Thursday, October 27, 2016

Endless Sky

Endless Sky

Q&A with me.

Q: Do you have a favorite ship?
A: Honestly? I'm partial to the blackbird. It is fast, maneuverable, and lets you do early pirate raids. I think all of my characters have gone through it, and it is a really fun time. You need to run from anything large, but can take down a fighter or two. With 20 bunks and laser guns, its not too hard.

Q: Huh! I assumed you'd say the Bactrian. What's been your favorite plot so far?
A: I liked doing a few charity missions. I wish I could do more of those, and make human space a kind of nicer place. As the net worth of my main character is over a billion, it'd be nice to start up a foundation in-game. That being said, I'm glad that the default is that using violence is useless -- more pirate ships will always show up.

You cannot change the status quo with mere violence. I like that.

Q: .... ok... I meant, like, space combat missions, but ok. What do you want to happen next in the game?
A: Other than having a built-out Syndicate and Republic mission quest? I want to learn what's up with the Kor, and talk to one or two of them. To help the Wanderers deal with them, for sure.

Q: How much time have you sunk into this game"
A: too much. And you should to! The game is free, and available on Steam, linux, and a variety of other things. It is open source and in development. You can help!

Q: Why don't you help, then?
A: Trying!


  1. Are... are you talking to yourself?

  2. Are we supposed to be asking you questions or are you asking us?

  3. Misha B Ask questions where there are answers that'd make you more likely tpo play the game. Or where you have curiouisity about what I have claimed.

  4. I'll give it another shot. There's so many "fly around space and upgrade your ship and do missions" games that this one got lost in there.

  5. Oh, there's a question in there: what makes it different from all the other games of that type? (Drox Operative, Rebel Galaxy, etc.)

  6. Bret Gillan I don't play a lot of video games, so my answer comes from the friend who got me hooked: fast pace , simple controls, in-depth universe and story. This is what makes it different, I am told!

    That it is free and runs well on my three year old laptop was a big point for me.

  7. Oh, Bret Gillan , also? Economics! This got me: You start a half million dollars in debt, with a ridiculous mortgage. Now you have to pay it off!
