Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Rob Donoghue -- I hear you love bags.

Rob Donoghue -- I hear you love bags.

If you've got the time, advice would be appreciated.

My LL Bean messenger bag is, I think, a version they are no longer making. Near as I can tell, they only have a smaller version:

After several years, my bag is giving up the ghost. Tears & dirt, and a whole lot of fabric fraying. I'll want to replace it in the next year.

This is my everyday bag. I take it to work, to game night. It holds laptops and gaming supplies and meds without complaint.

Have any suggestions for replacements? Ideally, I want an identical version of what I have now, including being red and from LL Bean. I realize this may be impossible.
Remind me: Is this normal?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This is how gaming gets expensive: I just bought a book on urban planning, as I am dissatisfied with my plans for...

This is how gaming gets expensive: I just bought a book on urban planning, as I am dissatisfied with my plans for the cities of the Caliphate of Azithan.

Granted, i bought it used and its a dummies book. Still.

Novel: Dust

Novel: Dust
Author: Hugh Howley
Rating: 2 of 5?
Genre: SF

Short synopsis: The fairly predictable end of the Wool or Silo trilogy.

The first of these, Wool, is fantastic. The second is the weakest of the series by far.

Without giving away too much, these books are great at world building and at there always being another dastardly surprise. The first shows this really well, and this third one is basically just an extension of that.

Highly Unlikely Scenario:

Highly Unlikely Scenario:

Yesterday, I asked what may happen if the recounts show very different results than the computer count.

I didn't really get any stories.

Here's one, highly unlikely:
The Stein-Clinton team funds recounts in three states, each of which show irregularities. These irregularities are enough to sway the election, and show tens of thousands of Trump votes with no paper trail. Nate Silver is quoted as saying "fuck".

Obama -- who is still the President -- orders the Department of Justice to recount all votes across all states. The Trump team sues to prevent this action, claiming it is a clear violation of the rights of States to handle their own elections. The Supreme Court takes the case, claiming original jurisdiction.

From the bench, Clarence Thomas breaks silence and precedent by saying "count the damn votes". The court agrees 8-0 that we should "count the damn votes".

Riots break out across the rust belt, as white americans decry the Supreme Court overruling their votes.

What happens next?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Remarkably Unlikely Hypothetical: The Stein recount happens.

Remarkably Unlikely Hypothetical: The Stein recount happens. The results don't match. The next recount occurs, and doesn't match. Each is off by just enough votes to swing it.

What happens next?

Hard fail.

Hard fail. After visiting Oklahoma, I'm back to after-boat weight. Apparently if I drink every night, have a milkshake every day, and don't exercise then I gain weight. Who knew.

The stats so far:
Successes: 2
Tentative Successes: 1
Failures: 4

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hive mind -- How do I find the amount of pavement in a city?

Hive mind -- How do I find the amount of pavement in a city?

I didn't see it on wiki, nor on city-data. Any suggestions?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

I'm not sure about this, for a bunch of cascading reasons.

I'm not sure about this, for a bunch of cascading reasons.

Originally shared by Josh Roby

Because this crazy year isn't over yet, motherfucking Jill Stein is calling for a recount in three questionable state election results. But since candidates need to pay for the recounts they petition, she's fundraising to make it happen. She's been raising $3000 a minute so far. She needs to get to $2.5million by Friday. She has a chance. You can help.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016


In the Caliphate of Azithan, known to its neighbors as the Necromancer Kingdom ...

In the Caliphate of Azithan, known to its neighbors as the Necromancer Kingdom ...

Let's talk political geography.

And I'll preface this with: My sense of geography is absolute garbage. I've gotten lost going to the grocery store, and am pretty sure SimCity warped my view of cities. Also, I can't do fucking puzzles.

So, planning out what a society may look like and be governable is really hard for me.

My first thought was something like Russia, the US, or Canada: a large landmass with few neighbors and secure borders along most of it.

But, that's a really modern notion of a country. Instead, imagine a flowing river. Maybe like the Mississippi, flowing from the mountains to the Ocean. Or the Hudson. Or the Ankh.

