Monday, April 24, 2017

Another day, another spaceship thread.

Another day, another spaceship thread.

Yesterday, I used the following categories:
-- The single-person spaceship (X-wing)
-- The Family Ship (Serenity, The Falcon, The Roci)
-- The Larger Than Life Ship (Star Destroyers, Death Stars, Enterprise)

The consensus from everyone except me seems to be that Correllion Corvette is a bit big for use as a family ship, and is larger than life.


Using a series of ship's no one knows about, let's test the hypothesis.

Go to here:

And tell me which ship you think is:
a) A great family ship.
b) the closest equivalent to a Correllion Corvette.

I'll reserve my answers.


  1. The Star Queen, Argosy, Freighter and Hauler all look like the support of thing I'd expect for a player group.

    The Corvette seems about the scale of its Corellian namesake, or maybe the Frigate.

  2. Interesting! I don't disagree with any of those four, but my classification of the CC is a bit different.

    Because of course it is: I think the CC is a PC-grade ship, and no one in the world agrees with me.

  3. William Nichols Honestly, if my players wanted one I'd be fine with it. I do think it's a bigger beast than a Firefly though.

  4. Oh, absolutely it is! And different stories are told when your base of operations is a flying fortress palace rather than a mobile home.

    Very different. And setting the tone is important.

  5. As long as your definition of "PC grade" allows that NPCs are vital members of the crew, and the ship will be barely functional with only the party on it, then I think the CC is PC grade.

    If the PCs are supposed to be the whole crew, then it's too big.

  6. In my mind it does, Jonathan Beverley. I love having a reason PCs need to care about NPCs.

  7. Same. In particular, I think a CC makes a great AW-style hardhold or chopper gang.

  8. Or fill it with pax and the Maestro is the bartender.
