Thursday, October 4, 2018

Every other Wednesday, the sprint ends.

Every other Wednesday, the sprint ends.

Every other Wednesday, I facilitate about 4 hours of meetings. That's with the design team, the development team, the client, and a host of hangers-on.

Every other Wednesday, I wear myself out.

Every other Thursday, I am essentially useless. Emotionally drained, with difficulty focusing and sometimes keeping my eyes open.

This is one of those Thursdays.

Tell me something interesting.


  1. I find my Sprint Planning day to be my most dreaded in anticipation, but also my most productive feeling days. I actually mostly feel elevated after them, unless there's something that goes very wrong, or the dev team can't articulate their work transparently. I have them every week as I am the PO of two alternating dev teams working two different products.

  2. Holland is the second-largest exporter of food by value, second to the United States, despite the US's 270x landmass advantage. They have done this by fostering an environment in which many farms are small and highly innovative, letting new ideas and technology flourish. - This Tiny Country Feeds the World
