Sunday, November 13, 2016

If there's ever a week to fail, this is it. And I did. That is, after a 5k I am still > 205.

If there's ever a week to fail, this is it. And I did. That is, after a 5k I am still > 205.

The stats so far:
Successes: 2
Tentative Successes: 1
Failures: 2

What you probably don't know is, on Thursday, we went on a 2-day inagural cruise paid for by my work. Free food, free booze. Sure, some swimming but not really very much. A lot of naps.

As it was a work trip, there are certain lines I feel I shouldn't cross. Let me put it this way: affluent mostly white people waited on by mostly people of color, all ruled by a few corporate executives is not my idea of a vacation.

What it does describe I'll leave as an exercise for the reader.

1 comment:

  1. This is also the first time in a long while it was too cold for me to run outside, so I used a treadmill. And I couldn't stomach listening to Hamilton, so a random pandora station.

    These two assuredly affected my time -- which was garbage -- and maybe the amount of sweat and water loss. So, maybe the hard loss, too.
