the PCs. Pay the Rent move. PCs viewing characters and communities in playbook specific dualities. The deterministic violence moves from Jay Treat.

What needs moderate revising: Some of the specific dualities. The initial bonds. The GM facing material. Player moves should make mention of the dualities much more. The player facing Agenda and Principles, to help push the story. The Bond section, to make it more obvious that you know an NPC, and that the other players do, too.

I'm really fairly pleased with this outcome. Happy to talk about it.

August 25: 211.3, same weight as yesterday. On track for October 2.

August 25: 211.3, same weight as yesterday. On track for October 2.

Lots of iced tea. Also, ran 7 kilometers. Bodies are weird.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I can't do all the things I want.

I can't do all the things I want. I have to adult and only do some of the things. Egads its like a lesson in micro economics but in my own life. Gah. I hate it.

Why can't i do alllll the things I waaaaaaant.

I'm listening to a playtest I GMd of a game Andrew Medeiros wrote called The Watch. I've hacked this game.

I'm listening to a playtest I GMd of a game Andrew Medeiros wrote called The Watch. I've hacked this game.

And now I'm listening to myself ask my players to explain the moves and be like "I guess this means I do this thing ... ", and hear myself get things wrong.

I say "So" a lot. I should watch that. That's my tick.

This is one of the weirdest things I've done today.

Novel: Two Serpents Rise

Novel: Two Serpents Rise
Author: Max Gladstone
Rating: 2 of 5
Genre: Fantasy, sort of.

After Three Parts Dead earlier this summer, i was really looking forward to this!

I was really disappointed. I found the writing overwrought, the characters unlikable, the plot a bit thin. Maybe its because our protagonist was an office worker rather than a powerful craftswoman, but I was unconcerned the entire time.

I put it down 3 times to read other books. I read the last 20 pages last night, and nearly stopped reading during the climax as I just didn't care.

Spoilerriffic version:
The extremely religious are crazy. The sins of your father can be overcome. Your girlfriend is crazy and can't be helped, but you sure can learn from it. Your gay friend counts as an alter maid, as she's never known the touch of a man. Soul stuff is transferable, mostly.

August 24: 211.3, down 0.8 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 29.

August 24: 211.3, down 0.8 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 29.

Unexpected. There was an ice cream social at work. Of course, i also ran. But those two can't cancel out.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Novel: Something for nothing

Novel: Something for nothing
Rating: 4 of 5
Genre: Economic fiction

Short synopsis: Academia is terrible. The religious right is worse. Women are pretty.

Longer synopsis, with spoilers:
This book is problematic, and I really enjoyed it. I want to discuss both.

First, problematically, the woman characters are, essentially, "the girlfriend", "the sexy secretary social climber", "the sexy student", "the girlfriends mom". In a book about academics, the only women we see in academia are in only a scene or two. They are disposable characters. The girlfriend offers insight and morality, but there's nothing important about her to the plot. We don't even learn what happens to the sexy secretary social climber. The sexy student finds a new man besides our protagonist, who rejects her because he doesn't want to get fired. Girlfriend's mom is bellweather for how the girlfriend feels about the protagonist.

But. I had SO MUCH FUN reading this book. Its about a new econ professor, who is on the job market and trying to get tenure. I've got a masters from a high fallutin university, and have felt these feels. There's even a joke in the opening paragraph that is maybe about my university.

Our protagonist is having a hard time. He's at a teaching college he's never heard of, and thinks he deserves better. He hears from a student at a place called CROSS, a right wing think tank. They want to publish some throw away work from grad school showing that abstinence education reduces teenage pregnancy.

Spoiler warning: It doesn't. The student who found out is scared, and develops some new econometrics to try to prove it. He fails, but did I mention he develops new econometrics? The kid is smart, and sends his work to a professor at UC Berkeley. Which, by the way, is slightly better than some right wing think tank.

The right wing big wig tries to blackmail the student and the professor. In the climax, during his interview presentation, our protagonist proves he's a protagonist: he tells the truth, knowing it may destroy him.

Instead: evil is punished. Our protag gets offered a tenure track job, in the town with the girlfriend! The grad student gets to go to Berkeley. The evil right wing fucknugger is publicly shamed by the very reported he brought to listen to the paper!

Evil is punished. Good triumphs. Academia proves itself. Hooray.

Just .. a larger than OK amount of misogyny.

Novel: The Tyrant's Law

Novel: The Tyrant's Law
Rating: Meh. Like a 3?
Brief Synopsis: A winy manboy whines while unfeelingly sending others to their death. Strong men use a sword. The woman banker who should be the star of the show is purely reactionary to the mens.

Longer synopsis, with spoilers:
Seriously, I want Geder Palliko out of this story. I want the Spiders out of this story. I want the bankers to be the stars.

