Friday, November 24, 2017

I want to talk about the calendar. Again.

I want to talk about the calendar. Again.

As is: we have 12 months, with days varying between 28 and 31. Holidays occur at essentially random, though preset, intervals.

Let's do this, which Kodak used for decades:
-- 13 months, each 28 days long. A single day -- a holiday -- outside the week at the end of the year.
-- Put Holidays on the first of the month. So, every first Monday is a holiday.

Let's do it.


  1. Will never happen. You're screwing with the week, which is literally the oldest human institution, and enshrined as a core tenant of all Judaism-derived faiths.

  2. Errr... I am making the week the centerpiece of the month.

  3. I'd get America to use sane paper sizes first (with about the same likelihood of success).

  4. By having one day a year that's outside the week, you're rotating the week. After the first year, your heretical neo-Friday is the God's true Saturday, and the Sabbath, which we're commanded to keep holy.

    Not to mention that Good Friday won't be Friday except on years evenly divisible by seven.

  5. ... As if the week hasn't shifted several times in history. Come on.

  6. Alexander Newman Or the metric system in general. We still think about inches. But, also, liters. Sometimes.

  7. When? I've never heard that before. I have heard people say it's held unbroken for at least two millennia, possibly more.

  8. Jonathan Beverley religious calendars would likely keep their own calendars as they do today since common calendars have absolutely changed over time. - Gregorian calendar - Wikipedia

  9. Pretty much any holiday that is done on a specific day of the week (Good Friday, etc.) are done not on a specific date but on the "3rd Friday of the month" or some such so changing the calendar won't really make much difference to when this are celebrated. They are all approximations anyways... except for that whole "There is only one holiday a month, and it's at the start of it regardless of when it would normally happen" thing, which would end up throwing a lot of people for a loop.

    The bigger problem is that you'd have to change the entire culture of social significance of dates. Does it matter, logically, if we celebrate someone's birthday on April 11th when they were born, or April 1st which is the designated holiday day for the month? Not really, no, since it's all just social construct. But a lot of currently alive and aware people wouldn't be super keep to be told their birthday is no longer important.

    It's easy to design a social structure from the ground up, it might even make sense from a "hind sight is 20/20" perspective... but like changing the entire infrastructure so that power grids are underground, or an entire city is wired for fiber optic networking it's a lot easier to say than actually do.

  10. You don’t need to put a day outside the week.

    There are one to two days outside the month, and every every year has a day Associated — all months start on Monday in year 107, for example.

    I’m in favor of splitting the 13th month into separate weeks, naming them for seasons, and making sure they contain all the solstices and equinoxes.

  11. That's a bit further than I was referencing, Matt Johnson. I wasn't saying to have birthdays be birth months, but, rather, for a offces and crap are closed holiday each month. Like how thingsgiving is on a Thursday? Yeah, screw that.

  12. Sorry, that was clearer in my head. I was trying to use that as an example. Taking all the holidays and putting them in one day at the start of the month, as opposed to whenever they normally are, is akin to telling people "This day you think is special, is not, so we are just going to do it this day." like birthdays. There's no reason other than tradition that Thanksgiving is on the Thursday it's on, but making it not be on that Thursday will undoubtedly annoy people. Like me. I like that it's Thursday, because that means i get a 3 day week. :P

    But also, you should probably specify (like you just did, but I mean in the actual plan) that when you say holiday, what you mean is "Banking holidays when offices and stuff will be closed" and not "All the days people celebrate and we call holidays like Valentines, Groundhog's Day, Halloween, All Saints Day etc.".

    Also would this make Christmas be celebrated at the start of December, or would it share a day with New Years at the start of January?

    You've mentioned this sort of thing before, so I know its' an issue you have but it's one I don't really get... I'm trying to understand why this makes sense to you, but it doesn't make any more (or less) sense to me than the system we have now.

    Edit to add: I'm not trying to knock your thing William, because after reading I realize it might seem that way. I don't think it's necessarily bad, more I'm trying to ask what you see the purpose is, as I don't get it.

  13. Jesse Cox that's sounding much better! Informally you'd have a whole "Monday year" where all the months start with Monday. It would probably be a pretty blah year. 😀
    You'd still want to account for leak years, but I think your extra day would give you wriggle room.

  14. Tevel Drinkwater

    The one downside: years that start on Sunday are very unlucky.

    (Edit — Sunday, I means Sunday)

  15. Because of all the Friday the 13th, Jesse Cox?

  16. You do lose some of the goodness if you need to shift the day the first falls on, as you need new calendars each year.