The Capital sits at the mouth of the river, like New Orleans or NYC. Less like London or Ankh-Morpork. A lot like Rome. A natural port and harbor, like Sydney. Thanks to the great river, the natural end point of a supply line stretching into the mountains.

The Capital was the beginning of the Caliphate. This is the Holy City as well as the capital of the Kingdom. As the Faith spread, cities were built for The Faithful. The Caliph established the Faithful's Distribution, the flour to every faithful. He decreed this would be based not on gender or age or education, but simply on whether you came to church.

The Capital is a large metropolitan city, chaotic like all natural cities. Less so with time, as the Ancient Caliph has continued insight into how to build the city. Urban Renewal is a thing. The nearby cities are nearly as chaotic -- but each newer city shows more purpose.

The newer cities are the furthest from the capital. Each shows a different design aesthetic, as different architects are used. These cities create something in particular, be in glass or leather. The population of these is each roughly 10,000 souls.

Farm land extends for miles from the cities, and is largely the purview of the Lifeless, the priests, and what farmers are still needed -- a number reduced nearly every year! The Lifeless double as protectors, helping to secure the borders from hostiles. Also, from any faithless individuals who view the land as their own and would take it from the Faithful.

And, of course, the Missionaries are sent by land, sea, and river to bring the Faith to those who do not have it.

There are some obvious places for player characters in this mess. Political Intrigue, missionaries, fighting the extension of the Caliphate, fighting on behalf of the caliphate, the day-to-day enjoyment of living within such a Kingdom. Sailors, either along the river or along the ocean going from one civilization to another.

Does this geography make sense? Does something like the Mississippi river make sense as a kingdom? Do you know of examples of planned cities that worked?

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The games I know best are ones I learned through osmosis.

The games I know best are ones I learned through osmosis.

I learned Fiasco at a wedding. I played D&D with friends through high school. My first pbta game was at Camp Nerdly. Catan I learned in grad school, Carc from a great friend. Hell, Endless Sky was first shown to me.

And I just realized -- because I am not so smart -- that the learning through osmosis with pbta doesn't just apply to a single game like Monster Hearts or Apocalypse World, but gives a suite of skills that are applicable to all pbta games.

So, for ex, I know how to look to my principles and think about what moves follow. I know how to think about hard versus soft moves. Heck, I know how to quickly add the result of 2d6 + stat and determine the outcome. As MC, I often do this before my players and start thinking about the result.

I'm not sure I have ever learned and internalized rules through a book. Have you? Do you? Am I weird in this?

Or, is learning and mastering a game an inherently social phenomenon?

Monday, November 21, 2016

In the Caliphate of Azithan, known to its neighbors as the Necromancer Kingdom ...

In the Caliphate of Azithan, known to its neighbors as the Necromancer Kingdom ...

Let's talk about roleplaying within this setting. The key parts of the setting are:
1. A society where a single necromancer religion is the government, and allows for freedom of religion.
2. Lifeless undead that are used as workers, and the Faithful are provided a minimum basic income that covers basic food and housing.
3. Cities that act as specific economic zones, creating specialized products. That is, the economy is fairly planned.
4. An arm of this government sends out missionaries in groups of two. Maybe one of these is capable of raising Lifeless, maybe not.

There are a few obvious ways this can go:
Stop The Invasion: A group of player characters reacts to missionaries with violence. This'd be good D&D-style play. After defeating the incursion -- and the undead -- the PCs invade the Caliphate.

This gives the option of making the Caliphate evil, or simply misunderstood by the player characters. Perhaps as the campaign continues, they discover that the lawful good kingdom of necromancers really aren't that bad. Or decide that raising the dead is inherently evil, no matter what the Priests of Azithan say.

Personally, I'd do this with Dungeon World, but D&D is, of course, another good option.

Spread The Caliphate: The PCs are the missionaries, and are strangers in a strange land. This includes a lot of talking, a lot of raising the dead. Maybe also adventuring in a D&D sense, but mostly it'd be the day to day realities of creating a church and raising a flock of believers. Think the musical Book of Mormon, and you're pretty warm.