I won't get what I want; the fifth book in the series is "The Spider's War". The bankers are secondary, if that. More and more, Cythrin (banker lady!) is defined by Geder (man child) having a crush on her.

Gah. This had such promise.

August 23: 212.1, up 0.3 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 4.

August 23: 212.1, up 0.3 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 4.

I expect this to be a lot worse. I drank three strong & calorific beers, and didn't run!

Why? Because weird work stuff left me in a funk. I'll run tonight.

Have I run sufficiently that I am now a person with metabolism? This is unexpected.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Is this a bad idea?

Is this a bad idea?

Due to a quirk in formatting, I'm able to list two columns of Bonds and Credits in Dragon World.

At first, this was just more list hooray. More people and communities you can bond with!

And then it occurred to me: Why not use this to divide the world?

For bonds, and put the PCs wherever you want:
For the Paladin, the righteous and the fallen. Start with your deity.
For the Fighter, the bloodied comrades and the unknown. Start with a guard.
For the thief, colleagues and marks. Start with a thief.
For the Wizard, PCs and Other. I like this one the least. Start with your mentor.
For the cleric, the congregates and the redeemable. Start with a priest -- I should probably make this a parishoner.
For the Ranger, the Trusted Friends and People & Animals. Start with your pet, if you have one.
For the Bard, Potential Patrons & Players. Start with a patron, if you want one.

For credit, and put the PCs wherever you want:
For the Paladin, communities and the political. Start with home and your church. I don't love this one. Ideas?
For the fighter, communities and militaries. Start with home and your garrison.
For the thief, straights and thief guilds, Start with home and a thieve's guild.
For the wizard, communities and places of power. Start with home and your school.
For the cleric, communities and temples. Start with home and your church.
For the ranger, Towns and the Wilds. Start with home and home.
For the bard, Towns & Sundry, and Performing Troops. Start with home and your theatre.

You get some number of points to start in Bonds and Credit, with descriptive dungeon-world style bonds to start. Sure. Then put each of those into the appropriate categories.

This might be a shitty idea. Having each class think of both people and communities in two distinct groups may be a terrible idea. I'm not sure!

The clerics are community oriented -- they have moved that trigger off their credit in communities and get more points in it. The Paladin is bond with deity oriented, getting moves related to how close they are to a deity.

Thoughts / Comments / Questions / Criticisms / Gripes?

August 22: 211.8, down 0.7 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 28.

August 22: 211.8, down 0.7 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 28.

Thirty minutes in a cold pool? Yep.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 21: 212.5, same weight as yesterday. On track for October 2.

August 21: 212.5, same weight as yesterday. On track for October 2.

Down 1.8 pounds for the week. I'm doing right around 2 pounds a week fairly consistently, so the trajectory has me done in that early October time frame. I like it.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Dragon World document version 0.8

Dragon World document version 0.8

Everything is different!

Here it is:

What's going on here?
Stats are gone. You've got Assets, Bonds, and Credit.

Assets are stuff you have that comes in handy. It helps you manipulate the needy, read situations, seize by force, and lend a hand. Each playbook has different assets.

Bonds are like Hx -- it is a well of reserve you can call on. It helps you bargain with people, read them, attack individuals, and help other people with their violence. Each playbook has different bonds.

Credit is credit within communities. Its your reputation. It helps you make offers people really can't refuse, open to flight, lead others to do violence for you, and ask for help from others. Each playbook has different credit.

Thoughts, comments, criticisms all welcome. This isn't yet playtested, but maybe in a few days.

The way I've rewritten Dragon World, you have Assets, Bond, and Credit.

The way I've rewritten Dragon World, you have Assets, Bond, and Credit.

Time to gather inspiration on the weirdest part of that -- community credit.

In my vision, part of character generation is communal community generation -- the PCs and GM get together and describe where they live. Each is a member of the home community, which they'll name.

I've got basic criteria of the community -- size, recreation, cravings, currency, and values. What I need is a list for each PC to describe how they feel about the place.

Maybe the Wizard's are largely related to treatment of magic, the paladin to how pious they are. Maybe.

Wanna help? I'm gonna need a bunch per playbook, so go wild!

August 20: 212.5, up 1.8 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 29.

August 20: 212.5, up 1.8 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 29.

The after work cheat day I didn't have Thursday. Beer. M&Ms. A movie.

I'm surprised the damage was so minimal. Still a month ahead of schedule!

Friday, August 19, 2016

August 19: 210.7, down 1.7 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 13.

August 19: 210.7, down 1.7 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 13.

This was not expected. More in comments.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

I'd been struggling with the name of the third stat in Dragon World, right?

I'd been struggling with the name of the third stat in Dragon World, right?

I had bonds and credit. I wanted something for gear -- something with a double meaning, that could be financial. And for it to be short and to make sense to describe stuff.

Assets. Bloody Assets.

