Friday, June 29, 2018

Them: How do you feel about data visualization?

Them: How do you feel about data visualization?
Me: It's really important, and other people should do it. I should be mentoring people to be better analysis.
Them: We're interviewing you for the Vis Dev position.
Me: ... I applied for the Analyst Lead role.
Them: ...
Me: ...


  1. Third interview this week, so I guess it happens?

  2. I had one once where I was straight up lied to and brought in for a sales position. The reason, it was the new hire sales guy's first training task to get ten people in for interviews!

  3. How is there any possible response from them that is not “How awkward! Let me find the people who can interview you for Analyst Lead, and convince them to make time to redeem my mistake. If I can ask your patience for just a moment?”

  4. We only really realized it at the end of the interview.

    A thing they didn't do: confirm the position in the interview.

    I mean, yes: Analyst Lead and BI Vis Dev seem pretty similar if you're a step or two removed, and my resume does include works like "designed" which should maybe be "analyzed", but meh.
