Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jane The Virgin is a show I really enjoy.

Jane The Virgin is a show I really enjoy.

This is kind of incompetence porn -- the opposite of things like Leverage. Its people making really stupid decisions.

And I love it.

But, about half their problems are easily solveable with tools they have in front of them, if their pride would stop getting in the way. Or religion.

At least once an episode, I shout at what they are doing.

And that's what I adore -- seeing them make terrible decisions.

Also, I'm pretty sure I am learning more Spanish from this show than I did from five years of classes.


  1. Jane: We have no money.
    Rafael: Want a million dollars? I'll cut a check right now. No strings.
    Jane: I can't take your money!

    Jane: I can't have sex before marriage.
    Everyone: That's ridiculous.

    Jane: Daad, you can't invite dozens of people to my wedding!
    Dad: But I am paying for it.
    Jane: No! Fine, then I'll pay for it.

    If these folks didn't have pride and religion, they'd solve all their problems in a heartbeat.

    And it'd be boring.

  2. If it only were like this in real life...

  3. Michel Kangro What, if only our pride and religion and habits got in way of making good life choices? I think rather they do.

  4. William Nichols No. There just are situations in which no easy solutions do exist. That's what I was referring to.