So obvious in hindsight. My people are fantastic.
This universal claim is true: Gaming is an expensive hobby.

August 18: 212.4, up 0.4 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 22.

August 18: 212.4, up 0.4 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 22.

Up slightly, which happens. No problem. Still on track to finish a month early.

And, as predicted, right around the same weight most of this week. I might be some sort of weekend warrior, given how much sitting I do at work.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The scope of the changes I'm making to Dragon World:

The scope of the changes I'm making to Dragon World:
-- Stats are gone, replaced with three resources. These are gear, bonds, and credit. Your stuff, your relationships, and your place in communities.

-- The single move and roles for going on an adventure is gone, replaced with much more conventional (but no-dice) hitting moves.

-- Pay The Rent now makes you rely on cash, bonds, and credit. You'll want safety, comfort, leisure, luxury, and charity. You can have up to three.

-- Read a Person and Read a Situation are back, right now verbatem from AW

-- There are three manipulation moves, three information gathering moves, and three hitting people moves.

-- Consequences are GM facing again, and are more like moves.

-- Equipment has a rating instead of just a cool description. Before you might have "a spell of flight", now you've got Flight +3, and you can use that bonus when that equipment is what matters to a move.

-- The violence moves always cost you something, but also lead you to gaining XP.
-- XP! Oh man, I'm not sure anymore how I'm doing XP.
-- Every playbook will be able to advance at least one of the hurting people moves, because you are still adventurers.

So, for ex, the Wizard can advance Take Something By Force. The advancement there is to rip a whole in space and summon it. That's a big cool thing you can do, but you can only do it sometimes.

-- Move advancements on "on a 12+", but a novel thing I got from Jay Treat. Here's what Seize by Force looks like now:
When you Seize By Force, spend Keep. If you can’t or won’t, mark jaded instead. Choose an option and mark it off:
Win. You take definite and undeniable control of it.
Lose. You take harm and do not have it.
Draw. You exchange harm, and have a tenuous hold.
When all are marked, gain XP and erase those marks.

That is, you gain XP by hitting all three. Maybe even make that an advance and don't bother tracking XP -- get advances when you do enough hitting.


Wow, that's a lot of changes!
Ham leaves for the summer with Eliza and Angelica. What happens?

Hello new people!

Hello new people!

I'm going to pin this post.

Here's some stuff about who I am and what I do on G+:
-- I like role playing games! If you do, too, you'll maybe like my "Thoughts on RPGs" collection. If you don't care about RPGs, this is one to drop.

-- I think I am smart! If you think I am smart, you might like my "Drop a verse, give us some knowledge" collection. If you don't want to hear a privilege white guy talk about things, then you probably want to unfollow this stat.

-- I read books! If you want to know what books I'm reading, my "William Finishes Books" collection may be up your alley!

-- I've been trying to talk less and listen more. If seeing me flail at that interests you -- or if educating me does! -- hit up the "Talk Less, Smile More" collection.

-- I believe in the power of incentives. I'm using incentives to help with weight loss. You can follow that in my "Bad Bets" collection. This is by far my least popular collection.

-- The nonsense said by Trump and supports is untruthful, and I've got a small collection called "Negative Correlation" where I talk about what they are really trying to make people believe.

-- Rise up! I've got a collection regarding how we can stand up and rise up together against authoritarianism.

Oh! And are you a trump supporter? Can you explain it to me without reference Hillary Clinton or Obama? If so, do I have a post for you:

I'm fiddling with this for Dragon World. Thoughts, comments, revisions sought after!

I'm fiddling with this for Dragon World. Thoughts, comments, revisions sought after!

Thanks to Jay Treat for the initial idea of the style of moves. That guy is a thought leader.

When you Seize By Force, spend Keep and mark jaded. Choose an option and mark it off:
-- Win. You take definite and undeniable control of it.
-- Lose. You take harm and do not have it.
-- Draw. You exchange harm, and have a tenuous hold.

When all are marked, gain an XP and erase those marks. You can spend XP to unlock:
-- Dominate. You take hold, do damage, and it is safe, secure, and undamaged in the fighting.

-- Keep is a resource and one of the three stats in the maybe next version of Dragon World. Its all your gear / money / etc. So maybe you've got a +3 sword? Is that a thing you have? Cool, then its a sword worth 3 keep. You can use 1 of those to do this move.

-- Have some Keep you've not yet specified? You can use that for this move, too.

-- Jaded? That's like corruption from Andrew Medeiros's Urban Shadows. He's a cool guy. 10/10, would play with again.

-- Five XP to an advance. The Advanced option may only be available to some playbooks, not sure of that yet. There may be alternative advanced options for different playbooks, too.

