Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Is Westmoreland County evil liars who are defrauding an election, or just incompetent?


  1. Yes.
    PA is a weird state, there is a lot of blue collar, union friendly attitudes mixed with a lot of religion and conservatism. There are a lot of blue dog democrats. Lots of (ex) coal and steel workers that are lost in the past and an aging population in general. Last figures I saw only Florida had more senior citizens than PA. And we may be north of the mason-dixon but an awful lot of people identify with good ol boy southern attitudes. I blame the Appalachians.

  2. Yes. I meant that Westmoreland County officials decided, whle votes were being announced in other counties, to not say precinct by precinct who was wnning, but to wait until the very end.

  3. I was just watching the NYT live coverage, twitching over it being within 95 votes with 99% returns ... and then suddenly it updated to have Lamb with an 845 vote lead. I presume a precinct reported while I was staring at the numbers. That made me happy.

  4. If the Trump administration has shown anything, it is that there is nothing stopping someone from being both evil and incompetent at the same time.

  5. I have a feeling this is going to go our way.

  6. I honestly have issues with Lamb's stances on some things but I'll take him over Saccone.

  7. well, yeah. He's pro gun. He's not great, but he's also not one of them.

  8. He's also stated some opposition to abortion, but is so far walking the line.

  9. He's said he's personally opposed to abortion but believes that he needs to obey the law of the land.

  10. Yeah, that's what I mean by walking the line. I live in PA, we have a lot of people who are sketchy on the abortion rights thing on the nominal left, so I'm leery of trusting them entirely.
