Friday, October 12, 2018

Pretty sure I'm sick.

Pretty sure I'm sick.

Pretty sure I'll WFH today.

People respond to incentives. I think I am, too.

What incentive is that?


  1. avoiding a commute
    having a (bad, adult sort of) snow day
    not being pathetic in public

  2. Oh, oh, I know this one! You’ve been rewarded by the academic structure for overthinking things. At the same time, you’ve been punished by the capitalist system of social control each time you permit the appearance that you are a human being rather than a black box that converts wages into productivity. So, responding to those incentives, you seek to establish that a moment of human illness is actually a complex transactional system of incentives and responses!

  3. There is one pool of leave: PTO.

    Which means if I take sick leave today, that's one less day I spend in, like, Hawaii or at a con or whatever.

    And, well, bugger that.

  4. BUT: At 1 PM, we are interviewing. We've got somoene coming in. And I want us to hire her.

    I'll be there for that.

  5. Where was the confidant woman I spoke to on the phone? Why was her body language so shut off, her responses so canned?

    Made me sad.

    Also, yes: I have been crafted by academia and capitalism. But, Tony Lower-Basch, I don't think I am one that produces productivity: Rather, one that takes as much from an employer as possible, producing as little as possible, while acting engaged with the capitalistic owners.

    Granted, currently I am actively engaged with the job, but that has little enough to do with I have been trained to do as a wage earner.
