Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2

April 2

Last year, I lost a bunch of weight thanks to creating a financial incentive. That is, last year I arranged it such that I'd either lose weight, or give money to the local catholic church for social activism. I lost nearly 30 pounds, almost 20 of which is back.

Now that it is warm outside, I wanted to do another such bet. The catholic church has a new arch bishop, and are no longer shitbags. I mean, I'm sure they still do shitty things but they no longer broadcast it.

The member of the US house of representatives one seat over is Comstock. She's terrible. She had a billboard about overturning the ACA, which she was unable to being down after they failed so miserably.

By the end of April, I will be at 215 pounds or else Comstock gets $200 of my money. If I succeed, I plan to give the same money to the ACLU.

All of this will be in my Bad Bets collection, which is easy enough to opt out of if this sort of thing squicks you out.

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