Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Trump is bringing in his kids. Is this because they've been running his businesses for years?

Trump is bringing in his kids. Is this because they've been running his businesses for years?

If you say No, feel free to explain in comments.


  1. Oh, and comment policy? I'll delete or ban whatever I want. If I think you're a jerk, expect to be deleted.

  2. I think both those things are an outgrowth of a common cause (writ-short: he seems to have trust issues), but I don't think that one causes the other.

  3. My personal theory is that Trump's desire for his kids to have security clearance is because of restrictions on employing them directly in his administration. It's a cronyistic end-around.

  4. Oh, this is what acceptance feels like.

    No longer am I crying or tearful, but remain heartbroken. I've gotten scabs over the wound, and thinking about whether or not a white supremacist will be in the white house and if DT will give his kids the launch codes.

    With each new thing, I go through the stages of grief a little faster as this catastrophic presidency in waiting gets normalized.

  5. According to people who've worked with him, Trump is basically useless. Shows up to work if and when it suits him.

  6. Troy Campbell Yeah, and I'm not the President is allowed to do that. Here's hoping he decides to quit, and takes Pence with him.
