Sunday, June 3, 2018

I am remembering my attempted game about after the dungeon crawl.

I am remembering my attempted game about after the dungeon crawl.

I never quite liked how I handled dungeons - I essentially stole the operators gigs from aw - but this may be what I needed instead.

It'll still be the case that coming back to town costs something. Because you've got to pay rent. This may change how, or what it costs.

Take your hold from here, and use it to to roll on w random table, maybe?


  1. When you thieve from the Dungeon, roll + Sneak. On a 12+, when you make your treasure roll and increase a tier. On a 10+, make a treasure roll. On a 7-9, make a treasure roll but first face a guardian. On a 6-, you must face a guardian.
