Wednesday, October 5, 2016

If HRC and her people can do this to Pence in less than a day, what will they do to Putin? To China? To Britain?

If HRC and her people can do this to Pence in less than a day, what will they do to Putin? To China? To Britain?

How good is this campaign at manipulating rivals?


  1. Have you seen the rumors bouncing out of the Trump campaign that Trump is personally angry at Pence for not having defended him better?

  2. I haven't, no! I wouldn't be surprised: The Trump campaign is about the promotion of The Donald. Going against that is heresy.

  3. Yeah, it's one of those rumors that I can easily imagine having spontaneously self-created ... heck, I'm only repeating it because of the obvious narrative pull of it!

    A fiction just dripping with schadenfreude, though.