I'm thinking Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires is a decent place to start. Reasonable playbooks would be Bonepicker (Angel), Mesmerest (Brainer), Hocus. I could see a call for a Wolfhead (chopper), but the Strongholder (Hardholder) would probably be a nonstarter. That being said, the Waterbearer could be a reasonable playbook to port over.

Basically, you are in someone else's land, trying to convert them to your religion.

Build The Cities: The PCs are sent out by the Church to expand the reach of the Kingdom. Maybe this is along the Great River, and they need to create a self-sustaining community. The obvious choice is again Fallen Empires, this time making sure there's a Strongholder or porting over the Waterbearer from AW2e.

It'd be fascinating to see all the PCs be priests with different views, but maybe even better to have some of them not be priests. The class and power differences there would be interesting.

Palace Politics: This version gets into the politics of power, and how the Kingdom functions. Either set in the Capital, or one of the major cities.

I think Urban Shadows is a good fit for this. The Power caste are clearly the priests, the wild are the unbelievers. Remove all the guns, or make them "necromancer guns", and you're pretty much in business. Vampires and Zombies and crap as PCs is perfect, especially as Vamps aren't within the power structures of the church.

What are some other possible campaigns related to Azithan? What system would you use to run it?

Obviously, my recommendations are mostly pbta. That's where my brain is. I'm open to alternatives!

This is fascinating.

This is fascinating.

what the geographic numbers do show is that the specific subset of Mr Trump’s voters that won him the election—those in counties where he outperformed Mr Romney by large margins—live in communities that are literally dying.

That is: Measurements of public health outperform non-college whiteness as an indicator of Trump voting.

Thoughts on why?

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Still in recovery from last week.

Still in recovery from last week. Still, lost about 4 pounds this week and that's nuts. Wasn't able to run because of the wind and cold. Need to look into how to solve that problem.

The stats so far:
Successes: 2
Tentative Successes: 1
Failures: 3

Friday, November 18, 2016

On West World episode 6:

On West World episode 6:

That was obvious & delightful that we saw it coming.... from episode 1.

Tell me some good things, minor or major, that you've done lately.

Tell me some good things, minor or major, that you've done lately.

Here are some examples of what I've done today:
-- On public transit, unobtrusively stood between a white guy having a very bad day and a WoC. I figure violence is less likely to happen if it has to go through me, and then nobody has the worst day of their life. Granted, if violence does happen to me then I'll fall down with catastrophic injuries. Or worse, lose my cool and meet violence with violence.

-- Called my house rep about a klansman being nominated for Lynch's job. This is the third time in as many days, and sure I know the House doesn't have much of a say in appointments. They've got more than I do. And its easy, and they didn't know yet!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Please prove this is not real.

Please prove this is not real.

Originally shared by John Poteet

The planet is changing rapidly in ways we can't predict. We're riding this rollercoaster blindfolded people.

My gaming group. I love these guys.

My gaming group. I love these guys.

Last night, we played City of Myst. We needed some escapism, so Space Wyrm versus Moonicurn wasn't gonna do it. Neither was The Watch.

After we figured the system out well enough, we get the following characters:
-- I was played a Rich Old Bitch who found a magical weapon in the attic. Normally, this is a bracelet but it can transform into any weapon.
-- Swamp Thing, the former boxer playboy whose car ran into radioative chemicals from Helix Industries.
-- The Undead Assasin, who woke with no memory surrounded by technical goodies from Helix Industries.

We wound up playing as "The Pros", meaning we have funding. It makes sense that I'm funding the crew.

We establish that I run a half-way house. Right now, that's the two other PCs, while they try to figure out their new lives. This half-way house is a sanctuary for those with no place to go. A half dozen bedrooms, shared kitchen and other essentials. Like a place to box and a shooting range.

One of our informants comes by HQ, and tells us there's a human trafficking deal going down at the docks. A bunch of people in a shipping container, about to be sold. Two days time.

We do a little recon and show up. The undead assasin sneaks in, and sets up a little sniper shack. There are a dozen goons. The gang inside is complaining that this is way out of their comfort zone. They sell product, not people.

