Tuesday, February 9, 2016

wow. That's noblesse oblige

wow. That's noblesse oblige

Originally shared by Sarah Perry-Shipp

I wish more people knew how to write Superman properly, for whatever value you hold "properly" to have.

(remember #nerdy9th  and if you feel the urge to be negative, post up your favorite superhero stories)


  1. Tony Lower-Basch I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. I was honestly not expecting that question.

  2. Well, part of my trouble reading the phrase is I never know whether people are referring to the original meaning (which is largely positive) or some of the ways it's been typified as a false justification for an oppressive system (and in which its use would connote the assumption of hypocrisy).

    So it's like "sanction," it could mean two completely opposite things, depending on the intent.

  3. Ah. I mean the positive! Other examples, some small and some large:

    -- Giving lifts to those without cars.
    -- Donating a billion dollars to The Gates Foundation because the market rewards some activities more than others.
    -- Protecting the meek, because you have supreme power and they do not.
    -- Offering to pay for a hotel room so your friends don't have to think about it.
    -- Using societal privilege to protect rather than harm.

    That sort of stuff!

  4. Then, yeah, I know whom.  Likewise, if you'd been talking about the negative version, where you abuse people and then say "But it's because of destiny and birthright, and all is well!" I would know whom.

  5. This is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