Conversations that happen in my head:

Conversations that happen in my head:

Coworker: Hey William, how's the D&D!?
Me, after an inward sigh: I haven't played D&D in years man, I don't really know. I could tell you about Dungeon World, though?
Coworker: But, you play RPGs. That means D&D, right?
Me: You watch TV, right?
Coworker: Sure!
Me: Great. So, howse that Seinfield?
Coworker: I don't know, I haven't watched Seinfield in a decade. But, I could tell you all about Making a Murderer.
Me: But you watch TV. That means Seinfield, right?
Coworker: Man, the D&D has really gotten to your head!

August 17: 212.0, exactly the same as yesterday. On track for September 16.

August 17: 212.0, exactly the same as yesterday. On track for September 16.

I suppose it was likely to weigh in the exact same from day to another at some point, but it still surprised me. That's what I get for eating 400 calories of chocolate.

September 16 is still really early. I would love for that to happen.

I do kinda expect most of the week to be at or near this weight, as stochastic equilibrium seems to be a thing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Pet peeve I should work on: When people make a universal claim, then deny that an example demonstrates the universal...

Pet peeve I should work on: When people make a universal claim, then deny that an example demonstrates the universal is untrue.

I shouldn't let sloppy natural language use bother me so. I'm sure I'm guilty of it.

Looking at my expenditures, I don't so much have a gaming habit as a transportation and food habit. Wowzer.

Looking at my expenditures, I don't so much have a gaming habit as a transportation and food habit. Wowzer.

I had some ideas for where I want o take Dragon World last night.

I had some ideas for where I want o take Dragon World last night.

Posting here'll force me to make these more coherent.

for starters: all the PCs are reasonably good at doing murderhobo type stuff -- they can fight a dragon, travel on a dangerous journey, etc. That's not what the game is about, but you absolutely need to go on those dangerous journeys to support your life.

Its about gear, bonds, and credit. Or: money, love, and community.

Three stats: Gear, Bonds, and Credit.

Gear has both a list of gear, and a rating. You can define the gear either when you need it, or when you acquire it. There will be a starting list for each playbook. You can use Gear or Keep or Coin or whatever it winds up being called for three basic moves: Manipulate the Needy, Read a Sitch, and Fly At Someone (basic murderhobo move).

Bonds with people, so has a list of people like normal Hx. There is a starting list. You use bonds to Bargain As An Equal, Read A Person, or Seize by Force.

Credit is with particular communities. Much like Hx, but with a community -- you have credit within the People's Republic, or Hart's Landing. You can Make an Offer They Can't Refuse, Open to Blight, or Incite Violence.

Each of the three stats has a bargaining move, an information move, and a violence move.

At some point, you have to Pay The Rent. Before, I'd had this as just a Keep move -- that it takes coin and nothing but coin to live. Not anymore. Now, you can spend one of each of Coin, Bond and Credit. For each you spend, you can choose one more from a list of either 3 or 4. These give safety, comfort, and lux.

That's where I am now. This is a really huge departure from where I was a month ago. I'm open to thinky bits from others.

August 16: 212.0, down 4 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 13.

August 16: 212.0, down 4 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 13.

This is absurd.

I ran six klicks, and it was kinda hot. So, this is probably mostly sweat.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Fantastically amusing: The Donald is at 9.4% on the Now-Cast, 11% on the polls only, ~21% on the polls plus.

Fantastically amusing: The Donald is at 9.4% on the Now-Cast, 11% on the polls only, ~21% on the polls plus.

As we get closer to November, I keep expecting that to rebound. For the fundamentals to matter, for red-leaning states to remember and say they are pro the Republican.

It keeps not happening. Georgia is blueish on the Now-Cast, north Carolina is more secure than Iowa.

I have nothing smart to add; my brain isn't working well enough for that. I am just expressing my shock.

[ And, as always, if a Trump supporter wants to explain it to me without referencing HRC or Obama? Please do. ]

I know it is the future, as half my job consists of convincing one computer system to talk to another.

I know it is the future, as half my job consists of convincing one computer system to talk to another. And then fixing the bugs human intervention caused.

That's the future: a computer smashing a human face. Forever.

August 15: 216.0, up 1.7 pounds from yesterday. Off Track.

August 15: 216.0, up 1.7 pounds from yesterday. Off Track.

It'll fall off. We were at a party. I did a weigh in before bed (I know, I know), and it was 2.7 pounds higher than this. That's kind of astonishing.

Anyway, I expect these pounds to fall off over the next couple of days.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14: 214.3, down 0.7 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 4. Down 2.2 pounds from the week.

August 14: 214.3, down 0.7 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 4. Down 2.2 pounds from the week.

Not bad.

I'd love to get this done before September 17, my birthday. That's pretty unlikely and kind of unhealthy to do so, but a boy can hope.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

"We're going to watch Pennsylvania.

"We're going to watch Pennsylvania. Go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don't come in and vote five times," he said at a rally in Altoona. "If you do that, we're not going to lose. The only way we can lose, in my opinion -- I really mean this, Pennsylvania -- is if cheating goes on."

