Saturday, January 28, 2017

Had no idea they partnered with PP. That's fantastic.

Had no idea they partnered with PP. That's fantastic.

Jule Ann Wakeman, who assuredly knows all this.

Originally shared by Rabid Feminist

Eat more cookies


  1. Their cookies are good enough that I'd buy them even if my money wasn't going to support a progressive organization. That just makes the cookies all the more delicious.

  2. /me packs thin mints into her mouth with one hand, flips off anti-women's health idiots with the other

  3. Jenn Le Roy​ and Everyone Is Random​ are both long time supporters of Girl Scouts.

  4. Jenn Le Roy​​​ do you know if any of the other claims in the post are false? beat me to it by posting a second Snopes article as I was posting my question.

  5. Most of the stuff on this flyer is very misleading and highly exaggerated to scare people. Girls Scouts have simply change with the times becoming more and more aligned with equality for all. I've been a Girl Scout since I was 8. I'm 42. My daughter turns 18 next month and has been a Girl Scout since she was 4. She already has plans to continue as an adult volunteer.

  6. I addressed each of these bullet points in another post. Lol.

  7. William Nichols(null) yes. And they're mostly true but not quite in the way they're stated here.

  8. For instance, Girl Scouts cannot proceed with any material that is related to sensitive material such as religion or sex Ed without explicit parental consent. As a leader I've had many of those forms signed by parents after giving parents a copy of the exact material the girls would be getting. I also had a lot of parents sit in on such meetings and I always welcomed that. We have rewritten all badge books because we believe that girls should learn modern skills such as coding and fishing and chemistry as well as sewing and cooking. We have had several troops welcome transgender children and without any incidents except from outside sources being pissed off about it. As far as I'm aware, the other scouts accepted the children just fine.

  9. Yeah, I'm aware of the trans kids being welcome. That wasn't shocking or new; it was the planning with PP that seemed amazing and surprising.

  10. Dang it, I didn't see any scouts selling cookies last week while I was in San Antonio. I'd intended to buy a couple of boxes.

  11. Late to the game, but yes, I would echo what Jenn Le Roy​ said. These statements are misleading at best, but Girl Scouts is still an organization I am proud to work with. They are very progressive and pro-woman.

  12. Jule Ann Wakeman Thanks! Basically, every part of this seems fantastic. So, its kinda amazing gthat what scares some folk is stuff I find not far enough. Is that weird?

    And am i gonna see you at Dreamation? Think we'll play a game together this year?

  13. Probably not. :( The only con I've ever been able to regularly attend was Camp Nerdly, and two years in a row, I've had to miss it for a Girl Scout Camporee.

  14. Jule Ann Wakeman Then ... maybe next year! Nerdly won't be the same without the Wakeman's!
