Friday, January 20, 2017

PSA: Running in the cold is dangerous.

PSA: Running in the cold is dangerous.

Yesterday, I thought it was warm enough to do a 5k outside, so I went for a run. I didn't get a very good time (36:30 or so), and was disappointed.

... Until I got home and realized my vision was pixilated. My blood flow was fucked somehow. Immediately, I sat on the sofa with my legs up and my head down. I got my head close to my heart, so my blood could get there. I put my legs up so gravity would help.

Realizing I was wheezing, I took a hot shower to help open up my lungs. And some sudafed. I drank some coffee.

I've got this belief that uppers help with asthma.

When none of that worked, I used my actual rescue inhaler. Which I hadn't used for years.

I'm fine, but that'll learn me to run when it is 51 F, windy, and dry.


  1. I don't run in the cold because of asthma.

  2. Yeah, T. Franzke ! I thought 50 wasn't "cold", but I may be wrong.

  3. My sinuses usually flare up when I run in temperatures under 60 degrees. Get stuffy and sinus headaches. I've also heard of people, really males, having heart attacks when running in really cold temperatures. Usually older males 35+ years. I'm not sure what is up with that.

  4. Me too. :-( I did not like hearing that. But I try to be cautious. Apparently this is a thing:

  5. Then when its 50, I'll just wear something else to help out.