I plugged this into google translate, and here's what I got:
"Go to polling places and stop democrats from voting. They are the ones that aren't white."

For some reason, I was reminded of Variable Star -- the posthumously published Heinlein novel.

For some reason, I was reminded of Variable Star -- the posthumously published Heinlein novel.

The first 20 pages of plot goes about like this:
-- Young Man proposed to The Girl.
-- The Girl admits she's super, super rich. Like Vanderbilt rich.
-- Young Man runs as far away as he can,. Gets on a starship.
-- The sun blows up, taking the earth it it.
Seriously? Do I remember this right?

soylent coffee?

soylent coffee?



August 12: 215.0, up 1 pound from yesterday. On track for October 4.

August 12: 215.0, up 1 pound from yesterday. On track for October 4.

Cheat day.

Or, to put that another way: after a cheat day, I'm still on track. Hoopefully that will continue.

Friday, August 12, 2016

What reason exists that Utah will not give its electoral votes to Trump?

What reason exists that Utah will not give its electoral votes to Trump?

[ As an aside, seeing this collection name has resulted in _thousands fewer words being written. ]_

August 12: 214.0, down 1.1 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 16.

August 12: 214.0, down 1.1 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 16.

Reasonable dinner, iced tea instead of beer.

Not bad.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Despite never having gone to a GoD event, this is important to me. If you were there, fill it out!

Despite never having gone to a GoD event, this is important to me. If you were there, fill it out!

Originally shared by Anna Kreider

Hello, folks! If you were at GenCon and spent any time at all at Games On Demand, we need your help! Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey! This is SUPER IMPORTANT, because we use this feedback to continue improving our process every year, but we can't do that without knowing what you think!

Help signal boosting would also be appreciated. Thank you!

I had the pleasure of playing this at Dreamation. Its very good!

I had the pleasure of playing this at Dreamation. Its very good!

Originally shared by Anna Kreider


This past weekend at GenCon, Andrew Medeiros and I ran a whopping seven sessions of The Watch - our low-fantasy PBTA about female and female-of-center soldiers fighting to retake their homeland from a nebulous threat called The Shadow - and we're really happy with how it's shaping up!

However, there's a limit to how far we can take this on our own. We're looking for some external playtesting, and we'd like to be able to get feedback by mid-fall so I can look at getting the first draft of the book finished by the end of the year.

If you'd be interested in running either a one-shot, a con game, or a small campaign for some folks and are willing to commit to getting us some playtest feedback by September 30th, then please mosey over and fill out this form so we can get you set up with the latest version of the playtest documents. And if you'd like more information before you decide, you can check out this post here on my blog where I give more detail about the game and the setting:

Thanks for your time and attention!
What happens, positive and negative, if all mass transit is free?

Last try.

Last try. Mild apologies for posting the same thing multiple times; I'm very much hoping one will show up and explain things to me.

Trump Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Hillary Clinton. Consider this a 101 course.

This is not an argument thread. This is a listening thread. I'll try to restate what I hear in my own words so that I can understand. If I get that wrong (and I probably will!), do let me know.

Some ground rules:
1. First and foremost, be civil. I'm the arbiter, and will delete without warning and ban if necessary.
2. If you're not a Trump supporter, feel free to sub. And then listen.
3. If you are a Trump support, tell me why and do so without referencing Clinton or Obama. Preferably without referencing any democrat.

Good example:
Supporter: Trump is great because he'll be strong against the ruskies!
Me: I hear you saying that Trump will stand against Russia in a pro-US fashion. Do I hear you right?

Bad example:
Supporter: Trump is great because Obama and Hillary sold us out to the Kremlin!
Me: You mentioned both Obama and Hillary. Please restate without mentioning either.

Ugly Example:
Person A: You should die. You hate America.

I reserve full rights to delete or close this thread at any time, for any or no reason. And to ban anyone who doesn't follow these rules. This post is public public, shareable to any and sundry.

August 11: 215.1, up 1.4 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 25.

August 11: 215.1, up 1.4 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 25.

Big dinner, 2 beers. Still on track, so not worried.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

For Dragon World, I am considering removing the conventional stats altogether and replacing them with just three:...

For Dragon World, I am considering removing the conventional stats altogether and replacing them with just three: Coin, Rep, and Strings.

Why? All PCs are good at fighting monsters, that's a given or else they wouldn't be alive.

This focuses the games stats where I want the game to be focused: money, reputation, and emotional connections.

I'm looking for a different word for string, though. That's not quite what I want -- I'm thinking of a positive way of saying connection to other people in a community. Strings, ala monster hearts, is more about manipulation.

How does this sound to you? Got any cool ideas?

FDA: 5

FDA: 5
Me: 1

Clinton Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Trump. Consider this a 101 course.