Swamp Thing and Rich Bitch knock on the door. Politely. Though, how polite a monster with three arms and bone where skin goes can be is up for debate. Of course, thanks to The Mist, the sleepers only see him as a big ole' fighter.

The Rich Bitch explains to the gangsters that there are two options. In option number one, the people in the shipping container come home with Rich Bitch. The Gang keeping them gets paid, and everything is fine.

Option number two isn't nearly so pretty. As Rich Bitch explains it, the undead assasin turns on the red dot on his sniper rifle. On the forehead of the leader of the gang. In option two, the gang dies and Rich Bitch still gets the people.

They choose option 1. Rich Bitch cuts a check, and the gang clears out. The Heroes take the people to HQ, and buy a couple dozen sleeping bags to help them out until we can place them somewhere better. We call a refugee lawyer.

See? Who needs violence when you have the threat of violence, money, and two unkillable super heroes?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Preserved for prosperity / admittedly, virtue signaling.

Preserved for prosperity / admittedly, virtue signaling.

In a thread with a probable troll, who was claiming bathroom bills let men into girls bathrooms.

I rather liked my retort. Am I wrong in any particular? I could very much be wrong! I get words wrong all the time, and am by no means an expert. If I am wrong, please tell me.

None of that allows men in women's bathrooms. Full Stop.

Those bills allow transgender persons to use the bathroom of their gender, rather than the sex the government inappropriately assigned them at birth.

To say otherwise is to allow the government to decide what sex you are.

Why do I love this? Because I get to use the language of small government. Because I get to cast gendered bathrooms as big-government intervention is the most intimate affairs. Because the troll asked if I know what gender and sex mean.

Once again, if I am wrong in any particular this'd be a perfect time and place to inform me.

Trump is bringing in his kids. Is this because they've been running his businesses for years?

Trump is bringing in his kids. Is this because they've been running his businesses for years?

If you say No, feel free to explain in comments.

Need an RPG we can play while filled with existential dread.

Need an RPG we can play while filled with existential dread.

Nromally, this time slot is filled with either Moonicurn versus Space Wyrm or The Watch. Both of which are off the table right now, for being too on the nose.

Alternative suggestions?

Monday, November 14, 2016

For years, I adored the Star Wars Technical Commentaries.

For years, I adored the Star Wars Technical Commentaries. These take Star Wars remarkably seriously. When discussing the ships of the empire, they use this schema:

gunboat -- a small vessel of shallow draught and with relatively heavy guns. [Oxford]
monitor -- a heavily armed warship of shallow draught. [Oxford]
corvette -- a small, lightly armed, fast vessel, used mostly for convoy escort, ranging between a destroyer and a gunboat in size. [Macquarie]
frigate -- a naval escort vessel between a corvette and a destroyer in size. [Oxford]
destroyer -- a fast warship with guns and torpedoes used to protect other ships. [Oxford]
cruiser -- a warship of high speed and medium armament. [Oxford]
battlecruiser -- a warship of maximum speed and fire power, but with lighter armour than a battleship. [Macquarie]
battleship -- a warship with the heaviest armour and the largest guns. [Oxford]

In tonnage then, more or less:
gunboat << monitor << corvette << Frigate << destroyer << cruiser << battlecruiser << battleship.

in modern warfare, the battleship has largely been replaced with the carrier. And heck, that's being replaced with drones, but let's put the last twenty years aside for a moment.

Within Star Wars -- the original series mind you -- we see the following ships, more or less in increasing tonnage:
-- X-wings & Tie Fighters, and a variety of other starfighters.
-- The Falcon
-- Leia's consular ship
-- The medical ship where Luke gets his hand fixed up at the end of Empire.
-- Mon Cal Cruisers, such as Ackbar's ship in Jedi.
-- Vader's ship in A New Hope. Lots of other vessels of the same class, commonly called star destroyers
-- The Executor, Vader's command ship in Empire and Jedi
-- Death Stars

Where, if anyone, do those ships fit within the framework above? Does the framework make sense for the sort of war depicted in Star Wars? Or, as Carriers and drones have done to this sort of schema, does this not align at all to Star Wars? Or, something more esoteric?

