Thursday, January 5, 2017

Its cold and dark and i hate everything.

Its cold and dark and i hate everything.

Cold: I cannot run outside. Just being outside is painful.

Dark: The sunlight is weak even at noon, and 7 am is before daybreak.

Hate everything: Every email, every project makes me want to scream bloody murder. Or cry.

I know this is SAD. But, i can't care about that because SAD. I know it'll be better in a month, but I cannot comprehend it being better because SAD. I've managed to get through this every year. I know I will again this year.

But Christ.


  1. You have my complete and utter sympathy. SAD is terrible.

  2. I know how you feel. I used to get crippled by SAD. My doctor put me on a tremendous ongoing dose of vitamin D, and now I only get a little blue, not stay in bed for weeks depressed. Worth looking into, if you have a doc.

    It doesn't help with the being housebound, unfortunately... but it has given me the motivation to consider some outdoor activities in the winter.

  3. Yeah, D and lightbox for me. It helps, it really does.

  4. I've had a light alarm for years. I always hated waking up in the dark. Fuck that with a pitchfork.

    When I wake up, I fantasize about running. Then I walk to the main room, and there's no light coming in from the patio door. None, on the tenth floor. Then I whimper a little, and do so again when I realize how fracking cold it is.

  5. Also—acknowledgment and lowering your expectations of your output/productivity for winter months. The worst part of my SAD has been the self-flaggelation over not being my manic summer self. This year I refrained from taking any freelance deadlines Nov-Jan and am not tracking words written, and I am so much happier. I'm lucky that I can do that, of course, but even just acknowledging that SAD is real and will affect your productivity may help.

  6. Sympathies. For the winter months, I get a gym membership. I don't like it, but it gets me to a well-lit place that has something I can run on.

  7. Weirdly, I get summer-SAD. (I think; I haven't been diagnosed, so I may just be being flippant.)

  8. Did a 5k on the treadmill in the apartment gym. It was slow (39+ minutes), but at least I ran ridiculously fast during Guns and Ships.

    I'm feeling better, but it may be temporary. But, in the end, what isn't?

  9. Robert Bohl My wife has the same. We make a great pair! ;)

  10. Not sure if you are actively seeking advice, or just laying out the suckiness of SAD. I have gone on a 'depression diet' when I was at my worst, and found that it helped me. If you are interested, I will make a post about it.

  11. What is this thing, Derrick Sanders ?
