Friday, March 9, 2018

Continuing on with economic spaceship fiction ....

Continuing on with economic spaceship fiction ....

When you ask for help, roll +Empathy. On a 10+, you get the help you need. On a 7-9, choose one. If it's a PC, they choose.
-- They'll help you out, but to a lesser or crappy extent.
-- They'll help you out, but need a favor first.
-- They'll help you out, but will suffer if they do it. You take a mark.

When you ask for help from someone you've got an Hx with, you can also choose one of these:
-- They help but right, but will call in a big big favor later.
-- They can't help, but your good nature is obvious. Lower your stress by one.


  1. Seems like you can't make another PC help you, which is what it looks like a 10+ gets you. I see the Hx portion of the move applying to all PCs, or is that what you mean when you say "someone you'be got an Hx with"?

    I really like the option that they'll "suffer if they do it." Can that be abused by asking for help from someone you don't like?

    That actually is a potential problem for the move. I ask for help, and I get it. Nothing about the move precludes me from fighting against person A, asking person A to help me attack person B, and on a hit, person A's gotta do it.

    You could solve that problem by adding in "from someone inclined to help you" in the trigger, but then it's not a very interesting way to get what you want. It's like a toothless manipulate where you don't need to offer any leverage.

  2. Yeah. The trigger in my head is actually something like "When you ask for help from someone who you've treated well in the past", ie this only works for good actors. If you're a shitbagger, it doesn't work.
