Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Novel: Revenger

Novel: Revenger
Author: Alastair Reynolds

I am in the middle of this novel. It promises to be Serenity meets Pirates of the Caribbean.

It is not.

Elements that make it seem like it is:
-- spaceships!
-- small crew!
-- Lots of planets!
-- Technology no one understands!
-- Jobs that largely consist of being scavengers on the remnants of precurser civilizations.
-- Solar sales!
-- A young woman protagonist setting out on her own in space with her slightly older sister!
-- Perfectly good plot excuse for why space ships need green folks who know nothing!
-- An overprotective father!

All that is basically fantastic, and exactly what I wanted. Then, about fifty pages in ...

the ship is attacked, the crew are murdered. Our protagonist's sister is taken hostage. Our protagonist is left alone, and becomes jaded and mean. She's taken back to her father under protest, and escapes. In the escaping, her dad dies of a heart attack.

What the actual fuck. I'll finish it, but I am not pleased. My dislike of Reynolds continues, now with more evidence.


  1. In general I like Reynolds, but "happy go lucky" is not likely to be in the cards for whomever you are reading about.

  2. I love Reynolds, though I haven't read Revenge. I'd never describe his books as anything like Serenity or Pirates.
