Friday, January 27, 2017

If 40,000 people in three states had voted differently, the result would have been reversed.

If 40,000 people in three states had voted differently, the result would have been reversed.

Because I am not smart, I did not know those exact numbers.

Edit: As Derrick Sanders rightly points out, more than 90,000 people in those states were disfranchised.


  1. Yeah, I've got quite a pent-up scream about it.

  2. If 90,000 people in those same states hadn't been disenfranchised by polling station closures and voter ID laws, the result would have been reversed.

    Sorry for the de-rail, but voting rights are a cause I care deeply about.

  3. Derrick Sanders That's never a derail. You are right, and that is more important.
