Wednesday, November 8, 2017

This is the post where I go crazy on my happness of my state's govenor's race.

This is the post where I go crazy on my happness of my state's govenor's race.

Some moments from the advertising campaign for the VA elections. Paraphrased, of course.

During the primary.
Northram: I'm a doctor. Donald Trump is a narcissistic madman.
Every other democrat: Uhhh... You go right ahead. We'll sit this one out.

Gilespe, the R who was running for the governors house: Abortion should be banned.
Dr. Ralph Northram: Uh... Did I mention I am literally an OBGYN? Abortions should be safe and available for everyone.

There was this fantastic attack ad from Northram. Went about like this:
Gillespe: Abortion should be banned.
Woman: If Ed Gillespe wants abortion banned..
other woman: then I want...
other woman: then I want..
other woman: then I want..
last woman: For Gillespe to never be govenor.

Not following through with the "Be banned"? I thought it was weak sauce, but it keeps things nice.

Gilespe: The military is great!
Northram: Son, did I mention I am a veteran of the army? Sit down.

Gilespe: Immigrants are bad!
Northram: Immigrants: They get the job done.

Gilespe: Statues of traitors need to be maintained.
Northram: Let's take them down.

Republican party: Let's call poorer democrats in northern Virgina to tell them their poll places moved. It'll be funny.
Democratic party: Let's go knock on doors and remind poorer democrats where they vote! Hit every door four times!

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