I have a couple different perspectives on this, and think I can guess what a few of you would say. I'm interested to test my ability to know other people's minds.

Oh, and I promise this is related to gaming. Take my word for it, I am likely to explain later.

From Going Postal:

From Going Postal:

"What a situation! What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter."

Thanks, Terry. Your hand continues to help.

Belief revision is incredibly hard.

Belief revision is incredibly hard. We're not very good at it. Belief revision while depressed is harder. I've got a bunch of symptoms of mild depression.

Here's what I wonder. If we could be so wrong about the outcome of the election, what else are we wrong about?

Philosophy is generally described of as having three main branches: epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. More or less, epistemology is how we know stuff, metaphysics is what stuff exists, and ethics is right and wrong. Again, more or less. Depending on the philosophy, the three inform each other.

For me, these three serve as anchors holding together a worldview. It is a liberal areligious scientific one, where it is right to help those less privileged. Where science tells us the most we can know about the world, and there are (effectively) no gods to save us.

Within epistemology, more or less, is the theory of minds. In particular, the theory of other people's minds. Of knowing about other people, and how we gain information about them. My theory of other people's minds has suffered a tremendous shock.

That shock is reverbing through the rest of my positions, casting doubt. I'm struggling with wondering how much of my epistemology is wrong. How much of how I gather and learn about information is mistaken. With such doubt, I have to wonder is my metaphysic is wrong. And with two unmoored, I question even my ethics.

With all three in question, I am left unmoored. For now, there is no knowledge I do not doubt.

This'll change. My expectation is I'll come back to largely where I was before, but this is a philosophical singularity.

I've started more fights online than usual, without ever meaning to. There's very loud subtext that everything is about the election. That's true, but its really about this unmooring. Questioning and wondering and that turns into aggression and depression.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

imma gonna use public posts for PSAs in the future. Do it if you haven't.

imma gonna use public posts for PSAs in the future. Do it if you haven't.

Originally shared by John Hattan

Note to LGBT+'s in the US. Lotsa people in the know are recommending that you get your paperwork fixed ASAP if your gender doesn't match your social security or driver's license or whatever.

Apparently that's one of those little Obama-led niceties that can be reversed pretty easily by President PussyGrabber. But if it's already changed, you're probably okay.

Sucks that I have to pass this on. But if you've been pushing it off, now's the time.

We lost Leonard Cohen?

We lost Leonard Cohen?

No one told me until now.

Novel: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Novel: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Author: JK & some friends
Rating: Worse than the Chamber of the Half-Blooded Azkabhan.
Genre: SF

Short synopsis: This is more an apology for killing Cedric Diggory than a novel. In effect, the moral is: The HP universe is the best possible universe, and if you think changing things would make it better than you are wrong wrong wrong.

I find that sort of moral disheartening and wrongheaded.

Novel: too like the lightning

Novel: too like the lightning
Author: Ada Palmer
Rating: 4 Sherlocks, 5 roddenberries, 3 Pulitzers, 7 Herberts, and 8 Heinleins.
Genre: SF

Short synopsis: This is the greatest novel I've read this year. This is the 27th book I've read in 2016.

Set in the ~25th century for future readers, the novel uses the mechanics of the 18th century novel. So, it goes like this:

Something about how gender doesn't exist in this century
_Dear reader, what are you to make of this? In my time ... _

That is, the author found a way to have as much world-building as Dune while still explaining it without an appendix. There is the problem and crime solving of Sherlock, with the answer staring us in the face where we can't see it the whole time. The hopefulness of Roddenberry, and an investgative streak a mile wide. And, of course, a certain joy in technology that identifies with the best of Heinlein.

Turns out, there is a second book as of yet unpublished. I look forward to it with great anticipation!

If I've ever convinced you to read a book, read this one.

Novel: The Truth about Fragile Things

Novel: The Truth about Fragile Things
Author: Regina Sirois
Rating: 3 sniffles
Genre: YA

Short synopsis: As a baby, our protagonist's life was saved by an adult man's heroic sacrifice. Now, 15 years later, she blames herself and meets his daughter.

I just about forgot to add this one to the list. I finished it most of a month ago. It was fun and short and not as much MonsterHearts as I'd hoped it would be.

