Sunday, April 2, 2017

I presnted these options for my Mage's reason for being a squatter: crimes convicted, left for dead, mental illness,...

I presnted these options for my Mage's reason for being a squatter: crimes convicted, left for dead, mental illness, serious injury, many events

A player might ask, "So ... mages can't be a squatter because of a lack of education?

I ask you, internet: Can these mages be squatters due to a lack of education?

[ As a note: The first of these _actually happened. They have gotten further from what's happened at the table as we've gone along. ]_


  1. Depends on how magic works. Is it a subject to be studied according to a specific tradition, or is it an instead ability that can be obtained without being shown.

  2. I don't think so -- magic is a pretty marketable trade, regardless of how "educated" you are. I think the least educated Mage has more education than some people who aren't squatters.

  3. No, because the prohibition makes mages more interesting to play.

  4. Adam Dray You be careful, as this is related to a game where you have to judge. I submitted it a while ago and have continued to do work, how do our friends feel about resubmissions?

  5. Ooh, thanks for the warning.

    Regarding resubmissions, I have no idea. Ask the coordinators. From a judge standpoint, I have nothing in my hands right now, so I don't care. I suspect they don't care either, as long as they can clearly tell what to discard and what to keep. Ask them to be sure.

  6. oh, you mean, like, email people I know to ask what they think? Astonishing idea.

  7. Yes, but the mages have had to learn their magic the hard way, and are scarred from this, possibly mentally as well as physically. They're also perpetually short on material components.

  8. Not sure how a lack of education makes you a squatter in any case, mage or not. You could have self-taught mages, perhaps (found a book, read it, but not very educated), but that doesn't mean they'd be squatters..

    How does being left for dead make you a squatter? Isn't it more because you are hiding from the hunters and trying to be off the grid?

    If I'm a little off, please forgive...a little out of it.

  9. Just on the face of that list, it'd seem like it could be a significant factor but not the only one. Like, a lack of education could lead to crimes convicted, serious injury or many events very easily. It just won't be the immediate cause.
