Monday, October 1, 2018

A few weeks ago, Tony Lower-Basch suggested Trump would be the new high water mark for the Republican party, in...

A few weeks ago, Tony Lower-Basch suggested Trump would be the new high water mark for the Republican party, in terms of morality, temperament, and fundamental understanding of politics.

It was easy to disagree. I reserved judgement, thinking he was probably overstating the case.

Then Kavanaugh showed up.

And Lindsay Graham disgraced himself. And Orrin Hatch was himself.

And they all made Trump seem reserved and calm.

We're doomed. This is the new Republican party, and it's only going to get worse from here. And they'll do anything to maintain there grip on power.

I only hope Princess Leia was right -- that the more they tighten their fingers, the more cities will slip through there fingers.


  1. As wiser commentators than I have noted, the GOP acts like a party that will never again face a free and fair election.

  2. Noah Stevens I would not give Trump or Putin (or anyone for that matter) that much credit. I've never met a bully who was trying to end bullying by by being a bigger bully and causing a backlash. And I'm fairly certain that wouldn't work. You can't clean the pool by pissing in it.

    Who brought most of those guys into the White House in the first place? Trump.

    I do agree that Trump would sell anyone down the river if it benefits him, but all that's going to accomplish is lowering the bar for good governance.

    Maybe I'm wrong. There were a lot of reforms after Watergate. But I'm not seeing Democrats calling for changing the system. Most of them think the problem is simply that the wrong person is in the White House.