Clinton Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Trump. Consider this a 101 course.

This is not an argument thread. This is a listening thread. I'll try to restate what I hear in my own words so that I can understand. If I get that wrong (and I probably will!), do let me know.

Some ground rules:
1. First and foremost, be civil. I'm the arbiter, and will delete without warning and ban if necessary.
2. If you're not a Clinton supporter, feel free to sub. And then listen.
3. If you are a Clinton support, tell me why and do so without referencing Trump. Preferably without referencing any republican.

Good example:
Supporter: Clinton is great because she'll be strong against the ruskies!
Me: I hear you saying that Clinton will stand against Russia in a pro-US fashion. Do I hear you right?

Bad example:
Supporter: Clinton is great because Trump sold us out to the Kremlin!
Me: You mentioned Trump. Please restate without mentioning the candidate, preferablly no republicans.

Ugly Example:
Person A: You should die. You hate America.

I reserve full rights to delete or close this thread at any time, for any or no reason. And to ban anyone who doesn't follow these rules. I've got this in a collection right now, we'll see if that works.

Oh, and Trump supporters? I've got one for you, too:

August 10: 213.7, down 2.0 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 5.

August 10: 213.7, down 2.0 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 5.

Wat. I ate something that didn't agree with me, so that makes some sense.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tell me about the world where Al Gore became President.

Trying again, posting public public. Tried this in a collection 2 hours ago, no luck.

Trying again, posting public public. Tried this in a collection 2 hours ago, no luck.

Trump Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Hillary Clinton. Consider this a 101 course.

This is not an argument thread. This is a listening thread. I'll try to restate what I hear in my own words so that I can understand. If I get that wrong (and I probably will!), do let me know.

Some ground rules:
1. First and foremost, be civil. I'm the arbiter, and will delete without warning and ban if necessary.
2. If you're not a Trump supporter, feel free to sub. And then listen.
3. If you are a Trump support, tell me why and do so without referencing Clinton or Obama. Preferably without referencing any democrat.

Good example:
Supporter: Trump is great because he'll be strong against the ruskies!
Me: I hear you saying that Trump will stand against Russia in a pro-US fashion. Do I hear you right?

Bad example:
Supporter: Trump is great because Obama and Hillary sold us out to the Kremlin!
Me: You mentioned both Obama and Hillary. Please restate without mentioning either.

Ugly Example:
Person A: You should die. You hate America.

I reserve full rights to delete or close this thread at any time, for any or no reason. And to ban anyone who doesn't follow these rules. I've got this in a collection right now, we'll see if that works.

Trump Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Hillary Clinton. Consider this a 101 course.

Trump Supporters: Tell me why. Without referencing Hillary Clinton. Consider this a 101 course.

This is not an argument thread. This is a listening thread. I'll try to restate what I hear in my own words so that I can understand. If I get that wrong (and I probably will!), do let me know.

Some ground rules:
1. First and foremost, be civil. I'm the arbiter, and will delete without warning and ban if necessary.
2. If you're not a Trump supporter, feel free to sub. And then listen.
3. If you are a Trump support, tell me why and do so without referencing Clinton or Obama. Preferably without referencing any democrat.

Good example:
Supporter: Trump is great because he'll be strong against the ruskies!
Me: I hear you saying that Trump will stand against Russia in a pro-US fashion. Do I hear you right?

Bad example:
Supporter: Trump is great because Obama and Hillary sold us out to the Kremlin!
Me: You mentioned both Obama and Hillary. Please restate without mentioning either.

Ugly Example:
Person A: You should die. You hate America.

I reserve full rights to delete or close this thread at any time, for any or no reason. And to ban anyone who doesn't follow these rules. I've got this in a collection right now, we'll see if that works.

August 9: 215.7, up 1.5 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 24.

August 9: 215.7, up 1.5 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 24.

That's what happens when I drink two beers. I expect it'll fall off in the next day or so.

But then, I'm really bad at the short term predictions.

Monday, August 8, 2016

A thing I want:

A thing I want:

Google: find everyone with more than 100 people in common with me and add them to a circle called "temporary"



Also, #privilege  

1. Summer Something at the Oklahoma State Department of Health, doing occupational licensing one summer, moving furniture another, and writing my first database a third. These summer positions were intended to go to underprivileged youth, and all went to the children of Health Department employees.

2. Tutor for the University of Oklahoma, until they restructured my job out of existence. That is, I was politely fired.

3. Private tutor, for rich kids flunking calculus. Until one of them failed and started finding and removing my flyers.

4. Jimmy John's for about a week. They asked me not to come back. That is, I was politely fired.

5. Substitute teaching, until they asked me not to come back. That is, I was politely fired.

6. Incoming credit card customer support on the phone for six weeks. This was completely intentional -- the paid training lasted for six weeks -- three of which was on phones -- and I could live for the few weeks until I left town on that cash.

