Friday, March 2, 2018

Today's weight: 221.5

Today's weight: 221.5

What in the world. I'm going the wrong direction. I blame work. Tonight, I work out. At least a 5k, at least in the gym. Preferably a 5k outside, but it turns out there's ridiculous winds.

The stakes: Tony won't see Avengers in theaters, Patty will drink an icky soda.
If I win, Dylan will give $25 to Give Directly, Dianne will see a movie and not complain for 24 hours.

I have until Nerdly. Also, you should go to Camp Nerdly.

Would you like to add to the stakes? I prefer the ones that are not money, as that makes me feel a little weird. Stll, it has worked in the past.


  1. If you make it, I will write an essay and post it publicly. Give me a list of things you'd like me to talk about?

  2. Oh wow, more positive stakes! I don't necessarily feel good about making you do labor, though.

  3. Nah, it'll be a push to actually put something in writing. I'll get veto on topic, and we'll work to pick something I actually want to talk about.

    So you can feel good about giving me motivation to do something I want to do.

  4. Weight fluctuates by at least +-1%. I record mine daily, and have a chart that shows clear trends with noise. You are a data person. You know this.

    If you fail I promise I will listen to Patty Kirsch complaining about soda on the drive home from Nerdly. ;) Ok, maybe that doesn't count.

  5. Kimberley Lamok, cool!

    Some topics:
    1. On moral luck and the use of incentives to drive positive behavior
    2. On the superiority of Black Panther to conventional Marvel movies because they know how to talk.
    3. On the end of the professional salesperson

    Thoughts on these?

  6. Sean Leventhal Worse: How about if you promise not to listen to her, thus doing short term damage to your marriage?

    That's something I'd want to avoid! You actively listening, practicing being a good husband and partner when your wife had a shitty experience happen to her? Nah.

  7. #2 is the only one that might be in my area of armchair expertise, though I could probably tackle #1 if its scope was reduced more.

    For #2, can you elaborate on what you mean by knowing how to talk?

  8. On (2): Iron Man decides there are terrorists and this is bad, so he goes out and punches them. With missiles.

    Black Panther decides there are problems in the world because a whole bunch of people are kept down, and they have an actual discussion on if it is correct on whether or not to intervene. They admit there's nuance and problems on both sides, and reasonable people can disagree.

  9. Oooh, so you mean scalable responses that also take into account levels of power and the arenas in which they are effective.

    Like how Batman fights crime by punching dudes instead of using his billions for charitable works and transforming the broken prison system.

  10. Tell you what - I'm planning a Captain America: Civil War and Black Panther comparison, and I was going to focus on the personal level. If you make your weight goal, I'll do a part 2 that focuses on the policy level and what each movie implies about the role of supers. Is that about the right wavelength?

  11. Heck yes!

    By Nerdly, whcih is May 18. And if I hit it earlier, you are free to start working on it earlier.

