Wednesday, November 15, 2017

When you make a character

When you make a character

So, the stats, see, are maybe:
Hard, Cool, Hot, Sharp, Weird

You get access to the basic moves as you gain those stats. If you don't have a stat, then you fall back on Do Something Under Fire, based on cool. That's the primary move. And everybody has a cool score.

So, at chargen, choose a primary stat. Put it at 2. It can be cool, but if ti is then put another stat at 0. Everybody else has cool 0.

So now everybody has two stats, and can access a few moves. Cool.

Now, we go do adventuring. You're gonna go down into the Dungeon, see.

Why? Figure out a motive. Hint: It's probably money. Don't spend too much time on this.

For each stat you've got, you can raid the Dungeon.

When you raid the dungeon from the Village, roll with stat On a 10+, choose 1 or more. On a 7-9, choose 2 or more. On a 6-, choose 1 and the MC will mark another badness:
--- You journey to a floor cleared of monsters and recover a silver.
-- You find a handful of silver, but it is hard. Mark exhaustion.
-- You save victims of the monsters, and take some loot. Mark Witness and recover a purse of silver.
-- You defeat a boss monster! Mark harm, and recover a backpack of silver.

~5 coins to a handful, ~5 handfuls to a purse, ~5 purses to a backpack. There's also a trunk. It's ~5 backpacks to a purse. I say ~5 as it goes 5-5-4, so it comes out to an even 100. There's a table.

Exhaustion: If you mark Exhaustion three times, you drop everything as you return to town.
Witness: If you mark Witness three times, you lose control. You become a monster, and resurface covered in the blood of your enemies. You slink back to town, and need to seek help before you can go back to the dungeon.
Harm: If you mark Harm three times, you are dead. Make a new character.


  1. Question: Your text seems to imply that if I don't have (say) the Hard stat then I do not have the basic move that goes with the Hard stat. Is that a correct reading?

  2. Yes! Without a hard stat you cannot, say, seize by force.

  3. That's ... not what not having a move means, in the rest of the AW ecosystem. Do you mean to say "Without a hard stat you can narratively Seize by Force all you want, and don't need to roll for it, or interface with the rule system in any way"?

  4. Yes! Instead, you'd have to do something under fire. You don't have hard, so the things I've can do with hard are not yet open to you.

    They will be. When you've used all your stats in the dungeon, you can get another one.

  5. Why would I ever want another one?

    And what happens when I'm doing something I don't have a stat for, that clearly isn't under fire? Like, say, trying to persuade somebody to let me into a guarded temple in exchange for a healthy bribe?

  6. So essentially, the only basic move is now Do Something Under Fire and all the rest are playbook moves?

  7. That's a good way to think of it, Misha!

  8. Tony Lower-Basch There's probably no guarded temples. In my mind, this game is setup a lot like Diablo. You go into the dungeon, do some terrible things, come up with loot and then have to relax.

    It's the R&R I want to focus the game on. Might not even need stats, but before I make that departure I want to be sure.

    Like I said tonight, not yet ready to run.

  9. Because of the repetitive use of "see" I am imagining William as James Cagney. It is the best image.