7. Ran a peace camp for the local UCC church. I would have done this for free, but they insisted on paying.

Living under the poverty line at 24 was pretty great -- I fondly remember sharing a crappy 2-bedroom apartment with two friends. Plus, too poor to pay taxes. Somehow, I got the EITC that year. Makes no sense.

August 8: 214.2, down 2.3 pounds from yesterday. On Track for August 31.

August 8: 214.2, down 2.3 pounds from yesterday. On Track for August 31.

Punctuated Equilibrium. I don't expect to see much change in the next few days.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 7: 216.5, down 1.1 pounds from yesterday. On Track for September 28.

August 7: 216.5, down 1.1 pounds from yesterday. On Track for September 28.

In the first week of bet 2, I'm down 1.9 pounds. That's decent progress. I haven't quite relost the weight I gained after going off the bet.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Whose knows economic fantasy (or other) fiction dealing with banks and the magic they perform?

Whose knows economic fantasy (or other) fiction dealing with banks and the magic they perform?

Something like this:
Susan the banker accepted 100 coin from ten people. She'd charge them each 1 coin a year.

Susan the banker spent 10 coin to pay her employees.

Susan loaned out 1,000 virtual coin on banker's IOU's at various interest rates. On average, she'd make 100 coin a year off these investments, if they all did well.

Some did, some did not.

Here's a story of one that failed.

Here's a story of Susan ensuring three succeeded, making each more profitable.

This almost happens in the Dagger and the Coin series, then it becomes about a manchild fighting wars.

Am I going to have to write this?

August 6: 217.6, up 0.1 pounds from yesterday. OFF TRACK.

August 6: 217.6, up 0.1 pounds from yesterday. OFF TRACK.

I hate this part.

I do a lot of punctuated equilibrium; hover around a wight, then drop 3 pounds overnight and hover around the next one.

Hopefully that's what is going to happen here. Need to exercise hard today, and seriously watch what I eat.

Friday, August 5, 2016



Sending me marketing material for the Scientologist church is not even a little bit OK.

August 5: 217.

August 5: 217.5, up 0.6 pounds from yesterday. On track for October 21, which is still on track. Bet: Get to 200 or Under by October 31.

This makes sense; Thursdays are a built in cheat day and this is better than I expected.

In related news, someone I hadn't seen in a month said I look like I've lost weight. So, there's that.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Moral from Hamilton: When fighting your enemies, be rude and crude.

Moral from Hamilton: When fighting your enemies, be rude and crude. When fighting your allies, be gentle and reasonable.

Dear Department of Education

Dear Department of Education,

Fuck you.

You know what's not OK? Changing the due dates of loans. Making them due 2 days earlier. This is the second time in 3 months. Make up your damn minds.

You know why that's not OK? Because people time their checking accounts so they don't overdraft. So they can pay the bills. So they don't get evicted.

You assholes.

If the due date is on a holiday, then push it. Don't pull it.

Oh, what's that, you gave me a months warning? You did, sure! And guess what? I'll be OK. I've got an emergency fund. I just had to spend five minutes logging into my bank and changing the due date.

No problem for me. Which is why I can say: Fuck you, you insensitive dingbats. Are you trying to force people into eviction?

The privileged who can afford the time to write why this is such bullshit.

New collection, where i ask the hivemind.

New collection, where i ask the hivemind.

Suggestions for dealing with nasty grams from up and to the side of the hierarchical business chain?

That is: not my boss, not my boss's boss, but someone at the same level as my boss's boss, who seems to have a vendetta.

This keeps coming back, and is getting frustrating.

August 4: 216.

August 4: 216.9, up 0.8 pounds from yesterday. On track for September 6, which still sounds early. Bet: Get to 200 or Under by October 31.

This makes sense; I'd been down when it didn't make sense, so a little retention is perfectly reasonable.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Novel: The King's Blood

Novel: The King's Blood
Author: Daniel Abraham
Synopsis: Everything goes wrong.
Rating: Like 3 of 5?

Longer synopsis, with spoilers:
This series suffers from a lack of Cythrin, the young banker. Her plot -- that of a girl raised by a bank coming into her own with full knowledge of how banking works -- is the B plot, in support of the A plot.

What's the A plot? Oh, right. Religious Zealots who can sense lies and whose voice makes you believe them are taking over the world. They are using a fool to conquer kingdom after kingdom, as he made a really easy mark.

And that's great, and maybe even a little bit novel ... but give me more of the girl banker. Give me her making loans to brewers and caravans. That's what I want to see.

There's another support plot showing up -- the enemy of the zealots is going after a sword that can maybe end them. Yawn. I'm not particularly invested in the zealots in the first place, so I don't really care about finding a magic sword to fight them.

