Tuesday, October 30, 2018

We played The Resistance: Avalon last night, with mostly new people.

We played The Resistance: Avalon last night, with mostly new people.

It felt a lot more like Shoutdown to Launch than Shoutdown usually does. And without the safety tools!

The group was 5 men, 2 women. Team Good shouted at each other -- a dude shouting down a woman -- while team evil kept mostly quiet, occasionally poking.

There's a metaphor in there somewhere. Something about how all it takes for evil to triumph is for good to fight among themselves.


  1. Or a simpler metaphor, about how dudes ruin everything?

  2. That's not even a metaphor, it's just a fact ascertained from reason and experience

  3. I'm not actually familiar with any of these games, so pardon... is there supposed to be shouting? Like, in particular the game you played, but in any of them? And if there is not, did anyone tell this man to stop it?

    Additional: If there /is/ supposed to be shouting... why?

  4. To an extent, yes. That is: Disagreements are common in these games. There's limited information, and folk find evidence for there gut decisions, and then yell about them.
