Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Guess whose got 2 thumbs, a reasonable grasp of modern evolutionary synthesis, and just beat his 5k time by 25...

Guess whose got 2 thumbs, a reasonable grasp of modern evolutionary synthesis, and just beat his 5k time by 25 seconds?



  1. Josh Roby Yeah! I think its cause it was 60 (16 C) degree. At some point, the air should be cold enough to be a detriment, but for now it is super helpful.

  2. Yeah I think my best 5k time is still from the BigBadCon run, just because I went from SoCal to Bay Area weather.

  3. For those following along: Today is ~20 degrees hotter, and I was about 2 minutes slower. That is, very reasonably, for every 10 degrees F (~5 C), I lose a minute.

    That is probably only true at these two extremes, and my data is too noisy to learn much more. Still, hot means slow, and cool means fast.

  4. Galloway says similar, so it's not just you or the extremes. ;)
