Thursday, November 16, 2017

My god, an asshole on the radio suggested Roy Moore should step aside for the good of the reputation of evangelicals.

My god, an asshole on the radio suggested Roy Moore should step aside for the good of the reputation of evangelicals.


Roy Moore should step aside because he is a child molester. He won't, because he sees nothing wrong with molesting children.

The people of Alabama should vote for someone else, because he is a child molester. They probably won't, because he is a Republican and claims the tribe evangelical. Somehow, that is more powerful that being a child molester

What comments can go here: Saying bad things about Roy Moore. Suggesting the good people of Alabama will vote against that asshole. I'll even allow a debate on the good versus bad qualities of evangelics. Perhaps even their reputation, but, here's the thing: if you are an evangelical, you do not get to say what the reputation of evangelicals is.

To be clear: Defenses of roy moore do not go here. Like, I will auto delete and a second offense I'll just ban hammer.


  1. So my cynical self agrees with you and I thought they were going to vote for him anyway. But a poll that hit this morning shows him trailing by 9 points. Yeah, state polls are terrible and people are probably lying because they don’t want to admit that they’re voting for a child rapist, but maybe it’s accurate....

  2. Among the many reasons Roy Moore should step aside, in order to take time to correct these faults and maybe become a better person:

    (1) Because he molests children
    (2) Because he sees nothing wrong with molesting children
    (3) Because he sees nothing wrong with using his position of power to abet his other evils
    (4) Because he sees nothing wrong with trying to silence his victims through menaces
    (5) Because he thinks other people should not see anything wrong with his evil ways
    (6) Because he thinks the ten commandments should be marketed with the full force of the government
    (7) Because he thinks that as a judge he can disobey clear law when it suits him
    (8) Because he actually filed suit to say that being suspended for 7 was an infringement of his rights
    (9) Because he created a foundation to accept charity payments for him to continue trying to impose his soit-disant "morality" on everyone else
    (10) Because avowed Nazis happily contributed to said group
    (11) Because he drew more than a million dollars in "salary" from said foundation, while denying doing so
    (12) Because he still doesn't think Obama was born in America
    (13) Because he opposes the existence of preschool, citing that educated people are more likely to be liberal.
    (14) Because he rejects the idea of evolution
    (15) Because he is sufficiently devoted to the notion of Evangelical Christian Law that he drafted a bill (Constitution Restoration Act 2005) to prevent enforcement of the First Amendment unless it is upholding Christianity.
    (16) Because he stuck with this position so consistently that his nickname among political opponents is "Ayatollah of Alabama"
    (17) Because, despite being a lawyer and judge, he still thinks people are legally obligated to stand for the pledge of allegiance, and should be jailed for doing otherwise.
    (18) Because he ruled that a mother cannot see her children because of a homosexual affair.
    (19) Because he asserts that transgender people "don't have rights."
    (20) Because he deliberately sets out to instill these values in others, through deception where possible
    (21) Because, setting aside all the moral implications, he does not see why those positions would not suit him to serve a diverse constituency
    (22) Because he has no intention of actually serving a diverse constituency, and therefore could not faithfully take the oath of office.

    And then there are a few practical reasons why he should step aside:

    (23) Because he should be damn well ashamed of being in the public eye after all this crap
    (24) Because he should actively fear continued public scrutiny, and the further revelations of his evil
    (25) Because he should fear even more normalizing this sort of behavior
    (26) Because his election would show clearly that all of the above is what Alabama wants to stand for
    (27) Because his election would show clearly that all of the above is what the Republicans want to stand for
    (28) And ... yes ... because his election would show clearly that all of the above is what the Evangelical community wants to stand for.

  3. Oh, right ... (1)(a) Because he molests non-children, too, and (2)(a) Because he sees nothing wrong with molesting, abusing and harassing grown women either.

    So. Many. Reasons.

  4. Because society continues to gaslight his victims by protecting this man from consequences.

  5. Larry, so agreed. As a survivor this is what you get in this rapist society.

  6. I am not an evangelical, but I'd just like to point out that Jimmy Carter is an evangelical Christian, and Barack "not really a Muslim" Obama is a devout Christian and possibly an evangelical. He was ministered to in the White House by evangelical ministers, so...

    On the other hand, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, and the apartheid-defending Jerry Falwell have already poisoned the reputation of evangelicals pretty badly.

    Evangelicals as a group are no better or worse than anyone else, which is why I hope the evangelicals of Alabama look at the evidence and vote their conscience instead of knee-jerk voting for the guy who goes to a church like theirs.

    Also, Doug Jones seems like a pretty decent guy. He is surprisingly liberal for an Alabama politician, so I think he is still a long-shot, but I think he will make a good Senator.
