Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5: 204.1. On track for Oct 23, up 0.4 from yesterday.

October 5: 204.1. On track for Oct 23, up 0.4 from yesterday.

I woke up sneezing this morning. Allergies are terrible.

I'm within accident range of the goal. I'm going to do as many 5k's as possible today. I expect two, and hope for three.


  1. Post run time: 202.6

    Pound and a half of water, of course. Can I get another 2.6 out before tomorrow and be done before game night?

    This was a 5k in 34:41, my personal best. If I run again today, I expect it to be much slower.

  2. Post second run: 201.8

    Less than 2 pounds, folk. This run was a much more moderate time, but completely reasonable.

    Planning a third.