I'm enjoying these, so I'll probably read the next one. Abraham is good at telling an epic tale, and maybe the next one'll be more about economics.

I'm about to open a soylent container, and want to stop for a moment and ponder how amazing even the container is.

I'm about to open a soylent container, and want to stop for a moment and ponder how amazing even the container is.

The container:
-- Machined and kinda attractive while being forgetable
-- the same hue and texture as all soylent containers
-- recycleable (level 7, so only barely). There's also a level 2 recycle label on it marked "hope. I'm not really sure what that means.
-- sealed with plastic, such that the human consumeable food inside is shelf stable.
-- resealable, though not to the same standard.

What's inside:
-- Precisely 400 calories
-- enjoyable, though bland
-- cheap, definitely as compared to first world foods.
-- contains all nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that the feds say a person needs.

Whether you like the product or not, this is an astonishing bit of engineering.

August 3: 216.

August 3: 216.1, down 1.2 pounds from yesterday. On track for August 17, which is silly. Bet: Get to 200 or Under by October 31.

I don't know how this happened. Bodies are weird. Explanation in comments.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2: 217.

August 2: 217.3, down 1.1 pounds from yesterday. On track for August 17, which is not going to happen. Bet: Get to 200 or Under by October 31.

I was hungry most of the day, so this makes sense. Had relatively small meals until dinner, which was a blue apron meal.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Tit for tat, with a starting condition of cooperation.

We're playing Spacewurm versus Moonicorn.

We're playing Spacewurm versus Moonicorn. I want to talk about it, and I'm not sure I can separate out the weirdness we're bringing to the table with the weirdness inherent to the game.

Its all good weirdness, though I have a quibble or two with the system.

History: this is the second campaign of an ongoing world. Maybe a year or two ago, I started a super hero game based on getting super powers from pills. We had three players, and went through the game until they defeated "the status quo", which they did with teleportation, love, and free hand-held replicators for all.

We used microscope is zoom out and see what happened over the course of centuries. We're maybe a couple thousand years past those events, and they are still the renown heroes of legend.

I'm playing a former ally of those three, who is now the Mogul. I control the TSA for transporters, a planet using an economic system called Humanity 2.0, and I'm huge in the cybernetics industry. Like, Bill Gates huge. All I want is to empower human to be the best they can be, and let them know about trolls through Whuffie. I'm the minor player in the PCs.

Space Wurm controls the secret police (all secret police everywhere), and religion (all religion everywhere). He is seeking to control The Spice (the pills that create supers), cybernetics, and interstellar travel. Neither Aliens nor the Imperial throne exist. He is referred to as "Your grace", because he's evil space pope.

Moonicorn sprang from the consciousness of all humanity, and is named Hope. Moonicorn is utterly fantastic -- whenever he meets an authority figure, the authority begins to lose control. He believes in my character. Moonicorn is out to defeat those who would destroy him and save humanity.

What do I love about this game?
1. That it is a follow up campaign. OMG. I've tried doing this in the past, and this is the best I've ever seen. I GMd the first game, and am playing in this one. Switching that around has been fantastic.

2. The powers and abilities are so wide ranging! Space Wyrm controls all religion! Moonicurn messes with all authority figures!

3. Its so ridiculously novel.

Some things I find odd:
O1: From the beginning, this has seemed more like a Monsterhearts hack than a Dungeon World one.

O2: Some of the wording can be strange.

But, you guys, this is glorious. I adore this campaign so much. Its like we're playing Dune or Star Wars or a dozen other things!

Apologies and defenses are orthogonal.

Apologies and defenses are orthogonal.

I should know; I defend a whole lot of ground, and I apologize a whole lot.

It is virtually impossible to do both at once. An apology is about acknowledging harm caused by actions, and seeking to fix it. To apologize is to recognize your error, at least so far as you unintentionally caused harm and don't want to again. It is about you understanding other people's perspective.

A defense is about a position. Staking out a claim and saying "This is important". Its about the issue, not about the people. It is saying that you require the people involved to participate in the intellectual discourse, to understand your position. It is about other people understanding your perspective.

To try to do both at once is to do neither well.

Am I wrong in any particular? Does this cause offense?

Bet Number 2: Get to 200 or Under by October 31.

Bet Number 2: Get to 200 or Under by October 31.

August 1: 218.4, down 2.6 pounds from yesterday.

The original check was shredded and destroyed. I gave that money to Give Directly.

Notice how my weight is higher than 215? Yeah, about that. I gained 6 pounds in 3 days after the end of the bet. I did some celebrating, and didn't watch myself at parties. That's maybe OK, as I've seen upticks like that before. Or, maybe it means the bet isn't forming habits. Either way, having the incentive structure in place works.

I thought about changing the incentive or the goal to something besides weight. Ultimately, this is really easy to measure and tied to a lot of my health concerns. It makes me both exercise more and eat less, in particular less shit.