I sniffled, but did not cry. I laughed but did not belly laugh. Recommended if you want a novel about growing up and facing death.

If there's ever a week to fail, this is it. And I did. That is, after a 5k I am still > 205.

If there's ever a week to fail, this is it. And I did. That is, after a 5k I am still > 205.

The stats so far:
Successes: 2
Tentative Successes: 1
Failures: 2

What you probably don't know is, on Thursday, we went on a 2-day inagural cruise paid for by my work. Free food, free booze. Sure, some swimming but not really very much. A lot of naps.

As it was a work trip, there are certain lines I feel I shouldn't cross. Let me put it this way: affluent mostly white people waited on by mostly people of color, all ruled by a few corporate executives is not my idea of a vacation.

What it does describe I'll leave as an exercise for the reader.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The power to destroy a thing is the power to control a thing.

Here is a partial list of powers given to the President:

Here is a partial list of powers given to the President:

The big one:
-- Under the War Powers Resolution, take any military action anywhere in the world and notify congress within 48 hours, and seek approval within 60 days. As a de facto matter, the President has full command and control of the largest military apparatus in the history of the world.

Some others:
-- Thanks to the AUMF, the president doesn't need congressional approval to fight terrorism wherever it is on earth.
-- Order the murder of anyone on earth. This includes American citizens, by declaring them enemy combatants.
-- Issue Executive Orders will full force of law. These tell federal employees what to do, more or less.
-- Appoint over 4,000 employees to leadership positions within the federal government
-- Make agreements with foreign nations, which need congressional approval. These are different from treaties, but i don't want to go into the differences right now.
-- Declare states of emergency, which greatly broaden the powers of the federal government
-- Federalize the national guard.
-- Appoint judges & justices, set policy and tone.

I've missed some big ones. This is a small partial list. Don't let anyone tell you the President can't do things.

And with both chambers of congress, the powers are effectively unlimited.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

does anyone know anything?
omg. What is wrong with my country.



I've made it clear who I prefer. Remember to vote.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

This week, I:

This week, I:
-- Ran a really fast 5k, and a much slower 5k.
-- Ate one of the largest and fanciest meals I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying.
-- Drank moderately
-- Voted
-- Stayed within goal! That is, when weighing in this morning, I'm under the target line.

Take that, entropy!

The stats so far:
Successes: 2
Tentative Successes: 1
Failures: 1

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trying this again.

Trying this again.

Are there any Trump supports out there? Do you know any?

If so, I have been trying to find an answer to this question:
-- Why do you support your candidate?

I've been looking for an answer in the positive which does not address Obama or Clinton. I haven't yet found one.

If you can answer, please do! If you know someone who could, please plus them in.

Moderation policy: This is NOT an argument thread. Any attempt to argue with a Trump support will be deleted. I may ask questions, which'll be similar to "Will you you explain more about that?". At the same time, any post such as "killary for prison" will be deleted and, at my discretion, the poster blocked. I explicitly reserve the right to delete this post or any comments without warning or explanation.

Feel free to reshare. Feel free to sub.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Guess whose got 2 thumbs, a reasonable grasp of modern evolutionary synthesis, and just beat his 5k time by 25...

Guess whose got 2 thumbs, a reasonable grasp of modern evolutionary synthesis, and just beat his 5k time by 25 seconds?


Amazon can prime roses. We live in an astonishing world.

Amazon can prime roses. We live in an astonishing world.

Pretty sure the race is tightening due to a fault in human memory.

Pretty sure the race is tightening due to a fault in human memory. Well, I say fault. Memory doesn't work how we think it does.

We don't actually remember what happened. We remember the story we tell ourselves. The things we think about most we remember least well to fact.

And here's the kicker: We erase how terrible previous events were.

That is, retrospectively events are not as horrible as they were at the time.

DT bombed each debate, giving a truly horrible presentation. He besmirched the office of President by saying he would jail his opponent. He stalked HRC like a sexual predator.

But, we don't really remember how terrible it was. Instead, we sort of average it out. It becomes just a meh event.

I think this is why the race is tightening.