Sunday, November 13, 2016

Novel: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Novel: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Author: JK & some friends
Rating: Worse than the Chamber of the Half-Blooded Azkabhan.
Genre: SF

Short synopsis: This is more an apology for killing Cedric Diggory than a novel. In effect, the moral is: The HP universe is the best possible universe, and if you think changing things would make it better than you are wrong wrong wrong.

I find that sort of moral disheartening and wrongheaded.


  1. That wasn't what I took it if it at all.....interesting.

  2. Patty Kirsch There's so much there! The slow unveiling of the world!

    What did you see that I've not spoken to?

  3. I was much more focused on the interpersonal stuff and the burdens of legacy and what not.

  4. Yeah, that's all there, too. Friendship, too, as a powerful virtue.
